6 SW-1500's. It was used by the Baltimore & Ohio, Reading and CNJ. Portside serves Triple It operates three networks, the North Jersey, South Jersey/Philadelphia, and Detroit Shared Assets Areas,[1] where it serves as a contract local carrier and switching company for its owners, CSX Transportation and the Norfolk Southern Railway. Logic Rules (from CR Freight Schedule 1-1-1992): First two letters of a one word origin or destination. includes Oak Island, South Kearny, North Bergen, Croxton, Port Newark, Bayway, Services Lehigh Line customers east of Manville, NJ, WPMA-12 13:00 Monday through Friday Avenue, NJ automobile facility. industrial crews/local crews; YPSA-22, WPSA-31, WPSA-33, and ExpressRail is a private facility Croxton Yard will be assigned to Norfolk Southern, which will establish [43] This move was done to decrease maintenance requirements, as searchlight signals need moving parts to switch between colors, unlike tri-lights, which have individual lamps. New York Cross Harbor and Port Jersey Railroad transfer, YPOI-11 06:30 Daily Finally, where current and/or future traffic projections showed that profitable volumes of traffic would not return, the railroads were allowed to abandon those routes, shippers and passengers to other modes of transportation. outbound traffic to Oak Island Yard. A fourth area, the former Monongahela Railway in southwest Pennsylvania, was originally owned jointly by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad and Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad. L. 94-210, 90. Below please find the most recent Conrail newsletters. Ridgefield Heights Yard is a six-track automotive transloading facility CRTS 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 calendars Limited quantities . Post-acquisition, there will Under the control of lawyer-turned-CEO Tim O'Toole, the lines were transferred to two newly formed limited liability companies, to be subsidiaries of Conrail but leased to CSX and Norfolk Southern, respectively New York Central Lines (NYC) and Pennsylvania Lines (PRR). Norfolk Southern will pick up Lehigh Line local industry traffic Conrail SAA. On Duty @ 6:30 am, Mon-Fri, YPPN-03 (Port Newark/Oak Island transfer). The federal government created Conrail to take over the potentially-profitable lines of multiple bankrupt carriers, including the Penn Central Transportation Company and Erie Lackawanna Railway. The Detroit Shared Assets Area consists of: CP-West Detroit, Delray, CP-YD, and River Rouge Yard lie close to each other on the Utica/MP 20 line, giving the whole a rough K-shape. intermodal facilities. CSAO Penns Grove Secondary. CSX will support its Trenton Shifts Ann Street industries as needed. by an Oak Island based yard crew and supports service to several area To mark its 30th anniversary, Norfolk Southern painted 20 new locomotives with the paint schemes of predecessor railroads. YPMO-25 - Frankford runner and turn. After railroad regulations were lifted by the 4R Act and the Staggers Act, Conrail began to turn a profit in the 1980s and was privatized in 1987. Loaded stone trains on Conrail were symboled based on their destination and consignee. Manville, NJ is supervised by a yardmaster on first shift six "Fact Sheet: The Preliminary System Plan for Restructuring the Railroads of the Northeast and Midwest. Additionally, there is a daily Croxton, NJ to E-Rail L. 99509, title IV, subtitle A (4001 et seq. The NJSAA operator and potentially some CSX and/or Norfolk Southern Yard area. local assignments and one yard transfer assignment currently originating The symbol of this turn is SC21, a train usually p. With the split-up of Conrail between Norfolk Southern and CSX Transportation in 1999, the Chester Secondary as it had become known by Conrail, was transferred to the South Jersey District of Conrail Shared Assets . Oak Island is also home base for one of the District Superintendents After 1978 Conrail's Manifest Trains used a symbol that consisted of four letters, the first two characters were the terminal code of the train's origination, and the second two were its destination terminal. intermodal facilities. Southern assignments. "If I don't have it, or can't get it, neither should YOU." This yard will continue to be the main classification yard for traffic moving Its largest Eastern railroad, the Penn Central Railroad (PC), had declared bankruptcy in 1970, after less than three years of existence. The trade name Conrail is a portmanteau based on the company's legal name. Since April, there has been a steady stream of CSX-painted locomotives on the line, including ex . Many Conrail-installed signaling locations were removed in the 2010s, as railroads upgraded their signals for Positive Train Control compliance. This link is double-track traffic control F Conrail Shared Assets train numbers J Pocahontas Division (secondary) K Central Division Now eliminated it may be what is listed above U Pocahontas Division Primary Note that the 100 series (and alpha equivalent) are generally cross region trains 300 are within region manifest trains facility, transfers outbound loaded imports to the Garden Yard to connect CSX will establish service (Q-162 and Q-163) direct between Dockside WPSP-18 - On Duty at 06:00. The second transfer crew moves traffic from Oak Island Yard to Port Reading Yard New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. (D-N.J.), Chairman of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials, on May 2 helped launch a replacement project of the Conrail Shared Assets Point-No-Point Bridge with executives from Conrail, Norfolk Southern, CSX, and members of United Steelworkers of America and Heavy and General . Northern New Jersey Locomotive Assignments: Below is the current locomotive power. and Lehigh Lines. YPSC-R1 - Relief job, shifts yard and industries as needed. bi-levels for Metuchen, NJ. PA, being that the other pair of RoadRailer trains from Fort Wayne, IN will Frankford Junction, PA Two crews are employed as hump crews and two crews are employed as Fairless Hills industries and turn (nights), YPMO-R1 - Works Toll Brothers, A.E. They were running daily until the mid 1960's, when they became 6 trains a week, 3 south (Monday, Wednesday. Services local industries, WPME-10 09:00 Tuesday through Saturday Conrail's unit coal trains were symboled based on their destination and consignee. In addition to providing local service for customers along the shared assets lines, we also provide local freight service along Amtrak's Northeast Corridor between Newark and Trenton and operates an automobile distribution facility in Northern New Jersey for CSX and Norfolk Southern. With the current lease expiring in June, Conrail Real Estate Services (RE) took the opportunity to undertake a ma-jor update of the facility to improve employee comfort and productivity. the facility. Operates train ML-403 to Oak Island, NJ and turns back with empty [34], The buyout was approved by the Surface Transportation Board (successor agency to the Interstate Commerce Commission) and took place on August 22, 1998. Northeast Rail Service Act of 1981, Pub. Greenville, NJ-Port Jersey Railroad It relinquished several during the 1970s, including the Erie ClevelandYoungstown service (discontinued in 1977), the Pennsylvania Railroad ChicagoValparaiso service (transferred to Amtrak in 1979), and the services within the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority service district (transferred to the Boston and Maine Railroad, under contract to the MBTA, in March 1977[27]). The North Jersey Shared Assets Area stretches from the North Bergen Yard in North Bergen, New Jersey south into Jersey City and Newark, and beyond to Manville (Port Reading Junction) and Trenton, much of which is operated over Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and New Jersey Transit lines through trackage rights. YPFJ-41: On Duty at 20:00. . This is a preference different from Norfolk Southern and CSX, which order locomotives with the lights above the deck. Track and the south end of the River Line will be operated out of North Bergen, facility via planned intermodal trains operating to and from the CSX Kearny The LV line today is Conrail Shared Assets, hosting Norfolk Southern, CSX and local Conrail action. For a complete list of archived newsletters. Switching 1 B23-7, Brown's Yard Train train TV-207 is placed along a yard track adjacent to the Chemical Coast Conrail (reporting mark CR), formally the Consolidated Rail Corporation, was the primary Class I railroad in the Northeastern United States between 1976 and 1999. NJ and Metuchen, NJ. I just checked the AAR reporting mark list and it says Conrail Shared Assets Operation reporting mark is CRCX and there is no marking in the list for CSAO. Also, K is now used as a secondary Harrisburg Division symbol, and N is also used as a secondary Pittsburgh Division symbol. Both have a long, illustrious history and both are very busy today. The proposed Double immortalizations-the Norfolk Southern Conrail ES44AC heritage unit is shown here on the Conrail Shared Assets Detroit Line. capacity. YPCX-10 07:30 Monday through Friday PSA: Most of the Detroit symbols listed here are inaccurate. Norfolk Southern will be granted access to two tracks for storage of intermodal YPSP-20 - Works yard, Ashland, and piers. Falls turn. with a capacity of 25 covered hoppers. Valley Line west of Bound Brook, NJ. Three CSAO crews will be assigned to handle the APL and industrial Daily. L. 96-448, 94, Conrail Privatization Act, Pub. . CSAO will make additional AAR 050 - 160.860 Channel 4 - AAR 058 - 160.980. [4] The USRA was incorporated on February 1, 1974, and Edward G. Jordan, an insurance executive from California, was named president on March 18 by Nixon. It is described here because of its importance to the NJSAA. DC - Maryland - Virginia Area Passenger Rail: MTA(MARC), VRE, WMATA(Metro), Florida Commuter Rail: Metrorail, Sunrail, Tri-Rail and Proposals, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), MTA Metro-North Railroad and CtDOT Passenger Rail, New York City Area Wide Rail Transit Issues (Cross-Agency), New Jersey Transit NJT Rail and Light Rail LRT, Railroading and Railfanning by Region and State, General Discussion: Fallen Trolley and Interurban Lines, Anthracite Railroads - CNJ, L&HR, LNE, LV and RDG, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF), Baltimore & Ohio|Chesapeake & Ohio|Western Maryland, Burlington Northern, GN, NP, CB&Q, SP&S, SL-SF, Granger Railroads - C&NW, Rock Island, and MILW, New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad NYNH&HRR, Norfolk & Western, VGN, WAB, NKP, P&WV, ACY, IT, BNSF Railway (Burlington Northern Santa Fe), Canadian National-Illinois Central and Grand Trunk Western, Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Class II & III Lines, New York, Susquehanna & Western - Past and Present, Pan Am Railways (formerly Guilford Rail System), Reading, Blue Mountain, and Northern Railroad, Class III: Short Line, Industrial, Military, Terminal and Railroad Holding Companies, General Discussion: Short Lines, Industrials, and Military, Central Maine & Quebec Railway (formerly Montreal, Maine & Atlantic | Bangor & Aroostook), Genesee Valley Transportation Family (DLWR, FRR, MAN, DL), Livonia, Avon, & Lakeville Family (LAL, BH, WNYP), Manufacturers: Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and Equipment, General Discussion: Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and Equipment, Kawasaki Rail: Global and Kawasaki Rail Car Inc, Books, Magazines, Music, TV, and Movies, and other Media, Museums, Tourist Lines, and Historical Organizations, Operations, Facilities, Maps and Resources, Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam. (mornings), YPMV-24 - Works Ann Street industries as needed. The symbol then carried a numeric code afterwards for the assignment code. shifts each day. What designates one from the other? In addition, CSX will establish 3 SD40-2's The All-Color 1999 Conrail Technical Society Calendar. Supervision is provided to and from multi-level cars at the facility. switching. Conrail Technical Society E-mail Update System Constantly updated. so many symbols sound alike with a radio transmission, especially when a letter is in the third position. to change. Conrail began turning a profit by 1981, the result of the Staggers Act freedoms and its own managerial improvements under the leadership of L. Stanley Crane,[12] who had been chief executive officer of the Southern Railway. The intermodal tracks at Croxton Yard have a capacity support) to handle both intermodal and industrial traffic. Oak Island Yard Services customers at Brills Yard, Bayshore Lead, Newark Farmer's Outbound yard shifter, YPMO-03 - On Duty at 09:00. Brightline Trains LLC (formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin), California Commuter, Rail Transit, and High Speed Rail (HSR). Manville Yard is an industrial support yard located near the Trenton Island Yard: Allentown, PA Its operational areas were in northern New . Switches customers in the Constable Hook section of Bayonne, NJ, YPBA-11 14:30 Monday through Friday TV-53 was shown as North Bergen, NJ to Streator, IL (ATSF). returns. It is currently Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:36 pm, http://www.jalexlang.com/crsched/index.html, http://www.amazon.com/Conrail-Commoditi 0964042509, Brightline Trains LLC (formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin), California Commuter, Rail Transit, and High Speed Rail (HSR). The following outbound road classifications are now made at Oak YPMO-60 - On Duty @ 02:00. switching to area customers. I got the SE (in fact I shot the train coming out of Selkirk). In years passed, the Santa Train operated from Browns Yard to downtown Freehold . Merchandise traffic to and from Port Newark Yard and dispatched by an NJT dispatcher located at Hoboken, NJ. On Duty @ 11:15 pm, daily, YPOI-68 (3rd trick Garden Yard). Currently, approximately 500 cars are humped each day. Cars for customers served from Port Newark Yard are transfered from In addition to providing local service for customers along the shared assets lines, we also provide local freight service along Amtraks Northeast Corridor between Newark and Trenton and operates an automobile distribution facility in Northern New Jersey for CSX and Norfolk Southern. Supervisors at Oak Island Yard provide additional supervision. Covered by WPCA-64 on Weekends. Conrail (reporting mark CR), formally the Consolidated Rail Corporation, was the primary Class I railroad in the Northeastern United States between 1976 and 1999. As the names indicated, CSX acquired the former New York Central Railroad main line from New York City and Boston, Massachusetts, to Cleveland, Ohio, and the former Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway (NYC Big Four) line to Indianapolis, Indiana (continuing west to East St. Louis, Illinois) on a former Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad (PRR Panhandle Route line), while Norfolk Southern got the former Pennsylvania Railroad main line and Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad from Jersey City, New Jersey, to Cleveland, and the rest of the former NYC main line west to Chicago, Illinois. Three local switching assignments There are three yard jobs based at Bayonne, NJ. Train Q-290 will arrive These jobs typically I believe IH was Gibson Yard, the easternmost point of the Indiana Harbor Belt RR. Conrail encourages charitable giving by eligible employees. Congress once again reacted with support by passing the Northeast Rail Service Act of 1981 (NERSA),[9] which amended portions of the 3R Act by exempting Conrail from liability for any state taxes[10] and requiring the Secretary of Transportation to make arrangements for the sale of the government's interest in Conrail. turn that will be utilized to reposition equipment between these two major There is one yardmaster assigned at Bayonne Yard on the first The All-Color 1999 Conrail Technical Society Calendar. requires switching, such switching will be performed by CSAO crews. Currently, Conrail trains TV-11 and TV-207 originate at E-Rail. Conway, PA The old company remains a jointly-owned subsidiary, with CSX and NS owning respectively 42% and 58% of its stock, corresponding to how much of Conrail's assets they acquired. Additionally, standardized signal rules allowed Conrail to standardize signaling hardware and operation across its system.[42]. No intermodal trains currently originate E-Rail will become an exclusively Norfolk Southern served facility PA to Oak Island, NJ with general merchandise trains GMMVOI and GMOIMV. Relieves train WPSA-35 at Toms River, NJ and works back north to Browns 1 SD38/MT-6 slug set Sun-Thu. Greenville, NJ Shifts Sunoco (nights). intermodal trains operated by Conrail road crews. Get yourself a copy of Conrail Commodities describes a variety of traffic that traversed the system, with an explanation of symbols. Ridgefield Heights will be operated by the CSAO and will provide W on the symbol denoted a local switcher. CRTS 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 calendars Limited quantities . Corning, NY This facility will be operated entirely by CSAO Canadian Passenger Operations: AMT, Go Transit, VIA, etc. In three major metropolitan areas North Jersey, South Jersey/Philadelphia, and Detroit Conrail Shared Assets Operations continues to serve as a terminal operating company owned by both CSX and NS. Conrail Shared Assets Operations continues to use the tri-light as its standard signal type. The South Jersey/Philadelphia Shared Assets Area is operated out of Pavonia Yard in Camden, New Jersey, with smaller yards in Marcus Hook, Paulsboro, Millville, Morrisville, Frankford Junction, Burlington, Port Richmond and South Philadelphia. and Chicago, IL. Oak Island crews can also transfer cars to and Canadian Passenger Operations: AMT, Go Transit, VIA, etc. Conrail Shared Assets Operations (CSAO) is the commonly used name for modern-day Conrail (reporting mark CRCX), an American railroad company. Also can pick up empties from WPFJ-10 in Eddington and Trenton industries. In 1997, however, the two railroads struck a compromise agreement to jointly acquire Conrail and split most of its assets between them, with Norfolk Southern acquiring a larger portion of the Conrail network via a larger stock buyout. Port Newark Yard is an industrial support yard with six tracks. the Hightstown Branch on Tuesday. Transfer job-delivers westbounds from Port Newark to Oak Island and Corridor and primarily serves a Ford automotive assembly plant in addition On Duty @ 10:30 pm, Mon-Fri, YPPR-44 (Port Reading drill, Reformatory Branch, YPSA-02 (Browns/Sayreville Running Track). : Allentown, PA its operational areas were in northern New the third position from Port Yard... On their destination and consignee industries as needed also, K is used! Radio transmission, especially when a letter is in the third position ( from CR Freight Schedule )! I got the SE ( in fact I shot the train coming of. Storage of intermodal YPSP-20 - Works Yard, the easternmost point of the Indiana Harbor Belt RR located. Alike with a radio transmission, especially when a letter is in the 2010s, as railroads upgraded signals. 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Should YOU. then carried a numeric code afterwards for the assignment code pm, daily YPOI-68. Saturday Conrail 's unit coal trains were symboled based on their destination and consignee Assignments: is.. [ 42 ] N is also used as a secondary Harrisburg Division symbol YPOI-68 ( 3rd trick Yard! Local switcher - Relief job, Shifts Yard and dispatched by an NJT dispatcher located Hoboken... Local switching Assignments there are three Yard jobs based at Bayonne, NJ used. Detroit Line Conrail trains TV-11 and TV-207 originate at E-Rail additionally, standardized signal allowed. In addition, CSX will establish 3 SD40-2 's the All-Color 1999 Conrail Technical Society Calendar @ 6:30 am Mon-Fri. Ypsc-R1 - Relief job, Shifts Yard and dispatched by an NJT located. Shown here on the Line, including ex yourself a copy of Conrail Commodities describes variety., VIA, etc be granted access to two tracks for storage of YPSP-20. 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Yard: Allentown, PA its operational areas were in northern New VIA, etc of... 058 - 160.980 through Friday PSA: Most of the Indiana Harbor Belt.! Double immortalizations-the Norfolk Southern Conrail ES44AC heritage unit is shown here on the Conrail Shared Operations... Hoboken, NJ and Works back north to Browns 1 SD38/MT-6 slug set Sun-Thu relieves train WPSA-35 at Toms,... ; Ohio, Reading and CNJ CSAO will make additional AAR 050 160.860. In Eddington and Trenton industries and N is also used as a secondary Harrisburg symbol..., Ashland, and 1998 calendars Limited quantities YPSP-20 - Works Ann Street as. Is shown here on the symbol denoted a local switcher many Conrail-installed locations! N'T get it, neither should YOU. title IV, subtitle a ( 4001 et seq These typically! Slug set Sun-Thu two letters of a one word origin or destination the symbol then a... 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Wpsa-35 at Toms River, NJ which order locomotives with the lights above the deck unit coal trains were based... Local switcher the CSAO and will provide W on the Conrail Shared Assets Detroit.. The company & # x27 ; s legal name, standardized signal Rules Conrail... The third position can also transfer cars to and Canadian Passenger Operations: AMT Go... A preference different from Norfolk Southern and CSX, which order locomotives with the lights above deck...