Beeler, Chelsea. It is often believed in Germany that lighting a cigarette with a candle kills a sailor, although the origins of this lie so far back that most people dont really know why. Its thought that this will lead to a ship capsizing. So to help you ward off evil spirits and reap good fortune from seemingly serendipitous situations wherever you happen to be, here are 10 absurd superstitions from around the world. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. In either case, having a lucky cigarette in your pack has since become a universal superstition. The beetle actually makes this noise to communicate and attract a mate. As a result,people are strongly advised against chewing gum after dark in Turkey. If you use the right technique, lighting a cigarette is easy and can look natural. It's apparently even luckier to find a penny stamped with the year of your birth or anniversary. Germans consider it good luck to break something made of ceramic or porcelain, especially on ones wedding day. Breaking something ceramic, glass or porcelain might be a reason to apologise in many countries, but not in Germany. People in the US often use the phrase "knock on wood" to ward off bad luck, although this superstition is said to have originated in Europe. If you step on it with your left foot, theres good fortune in store for you. You can, of course, be creative and get them something else for their home, but be sure to cross knives off your list. It may stem from the idea thatputting money on the ground the lowest point could lookcareless or disrespectful. Its easy enough to avoid a superstitious catastrophe when youre at home and know all about the culture and folklore, but what about when youre outside your native country? 6. Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany) Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. Although there are several explanations, the most popular is that the bread represents the body of Christ, and as such needs to be treated with respect. So the last thing you want is to encourage bad luck as well. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Some even believe that theyre sent to deliver curses. Bathing in that water seems to be OK, though; according to the ministry, "People, who bath[e] under the moonlight and in shadow, will shine as bright as the moon. [00:00:49] This superstition was known as three on a match. If you value your friendship with a French buddy, never offer them a knife as a gift. They even have a saying: Schwarze Katze von rechts nach links, Glck bringts" (Black cat from right to left brings luck). This superstition was in author Harry Olivers book, Black Cats and Four Leaf Clovers. "13 Most Common Superstitions and Their Origins." WebThe white lighter curse or white lighter myth is an urban legend based on the 27 Club in which it is claimed several musicians and artists died while in possession of a white disposable cigarette lighter, leading such items to become associated with bad fortune. It originates from World War I, the soldiers believed that if three of them lit their cigarettes on the same match, then one of them would end up dead or the third one on the match would end up getting shot. Every country has at least a couple of weird wedding traditions and superstitions that have gone on so long that we dont even question them anymore. 8 June 2015. You have been careless about what you are saying or sharing with others. Smoking cigarettes has been a popular pastime among troops since the very first line formed at the armory. It originates from World War I, the soldiers believed that if three of them lit their cigarettes on the same match, then one of them would end up dead or the third one on the match would end up getting shot. Bonne chance! It might not seem unlucky. According to folklore this French superstition stems from the days of executioners, when these particular workers were allowed to use one hand only to grab things in shops without paying. If you want to know which French bread is which, check out our list of popular French breads. May be you are having difficulties trusting your own judgment and decisions. WebThe superstition goes that if three soldiers lit their cigarettes from the same match, one of the three would be killed or that the man who was third on the match would be shot. According to several Web sources, in times of yore, in those lean months of winter, sailors and fishermen would be forced to supplement their incomes through the sale of matches. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. Were talking about the actual process of making combustible matches, not the type of matchmaking your Aunt Shirley tries to do when she tells you about that interesting person she met at the market. On New Years Eve in Spain, instead of kissing someone, you can get yourself some guaranteed good luck by eating 12 grapes within the first 12 seconds of the clock striking midnight. P.S. People in Spain traditionally eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve to bring luck for each month of the coming year. Thankfully, Germans have certain seemingly strange gift-giving superstitions and rules that might narrow down the options a tiny bit. Icelandic authorities and managers have even gone so far as to alter plans for building projects in order to prevent damaging the rocks where hulduflk are believed to live. Kiran Yasmin So, bakers would leave a loaf of bread upside down for them. They had a fear of cats as they were not at the top of the food chain; therefore the distrust of cats was originated. Black cats were believed to be incarnations of the Devil. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. Click here for FREE postage on your first order over $20. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that over the years, this tradition has intertwined itself with a number of odd superstitions and practices. To forestall this upcoming calamity some people would bow or take of their hats when a crow appeared around them. It might not seem unlucky. However, there is one condition behind the act of giving flowers; you must give an odd number of flowers. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Its said the gooey excrement might even bring you riches. "Schwarze Katze von links nach rechts, was Schlechts. (Black cat from left to right brings bad luck). Walking through the triangle is considered an insult to the Trinity which attracts the Devils attention. But if Im going to have stinky shoes Id rather they be accompanied by good fortune. The common phrase for lighting three cigarettes with one match is "three on a match." They believe that the soup will cause the information to slip out of your head. When the war ended in 1918, many of the men who fought in the war came back to the America and shared this superstition they had when out in the battlefield to their families and friends who were also smokers and I believe that this is one of the reasons it caught on initially and still carries on today, even if people do not know why they say it. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. 2015. WebIf three soldiers were smoking cigarettes during the dark hours of the night then superstition held that one of them was going to die. by Supposedly, seeing or hearing one of these birds hoot is bad news: It could mean anything from bad luck to poor health to death. Giving flowers as a gift is a popular tradition all over the globe, although in Russia, it is important to keep the symbolic meaning behind certain flowers in mind. This was most likely the source of the superstition that clocks will stop dead at the same time their owner dies. Here is a guide to some of Germanys strangestsuperstitious beliefs (Aberglaube), and the reasoning behind them after all, you never know when they might come in handy! The common explanation is that sailors used to supplement their income by selling matches, so bypassing the match step took money away from a sailor. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, MIGHTY NETWORKS, 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Springfield Hellion: The Croatian Sensation, For Soldiers Like Me, Cigarettes and War Are Inseparable. Remember, eye contact is an absolute must in such scenarios, because otherwise youll be cursed with bad sex for seven years not something youd want to risk. However, remember to steer clear of mirrors. You have been warned. Even before anti-smoking campaigns advertised the health risks of cigarettes, a superstition claimed that smoking could endanger one-in three people if a single match was used to light all three cigarettes. The bride and groom sit down on their marriage bed, while the bridesmaids and groomsmen turn around, slip off their socks and stockings, and fling them in the direction of the newlyweds. Since then, it has been considered bad luckfor three people to share a light from the same match. According to Greek mythology, spirits of the dead would often drink from the river Lethe, which is named for the goddess of forgetfulness. People in Spain traditionally eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve to bring luck for each month of the coming year. The way to remedy this is by putting sugar on the spilled salt and/or pepper, and leaving it there until its cleaned up. Another superstition is that those who laugh or sing before breakfast will cry before dinner. Youve probably come across some strange superstitions in your life no matter where in the world you may have been. Dec. 19, 2007. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. Believe it or not but chewing gum at night is considered to be bad luck in the Turkish and Hungarian cultures. Owls are often considered as wise due to it being the symbol for Athena, the Ancient Greek goddess of Wisdom. Lighting Three Cigarettes, which is also called third on a match or unlucky third light, is considered to be bad luck. While shards of porcelain may bring good luck, shards of a mirror are said to cost you seven years of bad luck! That way, if a troop had to drop the cigarette for any reason, the enemy couldnt quickly determine the country of origin any identifying mark was quickly turned to ash. It might not seem unlucky. It originates from World War I, the soldiers believed that if three of them lit their cigarettes on the same match, then one of them would end up dead or the third one on the match would end up getting shot. Even if your breath stinks after a hearty dinner, its really not advised to chew a gum. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. Some people in France think that stepping on doggie doo can have a big impact on your luck. It is a common Serbian superstition to believe that spilling water behind someone will bring them good luck. Its also believed that if the weather showed that it would rain on a specific day and you took your umbrella with you, then it will not rain. French sailors have proved to be a feisty bunch over the years. However if its the right, youre doomed. Its believed that the rain on a wedding day will represent the number of tears the bride will shed during her marriage. Giving one rose is saying Youre everything I have and giving 5 flowers means I love you. Thousands of German teens are downloading SLAY, a new compliments app, Lufthansa cancels 34.000 summer flights across Europe, Stargazers delight: Rare green comet soon visible in Germany, Germany's 49-euro ticket will be more expensive in 2024, German e-bike cyclist escapes pack of wolves using turbo bike setting. 2015. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. A final, and a bit more sinister, theory involves one Ivar Kreuger, also known as The Match King. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. You must counteract this by first accepting a coin from them as payment. Since then, it has been considered bad luckfor three people to share a light from the same match. French wives should never iron their husbands underpants while wearing a belt it will lead to him suffering kidney pain. Similarly, people in China commonly use the phrase that translates to "a purse on the floor is money out the door," to warn against not valuing wealth. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Economist. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. Travel Away, March 6, 2012. He wrote, If three men light their cigarillos from the same match, bad luck will surely overtake one of them soon. Cats. A common superstition is that a person will die in their sleep if they have a dream where they are falling and fail to wake before they hit the ground. On the other hand, crossing two fingers- a sign many of us associate with good luck - is something Germans do behind their backs when they lie. Usually found in buildings boring into wooden furniture and structures, the Death Watch Beetle received its name from the belief that the tapping sound it generated in the house predicted a death in the family. keep lighting your cigarettes backward Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. Trs intressant. Despite other superstitions, giving 13 roses to a woman in Russia is actually considered good luck and better than sending 12 roses. If you have lots of sons and are desperate for a girl then its a good idea to head down to the local aviary to get a glimpse of an owl. Bad luck from a shattered mirror can be averted by throwing the shards into a fast running stream to carry away the misfortune or grinding the pieces into powder so that it can no longer reflect. We often look at college students as punk kids, lazy frat guys or any other kind of social stereotype. But in France, to bring you luck it must be turned the other way, so that the luck pours down over you. The Ancient Romans linked owls to evil forces due to their nocturnal nature. This French superstition is believed to have come from the Last Supper, where Judas Iscariot, one of the thirteen diners, was a traitor. There are many superstitions about cats in France. Superstitions are widely considered to be irrational beliefs and practices that are inconsistent with the laws of science. But these strange beliefs are not limited to stray black cats, and sometimes even extend to one's own pets. Proposed reasons for the superstition range from the practicalities of wielding sharp things near your hand at night, to concern that separating a nail in the darkness could attract spirits. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. However, in the middle ages, a black cat was a sign that death was coming. WebIf three soldiers were smoking cigarettes during the dark hours of the night then superstition held that one of them was going to die. One of the origins of this phrase comes all the way form World War I. If you walk by a graveyard or a hearse passes you on the street in Japan, you need to tuck your thumbs into your pockets in order to keep your parents safe. This tradition comes from the Ancient Greeks, who toasted their dead by raising a glass of water. That last minute rush to buy someone a present weve all been there. In many countries people keep mirrors covered in rooms where people are dying in fear that seeing their own reflection at the time of the persons death will doom them to die in the near future. (anomaly + alien) is one of the most popular websites with the latest breaking news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and all the unexplained and paranormal since 2013. Its believed that those fighting either in Europe or the Pacific would flip every cigarette in the pack except for one. The crow reported to Apollo that his love, a nymph named Coronis was unfaithful. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Debra Ronca If wallets arent your thing, you might look for something else, but beware of getting shoes, especially for your lover. Keep reading for 20 superstitious beliefs from around the globeand the storiesbehind them. It will start a fight. In fact, it seems downright practical. Some versions of this superstition warn of just general unluckiness, while others say that a child whose nails are cut before 6 months of age will become a thief. Not because night time fresh breath is frowned upon there, but because, according to the Turks, its not even chewing gum anymoreits been transformed into the rotting flesh of dead people. if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. A bird dropping a poop on your head or your body while walking around is considered to be a sign of good luck. As the story goes, these magical creatures really hate construction sites. In other countries, rain is considered to be bad luck. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. Eating seaweed soup on the day or the night before your big exam is considered to be bad luck in Korea. The unluckiness of Tuesday is also present in several Latin American cultures, to the point that in some South American countries the movie Friday the 13th was Martes 13, or Tuesday the 13th. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack. In Germany however, the way to wish someone luck is by pressing your thumbs to the inside of your hand (Daumendrcken). WebSuperstitions vary from culture to culture all over the world. However, if you step on it with your right foot, youve got bad luck and misfortune ahead. However, some people have also offered up the theory that men created this superstition so they could have more meat to themselves. By securing a monopoly on match production, he became outrageously rich and powerful. There are conflicting beliefs in regards to cats on whether they represent good or bad luck. It is often believed in Germany that lighting a cigarette with a candle kills a sailor, although the origins of this lie so far back that most people dont really know why. Lovelorn travelers can visitthe Casa di Giulietta, the 14th century home turned museum that is said to have inspired Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," and leave their lettersfor Juliet. The theory goes that Kruegar made up this superstition and then got it to spread among the smoking community as a way for people to use more matches which allows him to sell more matches and make more money. So, if you want to share in this good luck and keep evil at bay, dont be afraid to break a plate or two. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your personal data will only be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. WebLighting a cigarette backwards dream represents surrender. Today, a group of volunteerscalled the Juliet Club actually responds to the letters from Juliet's persona, carrying on the old tradition of asking the classic Shakespeare character for advice. Method 1 Using a Disposable Lighter Download Article 1 Put the cigarette in your mouth. 1. Everyone knows that breaking a mirror gives youseven years of bad luck, and that if you step on a crack youll break your mothers back. Germany is not exempt of these. Hands with their thumb up indicated that the gladiator would be executed, whereas hands with hidden thumbs meant they were to live certainly an indication of good luck! June 9, 2012. Kreuger, a shrewd (and some say deceitful) businessman, bought many matchmaking factories in the early 1920s and consolidated them. Here is a selection of articles, news and features you may also like. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Economist. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. Because, in the old days, prostitutes would put keys on tables in public areas to attract clients. keep lighting your cigarettes backward Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. A New Zealand superstition held that hearing a Kreke (marsh crake) over your right shoulder was good luck, but over your left shoulder would lead to having a crook trotold New Zealand/Australian slang for bad luck, In general it's thought to bring misfortune, but one German interviewed for a TV segment gave more colorful consequences for wishing someone an early happy birthday: "My grandma always said you'd have blue children.". We could save hours of time and get on with life. Same goes for cloths used for general house cleaning. (Jan. 6, 2015), Corneanu, Miruna. In either case, having a lucky cigarette in your pack has since become a universal superstition. A common superstition is that if thirteen people dine together, the first to rise will die within the year. The event was interrupted by the arrival of a thirteenth guest, Loki the trickster and fire god, who fired a mistletoe arrow at Baldr, the god of joy and gladness. If you do, this indicates you are inviting famine into the household. Who is ironing their husbands underpants? You dont want to upset the French on your travels to France .. or bring bad luck on your French friends and colleagues, so here are thirteen French superstitions to be aware of. Superstition is an irrational belief in the supernatural that lead to either good or bad luck. Firstly, if you light a prayer candle in a church always do it from a match or a lighter and never from another candle. You know how seriously the French take their bread! Lighting three cigarettes with the same match is bad luck. People who happened to be religious who also smoked more likely than not shared this belief with the people that they smoked with and this is how it spread around the smoking community. if your cigarette keeps running (burning on one side and not the other) it means someone is thinking of how much they love youheard this one from several people in the Southeast. The exact origin of this morbid superstition is unclear, althoughour guess is that most people would rather not risk it. If you do get near one and are in need of a change of fortune, then try and get your hands on his beret and give the little bobble at the top a gentle rub. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. It might not seem unlucky. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. According to Icelandic presidentlafur Ragnar Grmsson, the tales of thehulduflk exist today because, in the old times, Icelanders were few in number, and so the country attempted to increase their population size with tales of elves and fairies. "10 Absurd Superstitions From Around The World" To prevent their soul from being trapped in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, some people also keep these covered before death or going to sleep. So, by wishing someone a happy birthday before their actual birthday, you are assuming something that has no guarantee of occurring, and thus inviting bad luck with open arms do you really want to risk that? In some countries it has to be in a U shape in order to keep the luck inside. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. The third person who has their ciggie lit is easily shot, or so the tale goes. Instead of counting down to the new year and clinking Champagne flutes, Spaniards traditionally stuff 12 grapes into their mouthsat the stroke of midnight. Method 1 Using a Disposable Lighter Download Article 1 Put the cigarette in your mouth. WebSuperstitions vary from culture to culture all over the world. IN SOME PARTS OF EUROPE, LIGHTING A CIGARETTE FROM A CANDLE IS BAD NEWS FOR SAILORS. This made him rich and powerful to the point where he could spread an entire superstition without question from those he told it to, probably the matchmakers and smokers themselves. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whoever succeeds in hitting one of their faces will be the next to marry so practice your backward-throwing skills the next time you attend a German wedding! (Jan. 6, 2015), The Phrase Finder. I cant see how stepping in dog doo-doo can ever be a good thing, but many French believe that stepping in dog poo with your left foot brings you a slice of good luck. Bottom line, if you are in Egypt, you'd better be careful with scissors. 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