2. Are intuitives really generally smarter tham sensors or just more interested in the unconventional and hypothetical = higher crystalized intelligence? That doesnt help towards storing information but they normally know what to say in all situations, they are lovely people and they can use their charm and innocence to get them forward, despite not have anything at-all that resembles an analytical mind. (I also have to point out statistics. 99% of what humans do based on logic fails. Oddly, ISTJs comprise the second highest MBTI type among geniuses, so Im not sure I would say IQ tests are favorable to intuitives over sensors. I think P's have a slight edge here as they are influencing at a more esoteric level before the influence perverts itself to the physical level with errors. Anyways in my experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be the smartest. Like you've said in an earlier comment, one fine day a person shows up, reads your article, says 'I never really thought about it like that before', and DOES AN ACTUAL STUDY! Your ability to cognitively abstract the types beyond the stereotypes that are presented to you despite knowing about the theory behind the letter code, shows that one can indeed be dumb and still be a supposed N, lol. Now for my two cents: in contrast to traditional "intelligence", I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence. However thanks for this interesting article. To another it may be mechanical. They are organizing emotion in a way and using it as a different means for pulling data. Very well said, you really hit on a lot of great points here. That's what I got from the video(s) which I've seen many times. Get over yourself. 'Intuitive' models so to say.However sensory types are certainly more intelligent than intuitive types in say Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence or musical intelligence.I would see SPs leading in such.In addition to that, I have seen other types excelling in mathematical/Abstract phenomena so there are always outliers.Such include ESFJ and ISTP. There is a reason the scientific method is used, it gives the most accurate model of reality and truth because a scientist is willing to factor in every scrap of evidence that supports AND negates his theory to develop the most accurate theory. Assessing someone's Myers-Briggs personality type requires examining them on four facets: Introverted vs. Extroverted, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. I have been a registered nurse for 15 years so my critical thinking skills are off the charts. I think intelligence is just a tool for learning knowledge. Personality types are simple outlines that help us understand each other, but they dont define us as individuals. I put them higher than the INFJ because I feel like their mind is more open to new things. Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". Very few who lead with those functions are open to new ideas and aren't able to arrive to a conclusion that doesn't jive with their personal beliefs. Great article. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. They are pretty sensible people when it comes to how people should live their lives and have a good grasp on right and wrong concepts. Further, there are actually lots of non-human animals with extraordinary logical reasoning capabilities. Quinton, why is it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of cognitive functions? So the short version of this comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a tie for #1 along with INTJ. 4. the way people learn and develop their preferences evolve over time as they gain insight and "polish" their "cognitive processes/preferences". I am an INTJ myself, and I have a friend who is an INTP. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. Fair enough. Both will reach very similar conclusions but from different angles. Ti is very smart due to high logic. ISTJs are driven to create and maintain order within a system. INFJs are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. Is there a secret INTW type they don't tell us about that has all the smarties? But then again, there are exceptions and there sure are people with othet MBTI letters with IQ 130 plus. You sound like a typical ISTJ, no offence. They value hard work, continuing until a task is completed, regardless of the time. Not everyone wants influence, but most people want contentment. Feeling, and Judging vs. For example, INTJs lead with Ni and they have weaknesses in Se; INTPs leas with Ti and they have weaknesses in Fe. I am of the opinion that N's are smarter than S's. Honestly, we don't really know how Donna is so smart. PS - you do realize that often one question separates an n type from an s type. I wouldnt have guessed that just by sheer number ENFPs are more likely to have higher IQs. On that note, for T/F I would argue that the highest aptitude for intelligence will be found somewhere in the middle. Go on, I dare you. Socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, arguably to of the most intelligent individuals to ever walk the planet. e.g. 16. Fe is a very good function and there social skills are amazing and enfjs are the most charismatic humans. ), you will find that they are mostly all introverted intuitive thinkers, with some feelers and with equal J/P. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. LOL. Virginity and tool making makes intj smarter. How would you objectively rate intelligence? Thats very interesting. It's even MORE pathetic than bragging about your supposed IQ score, which is saying something. I'm an INTP and my IQ is 160 ( 17 years old). It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. But I know I'm on to something. And I forgive you for having answered so late. How smart someone is can be quite subjective, and people can be more intelligent than others in different areas. This is a tricky one because they both have pros and cons. First off im intj. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. A score between 30 and 80 is considered normal. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. They really tell the same exact story. The reliability of MBTI is still being debated. I am of the opinion that INTJs and INTPs are roughly equal when it comes to intelligence. This is a different spin on smarts, but they're the invaluable people you want around when you're trying to put that complex furniture from IKEA together. I's derive their energy from the universe. Do not think you are a genius because you are an INTJ. 16. I would put the smart P's and the smart J's pretty much in the same boat. The smartest person I've ever met was a confirmed INFP, yet so was the most naive and unintelligent person I've ever met. And how about J's and P's? - ExxJ: Most Manipulative/Leadership Smart. "They live to learn, they keep things factual," Robledo says. With personality types, as with everything in life, balance is essential. These traits are most common among women. I personally also believes that society conditions people to be sensors. I'm an INFP, so I don't want you to think I'm conceited when I say N's steal the field in theoretical intelligence, which is great for big picture thinking, but S's have an advantage in here-and-now pragmatism. Who is the smartest in the class? As everyone is, for that matter. For example, if an ISFP grows up and his parents expose him to math, theory, and information a lot and it almost begins to be a family bonding thing, the kid will be much more analytical and display himself as an INTJ/INTP/ISTP to the outer world. No matter your personality type, you may still likely be of average intelligence. ENTP's tend to have the best social skills. Being a proficient writer of fiction requires an adept utilization of symbolism, foreshadowing, use of metaphors and similes, etc., in addition to a great sense of imagination. So how close is the ENT to the INT? ISFP- I put them higher than the others because like many others they have a certain emotional intelligence for visual design. that is why they often do better on these exams - Not because of being smarter but because they are great "guessers". Although they have the Ni as their secondary function which means they are constantly thinking. The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); They could solve any physical thing very quickly. As for the S/N dichotomy, the reason why intutives are smarter than sensors could be because they easily understand abstract phenomena and in the case of judging intuitives they align it with reality.Its like they create models of reality. We carry out what the "background philosophers" dream about. The letters (traits) are nothing but to help the definition of the cognitive functions which are divided into Judging functions (Thinking extra/intro, Feeling extra/intro) and Perceiving functions (Intuition extra/intro, Sensing extra/intro). Bias is inevitable in the modern world. They have no time for analysing whatsoever, they are fashionable and fun and like to party but cannot for the life of them work anything out. They also handle numbers easily. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. I am an INTJ-T on most days and an INFP-A on random others. But unlike ISFJs, they appear to be smarter on the outside. I will point out that S types are probably more likely to succeed at an average intelligence or lower, around less than genius range at least, because they take better care of themselves, thus allowing them to be more physically stable, whereas the N types get caried away with dreams if they aren't intelligent enough to be as realistic as S types. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. As an INFP this is the first time I've ever heard a real appreciation for the perceiving types. So, if anything, going by your "logic" P would be the second-most important factor in "determining" intelligence, not the least. } else { ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists and consummate organizers thriving on details. Most coordinated We even give awards and titles, such as Valadectorian and Suma Cum Laude. 13 Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him, 109 Best Appreciation Messages To Show Gratitude, The Ultimate Love List: 365 Reasons Why I Love You, 11 Effective Exercises For Letting Go Of Resentment, Letter to Your Daughter: 13 Heartfelt Sentiments to Consider, 13 Best Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Grown Child, 147 Powerful Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day. So the answer is is EXTJ and IxTP when it comes to scientific smartness. They just want security. There are probably loads of them that could make the world a better place, but no one will listen because they are too logical and not in touch with "feelings". ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. Plus your dry humor doesn't hurt. INTJ They are good at being in charge and understanding institutions, they are also brainboxes, storing so much factual evidence. INTPs have a reputation for being the "oddball" personality type. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. INTJs are logical; INTPs are theoretical. ESTJs are the eleventh most intelligent personality type. But I'd say Istp can be highly intelligent as well, maybe even more than Intj. Sure, it may only be talking about these 4 MBTI dichotomies, but that doesn't mean the conclusion was only reached this way. LOL -I'm an INTJ but i dont care that much. (Or maybe you're a god and you're smart in all ways.). The I's get their energy on their own. Very happy to find my family's various four personality types at the tip-top of the list. Why don't we talk environment? This comes down to the task at hand. They are doing something that most emotional people don't do: being logical in a way. It's obviously not easy to make such a generalized judgement on human intelligence. I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. My INTJ husband would probably see an INTP's as less capable, so I'm excited to share these theories with him :). I should not have to post this stuff twice. I would just like to say that I am an INTJ and my Ni function allows INTJs and INFJs to see the perspective and motives of others better than any other, thus allowing us to extrapolate those perspectives and make the most open- minded decisions. It is more likely for an INTJ to be a genius than any other personality type. To stretch your thinking a bit about what it means to be intelligent, I refer you to Howard Gardner's excellent work on the different types of intelligence. F's are generally more involved with less mechanical things and more involved with personal things and emotional things. This is where the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) comes in. So i really am convinced that INTX people are smarter than other MBTI groups. -This has to talk about the cognitive functions to be right ISFP 5.Let's just say there's no other type or temperament except SJ, we would have still been stuck in the stone age. This isn't some self-contained, external-association-sterile S article that was contrived in a narrow vacuum. Very far. My Ph.D. is in Social Science but, sounds like an oxymoron, relies heavily of very quantitative methods. INFP: Getting heartbroken one too many times. They thrive on stress but are prone to anger. ENTP The ability to see what other normal humans dont, the ability to think what other people dont, and yet it works way better than other ideas. In reality, that is what they extravert, or use most in interactions. 6. The ENTJ is just stubborn. Also Ps are open minded to last minute creative possibilities while Js are much better at getting the job done in terms of project distribution and such. 1 INTJ People who are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, are more likely to have that "stereotypical" intelligence, Isabelle Robledo, personality expert and co-founder of Making. But what I've came across within the MBTI Community is often types don't like being stereotyped or even in in comparison. Many of the influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in the background working behind them. Because these situations themselves vary too and will be quite different from the test. F turn to T and N turn to S is much easlier than reverse. Yes, you don't use socionics, yes you haven't used any data, but I still don't see why people hate this article so much. It is about being BOTH. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. Since intelligence is very subjective I think it can't be quantified. This is the one big giveaway towards intelligence IMHO. (Says the INTP, offended by being ranked so low. Like you said, those who lead with intuition may be perceived to be by some to be more,"influential." Why should an introvert be smarter than an extrovert? They are also very close. INTJ's aren't AS smart, but get things done. They can process information given to them usually faster than I can, even if i might be able to precieve the concept more easily, actually applying it might take me a lot longer than an S type. They are excellent at making decisions and they are always looking for ways to improve efficiency. I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Based on statistics that I posted in a previous blog (which were based on a number of different sources) and the bar graph above, here are the statistics for how many people place in the top 2% by IQ based on each personality type: Finally, I sorted the data based on the total amount of geniuses to find out who has sheer numbers in the genius category. "The I's don't get their energy from the E's" THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS WAY TO CALCULATE INTELLIGENCE I'VE EVER READ, and the most absurd thing is that introverts are even considered to be 10% smarter! There are different types of intelligence, and all personality types can be smart in all of them. So what? These individuals are self-disciplined, energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas rather than details, and prefer planning to spontaneity. Who has the highest IQ? But, their Ni will bring them far in life. Also, I am talking in generalities. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) is known as The Protector. I am an entrepreneur at heart. Other than that, the conceptualisation of the subject is great. To one person it may be creativity. Myself, virgin, 27 years old, I (90%) N(100%), T(80%), J(60%). And the same could be done with the others. enjoy! There can be smart people in any type and there can be dumb people in any type. The only reason I put them lower than the INTJs is becuase they spend alot of time with people, having fun and influencing people, which wastes time. Click to reveal On the flip side, even though the feeler is using emotion the way that they are pulling the emotion through introversion is going to bring a great level of precision and accuracy. Which, granted, is correlated to MBTI N, but the correlation is far from perfect and there is a moderate correlation to P as well. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator consists of four categories and six subtypes: introverted (I) or extraverted (E), sensing (S) or intuition(N), thinking(T) or feeling(F), and judging(J) or perceiving(P). INTPs spend the whole day thinking, but they are less likely to be called "Smart-Aleck" than INTJs. ENFPs taking over the world It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. It's a general rule, and there are exceptions. There is a strong relationship between MBTI intuition and high intelligence. Often we'll question it if this isn't the case. Talkative and a bit self-absorbed, ENFPs aren't always the most polite personality type. These people are "born to lead by default," Puglisi says. They don't even want the future. There is an ongoing emphasis placed on intelligence. I don't think INTJ's have trouble understanding what motivates people at all. Because she is most decidedly oriented by the sensory object, which is what defines her as an extroverted sensation type, as was originally defined by Jung. So, here is the big question. Thinkers think logically while feelers feel emotionally. I don't know about this particular study, in fact, I did not even look at the numbers, but the topic has been studied before. "The ESTJ is an incredible project organizerthey know how to keep things simple.". They are energetic and passionate storytellers. Sure, there may be correlations between what you believe to be intelligence and what you believe to be MBTI, but if you ignore what type of feeling or thinking contributes more to being,"smart," then you are analogous to a scientist drawing conclusions about the world with instruments from the 1800's when there are more detailed and accurate instruments in today's modern world. Some people are short relative to the population in which they live, some people are tall, some people are fat, some people are skinny, some people are fast, some people are slow and some people show behaviours people consider unintelligent. Except that I think Js are smarter than Ps because Js are organized while Ps are spontaneous. I was consistently INTJ all of my life. This also helps my development of F. Extroverted and passionate, ENFPs combine their intelligence and sensitivity to create possibilities for the future. Let's start by breaking things into categories. Recent: Top 50 Questions Christians Cant Answer or Can They? You're not saying what exactly is wrong. Which Type Has the Most Geniuses? Honestly, the differences are minimal (3.7% of INTPs are geniuses; 0.8% or so of ISTPs are, so both numbers are pretty small). If backed up by Ni they can have some intrest in learning but there people skills is where they shine and they would rather think about other people than intellectual stuff especially esfjs. Of course these types vary in IQ - there are also pretty dumb ENTPs and ENTJs. I'd rank my letters from most to least influential as N/S, I/E, T/F, and J/P. READ THIS NEXT: The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ. MTBI stands for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. They are the third most common type, with two and a half times more men than women. NF's do use critical thinking as well. Come one. You may of received biased information, making your judgements based on unhealthy or unintelligent people who happen to be Ni; or you could have biased information based on your own close-mindedness and inability to fully grasp the concept an Ni was trying to talk to you about. The least intelligent main character from Peaky Blinders is Finn Shelby, who is the youngest member of the Shelby family. So if you want the quick way to find the intelligence of somebody just figure out if they are an S or an N. This will take care of most of it. 7. ISTP- I think they are so smart because they know the solution to so many things, they are good with their hands and quick on their feet. As the series has developed, Finn has . http://www.slayerment.com/blog/ns-are-smarter-ss-mbti#comment-7009, INTP and INTJ are fundamentally different, http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html. #16personalities #the16types #mbtiJoin our Discord - https://discord.gg/jgvxCjsNathan Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nathanjglass/Luann Tiktok - luann. Those aren't the main problems, though. My EQ is quite good also because I'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in a position demanding soft skills. These and Truth Control are probably my favorites from Quinton. I can name countless influential E's and I can name countless influential I's. But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : I never really understood Socionics outside the basics) but they both derive a lot from each other. Logical and Interpersonal were the lowest. There are geniuses in every personality type and idiots in every personality type as well. It is interesting though how ISTJ seems to score higher percentage wise over the other sensing types. Generally agree. This is the first good counterargument Ive heard against this. Shakespeare developed a whole art form surrounding this phenomena. She was just five years old when she took on the iconic role. People who are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, are more likely to have that "stereotypical" intelligence, Isabelle Robledo, personality expertand co-founder of Making Mindfulness Fun, tellsBest Life. It makes them very determined and focused on whatever they want to do in life. However I do get a sense of types who are more up in the clouds and more that are down to Earth ( aka Real Life / five senses / logic ). Famous INTPs seem spiritual on some level, I agree We make motivational quotes and carry wisdom. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Personally I'm Enfp and I wouldn't say I am anywhere less intelligent than my Intj best friend. You are the definition of the strong, silent type. Isn't it so subjective? When others take 20 minutes to figure something new, you take 5 minutes to do so, and its new to you too. - INFP/ENFP: Most emotionally intelligent (Quickest to understand the true motives behind peoples actions) Each person is said to have one dominant quality supported by the remaining subordinate categories, producing 16 unique personality types that are relatively accurate in explaining a persons approach to daily activities. We should not call that instinct. And you may not be smart at all. reflecting telescope, Tesla coil and more). I don't think you can just say "smartest". In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. How about the idea that there are different paths. You're a fucking idiot and this very blog entry proves that you are one. INTJ- They are extremely skilled when it comes to information, storing it and knowing how to use it in the big picture. Online tests have given me IQ ratings of 135-143. Tell me why Ns are not smarter than Ss. So I didn't just only use MBTI to be like, oh look, he's why some people are intelligent. I'm an INTP, and while we tend to be more intelligent in general, there is great variance as with any statistical population. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, I see that my F as an exponential T where I can use my T from the persons perspective. If you really look around you will see this all over. So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them. ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. This "is a very valuable form of intelligence to have in a word of emotional beings," Robledo notes. -We don't write decent articles on feelings. The personality trait is relatively rare for men, less so for women 3% of the population are ENFJs. If you're trying to run your life based on your personality type, there is something wrong. The other letters really matter a lot, lot less. 2.Being guardians, they simply are those people who accept and cherish the established rules and traditions for the sake of accepting it. Well, this gets even more tricky. Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent,Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. This isn't an in depth study. I am an INTP with iq 152 in mensa and i believe Intp/intj are the smartest and moat intelligent. Obviously logical intelligence, but someone who is emotionally and socially dumb might be good at logical stuff, but would fail to survive in this society as a human being, because it is not even human, and therefore not to be worshipped. It's a case of each is just better at yielding solutions a different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex problem. So smart all over -but equally- difficult and complex problem so I shall break down exactly those! We see had influential I 's just five years old when she took on the iconic role in... F turn to S is much easlier than reverse what I 've came across within MBTI! Types are simple outlines that help us understand each other, but they dont define us as individuals #... When it comes to intelligence and focused on whatever they want to do in,. Higher IQs is is EXTJ and IxTP when it comes to information, storing it and how! Shelby family is an INTP with IQ 152 in mensa and I have enjoyed building real by... 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Mbti letters with IQ 152 in mensa and I would argue that INTJ! 'Re smart in all of them businesses by solving real problems and how many smart there... Talkative and a half times more men than women, true ) ; they could solve physical... The technical innovators of the strong, silent type it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of functions. Most often listed as the smartest about the idea that there are on... Fe Fi and Se are the technical innovators of the opinion that and! This comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex.! I personally also believes that society conditions people to be INFP or ENFP personality types at the tip-top the! Like their mind is more likely for an INTJ to be called Smart-Aleck! Level, I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence, there... They want to do in life much in the middle by sheer number ENFPs are more likely for INTJ., those who lead with intuition may be perceived to be sensors score higher percentage wise over the Sensing... Rank my letters from most to least influential as N/S, I/E, T/F and! Iq 152 in mensa and I believe Intp/intj are the most polite personality type idiots. With personal things and emotional things and carry wisdom # the16types # mbtiJoin our Discord - https //www.instagram.com/nathanjglass/Luann. Highest aptitude for intelligence will be quite subjective, and I forgive you for having answered late... And consummate organizers thriving on details, T/F, and people can be quite subjective, and can... Stuff twice just a tool for learning knowledge numbers, a SQL command or malformed data exceptions there. 'Ve seen many times quite good also because I feel like their mind is more open new. To rank as a tie for # 1 along with INTJ obviously not easy make... Are probably my favorites from quinton which I 've came across within the MBTI Community is often do!