gojek organizational culture

Crosses 190 million app downloads. An organization's culture defines how individuals work and function within a company, making organizational culture a crucial element of a company's ultimate success. Nadiem: How are you? So make those painful moves early. Kevin: Correct. Then you know, it's kind of hard being in a tech company. I think most smart modern people will agree that these are right things to do. Gojek didirikan dengan prinsip menggunakan teknologi untuk memudahkan kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menghubungkan konsumen ke penyedia barang dan jasa terbaik di pasar. 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. Corporate culture is often referred to as "the character of an organization," representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. Right. I'm not saying perfectly bottom up, but that's what a lot of people to choose, how they're going to contribute to a much more limited set of metrics and gave them the freedom at every level to not have a cascaded target down. GoTo Group is the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia, with a mission to "empower progress" by offering technology infrastructure and solutions that help everyone to access and thrive in the digital economy. I think also a lot of, one of the reasons why this is one is challenging is because a lot of times people, people, leaders, then might feel insecure, right? This isnt to say that we dont disagree like any group of passionate, opinionated people, we disagree often. Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. Description of Gojek. Is it really like what do you get? It's so complicated. Organizational culture adalah suatu kumpulan nilai dan praktik aktivitas kinerja yang berkolaborasi antar satu divisi dengan yang lainnya demi memenuhi harapan perusahaan. We know for a fact that is there is no finish line and its a continuous journey to achieve amazing things and changing millions of lives for the better. Even even current employees of tech companies, etc, thinking about these long term organizational investments, they're just like savings. Parameters - Brand loyalty, media engagement, and CSR. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Yeah. Um, and I think that's kind of something that even today, I think us as an organization we're still grappling with. Kevin: Yeah, I think so. Clocks 3,600x growth in 18 months. We are here because of each other. We really love innovation. And so, you know, I think again you keep on going back to this theme of that this is better for longer term because you know, how else are you going to keep people motivated in an environment that's changing so rapidly when unexpected things happen the time if not through kind of that high level of ownership. Like if you have somebody who reports to you who is always doing well, who comes up with great ideas all the time, the natural inclination is like, for you to say, oh, this person's great. Move CTO S. Move Business Intelligence I. See? And the what you know, is easy to validated are those, you know, those numbers, uh, those, uh, those media stories are easy to kind of, um, it's easy to see that, oh, that's kind of the, uh, the, the objective. But then where's the trade off with speed, Kevin, and it's all nice and easy to say this, but when you need to execute a light-speed, when you need to, like we said before, run during this marathon, you have to sprint during this marathon. You can, you can either be a people leader, but you can also be a thought leader. Google. And then it's like a cascading process. Pamela Chan Sep 23, 2022 4 min read Culture From the East to West and back: Meet Giri Kuncoro I was just labeled a dreamer all the time. Nadiem: And that ownership, everyone keeps talking about ownership like it's the greatest thing alive. Right? Yeah, right. They just had a way or a means to communicate through bottom up. And the research and the data is very important as well. Yeah. Uh, but then at the time our structure was not appropriate for, you know, those types of. GET allows me to have initiative and be creative. Do you understand what the objective was? Spreads wings across Vietnam and Thailand. I think just forcing, just saying that, hey, collaborate more without it being bottom up I think probably makes top down worse, right? Kevin: But I think when it really changed, at least for for me is when, um, the reality is I think, I think as a company, you know, we simply grew too fast. So let's not talk about how to mitigate the risk, but what's the payoff at the end? A bottom up innovation approach actually favors people potential to become leaders as opposed to people's just potential as an individual contributor. HR designs a campaign to tout a . You don't say, oh, that's not my problem. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. And kind of see that in you check in like every year it's still the thing that they really want to nail that level of conviction of saying like, oh, we're going to be great at this. Kevin: Yeah. And instead of creating very, very prescriptive, a key results, we just combine those seven metrics with some strategic themes, three of which we're discussing today in this podcast. Yes. You name it we do it. So it's more so the top downside almost feels more like coordination rather than like command and control. Evaluate. And so, you know, when you go back, uh, but when you actually go back and think about like, you know, how are you achieving those, um, oftentimes, you know, you realize that, you know, these things are exactly as you mentioned, are actually, I guess you can say lagging indicators. To succeed and participate in the digital economy effectively, businesses need to change their mindset, by focusing on organizational and operational change, and building a data-driven culture, he said. For us, it is about distributing ownership to everyone in the team. And finally when we're talking about what exactly they're doing, being the best at what matters means. We occupy 3 floors of a building in Bangalore's Diamond. There was less of uncertainty in terms of what people should be doing, right? Number two, we need to ensure that they are building bridges and breaking walls so that they are communicating with each other, they're collaborating with each other, they're forming self-generated alignment. Right? And this is infused in how we run meetings and cadences. What we did was we invited all the groups together so that peers could challenge and review and we had a whole section of how they can help the issues that they can help with for other groups. They're, they're rarely, there rarely is for any kind of organizational investments. Nadiem: And so let's talk a little bit about, I want to talk a little bit about what we actually did right in the organization to pay tribute to this bottom up innovation. That's it. So if you're, if you, if you don't have that mental resilience to know that your baby could be irrelevant, yeah. What is it that you are not, what is it again that you should be sacrificing even more, so. Massive moats. I don't have to think, because as long as I said my boss did it, I'm safe. Yeah, just can't do everything. The Dynamic Culture (DC) team, headed by Sam Diah, had never encountered such an emergency. It was, you never really kind of, you felt often times like you weren't listened to, right. It was fun. Established in 2010 as a motorcycle ride-hailing mobile service in Indonesia, GOJEK has since evolved into a multinational tech company providing on-demand transport . For me it's when they're trying to raise something to me, right? Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? Um, got everything done on time and really over, uh, over achieved on, on the targets, um, and was constantly being yes, man throughout that whole process. Instead going, look, I've noticed that we have an acute allocation, we have an acute supply problem in this specific geography, can you please take a look at it and come up with some solutions on what you think we should do here? It is the only company in southeast asia that is included in fortune 's 50 companies that changed the world in 2017 and 2019, ranked at 17 and 11, respectively. It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. Among Indonesias Top 10 Powerful Brands at Brand Asia awards. GoFood rated #1 user-friendly app during the pandemic. Kevin: Yeah. Nadiem: Which is super hard, being in a tech company with running like hundreds of experiments at the same time, by default, things have to fail.The majority of things have to fail. That's, I think the first thing. Things like an organization's expectations, vision, philosophy, image, interactions within the office and outside of the office also define what the organization . The second theme is really about "bottom up innovation" and how to institutionalize that within the organization as opposed to top down method. Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and . And that is actually you run into huge amounts of problems, cascading targets that way. Thats one of the fastest in the world. Like moving as one, uh, you know, there's a fine line between celebrating a team success and creating competitive pressure to achieve things that are only great for that team. You're helping with this, you're responsible for that. Being part of this journey is nothing short of exhilarating. Sense-making has been. And so on. Kevin: And so you see like the, that payoff, right? Gojek (ditulis bergaya sebagai goek, sebelumnya ditulis GO-JEK) merupakan sebuah perusahaan teknologi asal Indonesia yang melayani angkutan melalui jasa ojek. What Gojek does to manage culture within the organisation is by understanding that culture is the lifeblood and backbone of everything they do, supported by having the proper fundamentals such as vision, mission, and statements. Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. I think one is, um, people then, um, don't think they don't think, because like, oh, my boss told me to do it right. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. I think is really kind of the, marker of you know, whether or not, you know, companies and individuals are serious about this. Their most recent investment was on May 12, 2021, when CEO PT. I mean on a daily basis shit is hitting the fan. It is an actual, you know, tradeoffs that you have to make and some of the trade offs you're asking about the trade offs, what's the risk of doing it, things like that. Because they receive direct commands on what to achieve and sometimes how to achieve it. It's about really encouraging bottom up innovation, which is about innovation. The earlier that you invest in these, the more powerfully they will manifest in the company's future. Cool. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Repeat. A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. And then, it is a tenuous balance and I think in some ways, right? It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? . So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. We're all about that. Every CEO needs a trusted advisor with whom they can discuss their business and thoughts to enhance performance and reduce stress . But it's also about having the best ideas on the solutions because that's your thing. As a tech startup in Indonesia, there are a lot of challenges that Go-Jek has to face regarding the culture and competition in this on-demand service industry. It's so easy to say, you know what, it's not worth it. This has been a contentious kind of battle. What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. It's also because they are inherently hard decisions and, and um, it'll never, these things will never seem kind of urgent to implement. Um, so when, when did that, when did that change and why did we decide to shift to even be more radically bottom up in the organization? Top down isn't about being a, uh, you know, like a tyrant. Gojek adalah grup teknologi terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dan pelopor aplikasi super terintegrasi dan model ekosistem. They have to be painful for it to mean something in the organization. We've had a different forums, different forums about, you know, you've constantly been, I think you've been doing it rightfully reminding me to not spread ourselves way too thin, but really determine what truly matters and refocus and redeploy resources on that. It also depends on what department, what function, what rate of urgency there is. Nadiem: Because my performance is judged based on how well I execute what my boss told me to do. And that's okay. It's very hard. It was just very dynamic. And you see this in product teams all the time, right? So it's funny, it's almost the same thing. We all do our bit to make sure its transparent and open to innovation. 1. INTROUCTION Organizational culture means a common perception held by the organization's members. Like, why am I here leading all these people if they can do a better job than me? An organization's core values describe how group members should treat one another, how employees can expect to be treated, and what central values everyone at the company shares. Innovation Solve problems at scale. Nadiem: Fear and money. Uh, and we're all kind of just executing, right? Gojek | 832.890 pengikut di LinkedIn. Nadiem: Thanks a lot Kev, until next time. So this is one of the most fascinating discoveries that I had is that actually cascading KPIs. Right? My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. You can't just, you can't just throw it out there. But at the end of the day, you have to be a leader or somehow. Right. Like if you just say, okay, everyone just has to work together and this is what it's going to look like. It's a very small, it's very small nuance, but yet critical. People's incentive is to, oh, okay, my boss told me to do that. Kevin: Well, I think a few things, right? Right. Kevin: I think it requires actually, strangely enough, it does require a certain level of, you know, dispassionate, dispassionate-ness? Instead of creating flexibility within each of the teams to determine how they want to decide and which ones they want to decide to contribute instead of just getting cascaded like a mathematical formula. Like usually I just saw it when like people linked me a video and I watched it and then I just bounced. Because if I'm trying to impress somebody, and again to this is actually quite themanic to this discussion, uh, which is that if I'm trying to impress somebody, this shortest path towards that is to show them that I came up with these ideas and I did all of that. But without that requirement to share the key results, then you'll never get credit for it. I think this is true for, but I think a lot of the things that we say actually I don't think when you talk about it at a, at a high level, right. Their latest funding was raised on May 10, 2021 from a Corporate Round round. Nadiem: That's right. Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Right? It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. Because if you're not doing things the right way, eventually those things all kind of fall apart. Pamela Chan. Nadiem: Yeah. Type 1: Clan Culture. All the time. So, you know, I love what you said about trade offs gotta hurt for it to be meaningful. And then I left after a while, right? But, um, I think we really have to be almost obsessed with like infusing that in different parts of the company. And would you agree with me that most of those are evolve around how the internal organization operates? There are very, very many good benevolent dictators in tech companies out there, right? Nadiem: The compound. To the point of what's sustainable. For instance, in India, women are legally entitled to six months paid maternity leave. Being given that freedom to even as an individual contributor to kind of figure it out and actually deliver something great, I think is definitely the kind of people that, you know, we try and have more and more of and we just kind of people that we want to appreciate because of, through this policy. Those issues happen. Evaluate. PT Gojek Indonesia (stylized in all lower case and stylized j as goek, formerly styled as GO-JEK) is an Indonesian on-demand multi-service platform and digital payment technology group based in Jakarta.Gojek was first established in Indonesia in 2009 as a call center to connect consumers to courier delivery and two-wheeled ride-hailing services. It out there, right a thought leader never really kind of organizational investments 's thing... For instance, in India, women are legally entitled to six months maternity... 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