The Information Technology Department includes the agency's Communications/Help Desk unit. The browser you are using does not appear to have capabilities required to run this site. Users authorized and unauthorized have no expectation of privacy. The Pop-up Blocker must be turned off to ensure that WebIZ sends all necessary messages. Nevada WebIZ Data Entry Self-Enrollment E-Learn Course If you need additional information regarding Nevada WebIZ Training, please contact the NV WebIZ Help Desk at (775) 684 5954 or Other Training Opportunities Immunize Nevada Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Toll Number Agency Name Description; 1-800-275-0297: . State of Kansas Employee Self Service Help Desk: 1-866-725-4698: Administration, Department of: Wichita Regional LTC Ombudsman: .
Users authorized and unauthorized have no expectation of privacy. /CivicAlerts.aspx. Program continuously works to advance and improve the quality of Nevada WebIZs
Frequently Requested Phone Numbers KanCare. Email:
Contact Kansas Government: Office of the Governor Constituent Services (877)579-6757 Contact Your Elected Officials Contact Your Kansas Legislator Most Requested Numbers Kansas Jobs (785) 235-5627 State of Kansas Employment (785) 296-4278 Lottery (785) 296-5700 Vital Statistics (785) 296-1400 more requested numbers. Unauthorized and improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action or criminal and civil penalties. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) are issuing fish consumption advisories for 2023. E-mail: 6 0 obj
See the What are the benefits of using an IIS? section below to
IIS connect people with information they need to make
This job aid provides instructions on how to submit a Service Desk ticket, how to find an existing ticket, forgotten passwords, and reopening a closed ticket. If you call during non-business hours, please leave a message. patient records, which include over 44 million vaccinations. Help Center Phone: (785) 296-5059 or (800) 452-6727 E-mail: Additional helpful contact information NetWork Kansas Phone: (877) 521-8600 Kansas Department of Revenue Tax Payer Assistance Phone: (785) 368-8222 Kansas Department of Revenue Driver Control Phone: (785) 296-3671 E-mail: Go here to review more information on how to connect to the SFTP Service. Once this form is completed and returned through the ticket email, you will recieve your username, password, and log in instructions. comprehensive vaccination histories throughout a persons lifetime- gone are
You may also contact the Help Desk by email at If you are a Registered Service Desk Contact for your agency then you have access! Nevada WebIZ 4150 Technology Way Suite 210 Carson City, NV 89706 Helpdesk 775-684-5954, Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH), Parents and adults can access and print an official
In Nevada, the IIS is known as Nevada WebIZ. Get and Sign Kansas Immunization Recore 2017-2022 Form . Account Management Mozilla Firefox
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment consists of three divisions: Environment, Health Care Finance and Public Health. All rights reserved. Guidance to creating a KanAccess Account and linking your Subscriber Account. Resetting a forgotten password is easy!
Request User Account Only users of this site or people granted special permission are authorized to use this system. Kansas WebIZ Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans. If you are unable to locate the agency information you need or feel this information is
Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (KS BRFSS), Kansas Public Health Information (KANPHIX), Kansas Environmental Information Management System (KEIMS), Kansas Environmental Application Portal (KEAP). WebIZ is supported in: The Pop-up Blocker must be turned off to ensure that WebIZ sends all necessary messages. Immunization Program and its various partners. Start your quit journey. Immunization Information Systems (IIS) are confidential,
Help Desk: (800) 574-4040 Option 1. doctors medical record systems, and supporting the important activities of a
We are available Monday through . The purpose of KSWebIZ is to consolidate immunization information among health care professionals, assure adequate immunization levels, and avoid unnecessary immunizations. Our
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and the American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) work together to provide
App Version
Google Chrome
Kansas Issues Fish Consumption Advisories for 2023, Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (KS BRFSS), Kansas Public Health Information (KANPHIX), Kansas Environmental Information Management System (KEIMS), Kansas Environmental Application Portal (KEAP). Enrolled health care providers can obtain immunization information for patients, including tracking and recall.
All rights reserved. If you have a question for a state agency, but you are not sure which one to contact, please call the State Agency Directory Operator at (785) 296-0111, or try using the State Phone Directory. Free help is available to quit smoking or vaping. Marketing Private Providers .
Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. . Nevada WebIZ (pronounced web-eye-zee) has been in use
As of January 2020, the system contained over 4.1 million
Portal Policies right time, reminding patients to return when a dose is coming due, showing
You must use a supported browser. Step 1: General User Information Entry Step 2: Choose Application(s) Access & Organization Association(s) Step 3: Choose Primary Organization You will then need to fill in the answer to 5 of the listed questions.These answers will assist you with All enrollment/application forms can be faxed (775-687-7596), emailed to, or mailed to the address on the forms, "Attn: Nevada WebIZ Help Desk." Help Desk Assistance.
It is used to support
If the Pop-up Blocker is turned on, a warning message will appear telling you to turn off the Pop-up blocker. Commercial Driver`s License Help Desk: 785-296-6541 Fax: 785-296-6548: . State of Kansas Website, Long-Term Care Ombudsman - Nursing Home Complaints, State of Kansas Employee Self Service Help Desk, Elder Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Occurred in a Nursing Facility, Senior Health Insurance Counseling (SHICK), Feral Swine Sightings or Information on Feral Swine, Child / Adult Abuse Hotline, KS Protection Report Center, Child Support Enforcement Customer Service, Employee Relations Information & Referral, KS Services f/t Blind & Visually Impaired, Rehab Services, Client Assistance Program, Social and Rehab, Local Office Applic Srvcs, Emporia State University Admissions Office, Emporia State University Graduate Studies, Emporia State University Student Financial Aid, School of Library & Information Management, Kansas Immunization Registry (WebIZ) Helpdesk, Make a Difference Disability Info Network, Indigents' Defense Services, State Board of, KSU - Ks. Contact Nevada WebIZ 775-684-5954 Espaol Favor de hacer clic aqu para ver la versin en Espaol de esta pagina Click on the Forgot If the Login page is not displaying correctly, press CTRL+F5 to refresh the page.
The Kansas Immunization Program works in collaboration with local health departments and other health care providers to reduce or eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases that can cause disability and death. 6. SMART. Monday through Friday, except Holidays. Kansas Immunization Information System Main Application Login Username Password Reset Password Trouble Logging in? 169 0 obj
Environment. KANSAS WEBIZ COUNTY CLUSTER SCHEMATIC Correctional Facility Pharm acies Armed Forces. Prevention (CDC)
Users authorized and unauthorized have no expectation of privacy. %%EOF
Personalize your website experience and subscribe to the information that matters most. This unit provides communications and technical support for all KBI offices as well as 24 hour technical support for over 1,600 criminal justice agencies and 8,000 individual users who rely on law enforcement information via the KCJIS network. Business Counselling Only users of this site or people granted special permission are authorized to use this system. The Division of Environment has the following six bureaus that work toward Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments: Air, Environmental Field Services, Environmental Remediation, Health and Environmental . of Web site and help desk for information . informed decisions about vaccination, including giving the right dose at the
The State of Nevada monitors this web site for security purposes to ensure it remains available to all users and to protect information in the system. endstream
states immunization program. Browser Support Kansas Immunization Registry (WebIZ) Helpdesk: 1-866-865-3233: Health and Environment, Department of: If you continue to experience difficulties, check the following: You must use a supported browser. Unauthorized and improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action or criminal and civil penalties. Use your browsers help function or a Google search to learn how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Users authorized and unauthorized have no expectation of privacy. Learn more about vaccination for school and childcare entry. If you click a button and no window is rendered, check that the Pop-up Blocker is turned off. Free help is available to quit smoking or vaping. Parents and adults can access and print an official
Create this form in 5 minutes! - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. If you call during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST), you will reach a voice directory that will assist you. Request User Account Only users of this site or people granted special permission are authorized to use this system. %PDF-1.5
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App Version
Patient information is confidential and is only available to the authorized users of the system. Toll-Free Phone: 877-427-7317 Fax: 877-559-4227
learn more. Number of Health Plans Waiting: 9 .
Once this form is completed and returned through the ticket email, you will recieve your username, password, and log in instructions. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. Search for patients' immunization records. WebIZ is supported in: Microsoft Edge Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Facility Enrollment User enrollment Submit a helpdesk ticket: WebIZ Help Desk Help Desk: (800) 574-4040 Option 1 Fax: (501) 661-2300 Once this form is completed and returned through the ticket email, you will recieve your username, password, and log in instructions. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. For Kansas WebFile or Customer Service Center assistance regarding individual income tax, fiduciary, . <>stream
Emergency incidents that affect information security, safety, or may result in the loss of information or equipment should always be reported by phone. continue to meet the needs of our communities. Help Desk Assistance For Help Desk assistance, please call 775-684-5954. vaccination for school and childcare entry, Kansas Immunization Program Resource Guide, Strategies for Increasing Vaccination Rates, CDC Manual of Surveillance of VPD-4th Edition, Vaccine Preventable Disease Reference & Reporting Guide (PDF), Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program in Kansas Data, Yellow Fever Vaccination Center Certification, Electronic Health Record Implementation Toolkit, Long-Term Care Facility Immunization Toolkit, Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (KS BRFSS), Kansas Public Health Information (KANPHIX). KSWebIZ Introduction . If you continue to experience difficulties, check the following: You must use a supported browser. Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (KS BRFSS) Kansas Grant Management System. that! State Communications Directory, creating a KanAccess Account and linking your Subscriber Account, Linking Subscriber Account with KanAccess. If the Login page is not displaying correctly, press CTRL+F5 to refresh the page.
the days of carrying around that paper record!- but they do so much more than
Click on the Community tab on the right to learn more! public health authorities the populations most vulnerable to
Once this form is completed and returned through the ticket email, you will recieve your username, password, and log in instructions. 2023 Kansas Department of Administration. . Public Health. Department of Administration Website |
- Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Unauthorized and improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action or criminal and civil penalties. adults). Please self-enroll and complete the course. Read on. The Nevada State Immunization
Agricultural Mediation Services, KSU - Salina College of Technology Admissions, Div of Workers Compensation, Injured Worker Hotline, Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, Retirement System, KS Public Employees (KPERS), Highway Road Conditions (In State - Dial 511), Child Language Doctorial; Study Lab-Dr. Mabel Rice, College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP at KU), Publication & Sales for Geological Survey, University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC), This information is maintained by the
Phone number Email address; Business Registration Online: 785-368-8222: . Website: vaccine ordering and accountability for the Vaccines For Children Program,
Pl5 [+{7z|* w:o[&M;[mO#ExUmLixL96M" If you click a button and no window is rendered, check that the Pop-up Blocker is turned off. Copyright 2001-2023 Envision Technology Partners Inc. KSWebIZ is web-based and contains lifespan immunization records that are complete, accurate, and secure for Kansas residents. You may also contact the Help Desk by email at, Kansas Department of Health & Environment1000 SW Jackson StreetTopeka, KS 66612EmailPhone:785-296-1500Division & Staff Directory. Put simply, IIS securely store Recommender Version
Linking Subscriber Account with KanAccess, State Agency Phone Numbers 65101, the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment . Users authorized and unauthorized have no expectation of privacy. Upon successfully completing this course you will be able to: Navigate the State's IIS, Nevada WebIZ. 2023 Kansas Department of Administration. nd!iKiW1M[Wof;-q{HOW_yLD>wMPT){ny\7|$' *Hj3dE!qqX$]*"yc^Qq\?q/Nc57m@V{?
Submit a helpdesk ticket: WebIZ Help Desk. Nevada WebIZ is a core piece of the Nevada State
Title: KDHE PowerPoint Template Author: jrozwick Keywords:, Document Converter Pro, Convert to PDF or Image in batches! Contact the Kansas Tobacco Quitline today. All personnel have voice mail. Got a question? Kansas Public Health Information (KANPHIX) If you have a question about the State Website or any of ourservices, please contact: Phone: (785) 296-5059 or (800) 452-6727 Public Access Portal Parents and adults can access and print an official immunization record anytime by visiting the Nevada WebIZ Public Access Portal . Only users of this site or people granted special permission are authorized to use this system. child care facilities, have access to view, add, and/or update immunization
The preferred communication is email, but you may also call us at 785-368-8000. 0
Facility Enrollment User enrollment First Name Middle Name Last Name Phone Number Email Fax Role VFC Pin Access Requested Requesting Registrant's NPI Organization Enter your organization information. since 2003, and reporting became mandatory in 2007 (for children) and 2009 (for
The Official State of Nevada Website | Copyright 2021 State of Nevada - All Rights Reserved, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Behavioral Health Wellness and Prevention, Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health (MCAH), Public Health Informatics & Epidemiology (OPHIE), Behavioral Health and Wellness Council (BHWC), Clinical Behavioral Services (inpatient: SNAMHS, NNAMHS, Lakes Crossings), Clinical Behavioral Services (Outpatient: NNAMHS Assisted Outpatient Treatment - AOT), Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA), Diabetes Prevention and Control (Diabetes), Heart and Stroke Prevention and Control (Heart), Nevada Responsible Tobacco Retailer Training and Certification Program, Clinical Admin Department Business Office, Clinical Admin Department Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement, Clinical Admin Department Human Resources, Clinical Consumer Assistance Program (CAP)/Peer Support Programs, Clinical Counseling Programs Co-Occurring Programs: Dual Success & Recovery Program, Clinical Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT), National Health Service Corps and Nurse Corps Programs, Nevada Conrad 30/J-1 Physician Visa Waiver Program, Shortage Area Designations (HPSAs and MUA/Ps), Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Abstinence Education Grant Program (AEGP), Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI), Child and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), Pregancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health - AIM, Public Health Informatics and Epidemiology, Adult Hepatitis and Control Program (Hepatitis), Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC), Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control Program (HAI), Nevada Birth Outcomes Monitoring System (NBOMS), Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Prevention and Control Program, State Systems Development Initiative (SSDI), Tuberculosis (TB) Control and Elimination Program, Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System (YRBSS), Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Program, Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life, Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHC), Child Care Licensing Training and Education, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) & Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), Temporary Food Establishments at Special Events, Public Accommodations (Hotels and Motels), Medical Marijuana Patient Cardholder Registry, Radiation Producing Machines Program (RPM), Radon/Statewide Radon Hazard Awareness & Public Information, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)-Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM), Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site Post-Closure Activities, Radiation Incidents and Emergency Response, Nevada National Security Site (formerly Nevada test site), Favor de hacer clic aqu para ver la versin en Espaol de esta pagina. 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