Their children become less powerful with each . As the result of this great sacrifice, Odin, while suspended over the depths of Nifl-heim, discovered by meditation the runes or alphabets by which later the records of his people were preserved. Among these beasts were the dragons, most of which were wiped out, These are probably based on dinosaur remains. (See Mackey's Encyclopdia of Freemasonry.) So there was even a greater mixture of races/beings in Atlantis than there was even in Lemuria. The king [] According to the Mayan Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. While there, he supposedly came across the Egyptian records of Atlantis and translated them. Others believe the Cabiri to be the seven sacred wanderers, later called the planets. Plato's Atlantis symbolizes the threefold nature of both the universe and the human body. Some regard the Cabiri as seven in number and refer to them as "the Seven Spirits of fire before the throne of Saturn." The Atlantean pantheon can be divided into five generations. Miguel Navarro / Stone / Getty Images. Military commanders would pay homage to Jupiter at his temple after winning in battle. Star System Of Origin The Atlanteans believed that almost immediately after the secondary gods were created, that Lonow and Etath fought against Igynath and Idesow, the war supposedly continued for ages and if the earth had already been created it would have been devastated if not outright destroyed. Its location is proposed as being one of many potential sites, including Spain, in the Mediterranean, or possibly even near the poles, hidden under the ice. To fully understand the confusion that comes with the tale of Atlantis, it is necessary to examine the texts and the author. Though there was no concrete evidence, some who investigated thought they had found connections between Greek and the Mayan language, leading to even more speculation of connections to the lost continent. This is actually quite interesting considering that Atlantis itself was not of any significance to Platos body of works. Both men were made and destroyed by the war that shook the foundations of the ancient world. This website also explores some of the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture. Leah felt great compassion for Eko, who felt like he had failed his mother and sisters. 2. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans. Many different ideas were proposed to solve this mystery. He wrote of it in the 1596 edition of Thesaurus Geographicus, stating: Unless it be a fable, the island of Gadir or Gades will be the remaining part of the island of Atlantis or America, which was not sunk so much as torn away from Europe and Africa by earthquakes and flood. Clement of Alexandria writes: "The token of the Sabazian Mysteries to the initiated is 'the deity gliding over the breast.'" Alliances were made, but one by one every power fell until there was only one left Ancient Athens. Number of Toes This deity was born at midnight on the 24th day of December. All the other hundreds of gods are less important and usually a single temple is used to pray to as many as ten and sometimes even a hundred deities at a time. It seemed as though the future of Atlantis was incredibly bright and prosperous. Others believe that the advanced nature of their race is evidenced by the connection to the ancient Atlanteans. There were many works that were thought to be inspired by Platos use of allegories especially by the Renaissance writers. Plato concludes his description by declaring that it was this great empire which attacked the Hellenic states. Allt (Arabic: ) The Arabian stone idol who was one of the three . His body was taken to a cave by the Great Mother (Cybele), where it remained through the ages without decaying. Atlantic Ocean However, in the nineteenth century, more and more people began to associate Atlantis with a real place that had been lost or destroyed. Impressive Pyramid Temple of Kukulkan, was dedicated to the Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl (known among the Maya people as Kukulkan); this deity, ever-present at Chichen Itza, is of Central Mexican origin and assumed a distinguished position in the pantheons of Teotihuacan and Toltec Tula. While enjoying the abundance natural to their semitropic location, the Atlanteans employed themselves also in the erection of palaces, temples, and docks. The following list of Greek Gods and Goddesses is a complete list of the major and minor deities of Greek mythology. Unusual Features Atlantean is the term generally applied to the collective groups of citizens who reside in the undersea continent known as Atlantis. At daybreak they wrote their sentences upon a golden tablet: and deposited them with their robes as memorials. Only the Atlanteans gods whom are affiliated with the. The six gods are Jupiter, Vulcan, Apollo, Mars, Neptune, and Mercury; the six goddesses are Juno, Ceres, Vesta, Minerva, Venus, and Diana. In its center, surrounded by a wall of gold, was a sanctuary dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon. It was a truly gigantic group. Not to be confused with the similarly aquatic race, merpeople, the modern Atlanteans are descended from both ancient human and homo magi ancestors who sank below the ocean along with the fabled continent and evolved to survive their new environment. The eruption of Thera (a massive volcano) had more than its fair share of impact on the ancient world. The oldest son, Atlas, was given rule over all the island which was also named for him. As . Basilea was the first queen of the legendary Kingdom of Atlantis in ancient Greek folk tradition.. Basilea was the eldest and one of the most celebrated daughters of Uranus, who had forty-five children by various wives, including Rhea and Pandora.Basilea became known as the "Great Mother" due to the solicitous way in which she cared for her younger brothers. Ilios (God of the sun.) Thalassa, Goddess of the Sea, and Tessa, Goddess of Nature. How did the land that was Atlantis come to be? READ MORE: Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Jupiter was a sky-god who Romans believed oversaw all aspects of life; he is thought to have originated from the Greek god Zeus. Heliona is the female aspect of the solar . Carbon-12 A Critical Gateway To The Birth Of Life Is Produced In Stars Did Life Come From Cosmos? However, as the years went on problems began to arise. Creators These snakes are the children of Skreow (the god of the sky) and Artelina, a giantess. This is likely one of the biggest influences in the Mayanism that lead people to connect the Mayans to the ancient civilization of Atlantis. The Atlanteans had a bunch of sacred numbers: 3, 4, 12, 36, 48, 144, 1728, what we know as (phi = 1.618033) the Atlanteans actually knew that phi was an irrational number and were capable of calculating it up to 50 places after the decimal. There are also several avian-headed gods in the Egyptian and Hindu pantheons. Ancient records seem to indicate that the Sea Peoples attempted to invade Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Canaan, Cyprus, and Egypt at the end of the Bronze Age. In consequence of this, war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family. After three days (months) in the tomb, Adonis rose triumphant on the 25th day of March, amidst the acclamation of his priests and followers, "He is risen!" 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It is said to have had the power of several hundred atomic bombs exploding at the same time! Hecate is a Greek goddess with two entirely different aspects; in the day, she was supposed to have a benign influence on farming, but she was interested in witchcraft, ghosts, and tombs during the hours of darkness. Coincidently, the Ancient Athens that is described in this story has a suspicious amount of similarities to the ideal society that was described by Plato in The Republic. Because of this, many people wonder if Plato may have fabricated the tale of Atlantis in order to use the story to demonstrate how his idea of a perfect society was correct. In the Mysteries of Adonis the neophyte passed through the symbolic death of the god and, "raised" by the priests, entered into the blessed state of redemption made possible by the sufferings of Adonis. It is said that he was given control over the area of Atlantis that was closest to the Pillars of Hercules. The four other pairs of twins were also known to be very prosperous. And if Atlantis was simply an allegory used to convey a message, what information can be taken from the story? The descendants of Atlas continued as rulers of Atlantis, and with wise government and industry elevated the country to a position of surpassing dignity. The worship of Atys and Cybele was also involved in the Samothracian Mysteries. When the Europeans first encountered the Americas, they were instantly fascinated with the indigenous tribes especially the Mayans and their ruins. The Sabazian Mysteries were performed at night, and the ritual included the drawing of a live snake across the breast of the candidate. One of the recurring themes in Greek mythology was Hera's jealousy in the face of her husband's infidelity. Origin Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of Love. Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality. The Bacabs were important mythical figures in Mayan beliefs. Thus cured of the infirmities inflicted on her, she retraces her way upward through the seven gates, at each of which she is reinvested with the article of apparel which the guardians had removed. In support of this viewpoint they describe the "gardens of Adonis, " which were small baskets of earth in which seeds were planted and nurtured for a period of eight days. According to Atlantean beliefs the Gods draw their powers from the primordial beings of Asha and Jovian. Atlanteans are the native race that inhabit the content of Atlantis. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Hera, queen of the gods and goddess of childbirth and women. The Gods of Atlantis are a accumulation of extra-dimensional and divine beings worshiped by both ancient and modern Atlanteans. Plato supposedly quotes Solon, who is said to have traveled to Egypt between 590 BC and 580 BC. The majority of researchers who dedicate their time to the mystery of Atlantis come to conclude that the kings and masters of Atlantis were the later gods of antiquity in Egypt, Greece, America and northern Europe. Over the bolts on the door of the house of Irkalla is scattered dust, and the keepers of the house are covered with feathers like birds. By some miracle, Athens was able to defeat the superior Atlanteans and the conquerors from Atlantis were forced to return home in defeat. They saw the natives as inferior races and would have considered it an insult to entertain the idea that they had anything to do with the magnificent ruins that were before them. "By Archon's thorny hammer" was an old Atlantean saying. It is thus evident that Atys represents the human consciousness and that his Mysteries are concerned with the reattainment of the starry hat. From this Celestia bore Okeanus Reok, God of rain and mist, and Akadema, Goddess of wisdom and deceit. The manner of his death is unknown, but some of the accusations made against Ishtar by Izdubar (Nimrod) would indicate that she, indirectly at least, had contributed to his demise. Number of Fingers That part of Atlantis facing the sea was described as lofty and precipitous, but about the central city was a plain sheltered by mountains renowned for their size, number, and beauty. (See The Chaldean Account of Genesis.) Here Plato's narrative comes to an abrupt end, for the Critias was never finished. Thera erupted with the kind of force that has never been witnessed by man before or since. M. Termier concludes his lecture with a graphic picture of the engulfment of that continent. Though he technically had control over the entire island, he chose to make the mountain where he was born and the surrounding land his home. . Contents. The myth of Ishtar symbolizes the descent of the human spirit through the seven worlds, or spheres of the sacred planets, until finally, deprived of its spiritual adornments, it incarnates in the physical body--Hades--where the mistress of that body heaps every form of sorrow and misery upon the imprisoned consciousness. Many Lemurian beings are what we might call today a "shapeshifter", in the sense that . This greed is often said to have come when the gods began to intermarry with the humans living on the island. The Egyptians were initiated into the Mysteries of Pan, who was regarded as a phase of Jupiter, the Demiurgus. These mysteries are, in short, murders and funerals. Philosophically, the ten islands symbolize the triune powers of the Superior Deity and the seven regents who bow before His eternal throne. The waters of life--the secret doctrine--cure the diseases of ignorance; and the spirit, ascending again to its divine source, regains its God-given adornments as it passes upward through the rings of the planets. The natural resources of Atlantis were apparently limitless. There were also strange sunsets for at least three years after the event. They were married and had five sets of twins together, all sons. Atalanta had a number of adventures. Nyktos (God of the Moon.) They were believed to be the four Atlantean gods the giants. His symbols include (naturally enough) the sun, a bow and arrow, a lyre, and a swan. Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias," has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians . Horus, Re/Ra, Khonsu, and Thoth are all animal gods depicted as human males with the head of a bird. Hubal (Arabic: ) Regarded as the chief god of gods and the most notable one, the idol of Hubal was near the Kaaba in Mecca and was made of red agate, and shaped like a human, but with the right hand broken off and replaced with a golden hand.The Three Goddesses. In one myth surrounding the circumstances of Hephaestus' birth, as it is referenced in Hesiod's Theogony, Hera "was very angry and quarreled with her mate" (Theogony, 901), which provoked her to bear . Ydor is the god of the oceans and water. Unfortunately, only fragments of Hellanicus Atlantis survive. The author, M. Pierre Termier, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of Service of the Geologic Chart of France, in 1912 delivered a lecture on the Atlantean hypothesis before the Institut Ocanographique; it is the translated notes of this remarkable lecture that are published in the Smithsonian report. old), and Wilderness, Jadis- Witchcraft/Dark Magic, Immortality/Eternal Youth, and Monsters/Dark Creatures, Jax/Felix- The Internet, Technology, and Memories, Jubilant- Happiness, Charity, and Recycling, Kak Paid- The End, Childhood, and literally everything to do with snakes except for the creatures themselves, Karoline- Violence, Insanity, and Fear/Panic, Kit- Eldritch Horror, Rabbits, and Spooky Things, Mizuki- Space, Feelings, and Japanese Culture, Moonflight- Flooding and Untimely Heroic Deaths, Necromancer- Dinosaurs/prehistoric animals, History (personal or otherwise), and Jungles, Neptune- Inner Peace, Serenity, and Empathy, Neutral- Demonic Magic, Ambition, and Desperation, Nox- Fantastical Creatures, Magic, and Night, Oblivion- Insanity, Darkness, and the Void, Orphos- Deals, Tradeoffs, and the Desperate, Peacock- Water, Peace, and Hawaiian Culture, Poppy- Game Animals, Animal Spirits, and Sleep, Prisma- Communism, The Hunt, and Information, Riri - Fantasy, Creativity, and Performance, Sanya-Dreams/Nightmares, Song/Music/Harmony, and Healing/Medicinal Plants, Sapph- Pomeranians, Overshipping, and Sapphires, Shatter- Cat People, Crystals, and Discordance, Sierra- Books, Intelligence, and Ball-Point Pens, Snowbelle- Cold Weather, Shipping, and Hair, Specter- Reality, ghosts/spirits, and knowledge, Spiral- Hypnosis, Mind-Control, and Possession, Spring- Rain, Creativity, and Early Mornings, Star/ry- The Greek Zodiac, Astrology, and Dreams, Thunderstorm- Electricity, Creativity, and Birds, Vine- Fangirls, Perspectives, and Acceptance, Voithesi- Peaceful Deaths, the Earth/Ground, and Crows, Windor- Insomnia, Hatred, and Cold-Blooded creatures, Wizard- Books, Scrolls and Reading Materials, and History, WyvernSoul- Wyverns, Power, and Destruction, Yandere- Burning Stuff, Subtle Hints, and Coups, Here's to the most intimidating deity in Forengard--. Many of the most well-known mythologies feature moon goddesses, such as the Greek goddesses Selene and Artemis as well as, of course, China's Chang'e. Selene ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Evidently, the moon is not an exclusively female domain as there also exist moon gods which include Ibis and Chonsu of Thebes. Body Type S3:Ep4 26 mins. However, they were not names, since the Atlanteans used capital letters and these words did not have those. Crantor, commenting upon Plato, asserted that the Egyptian priests declared the story of Atlantis to be written upon pillars which were still preserved circa 300 B.C. The most important point about this civilization is that it possessed the true religious-philosophical knowledge, which allowed many people to advance quickly in . (See Sallust on the Gods and the World.). From here the Initiate-Priests of the Sacred Feather went forth, carrying the keys of Universal Wisdom to the uttermost parts of the earth. Pan was a composite creature, the upper part--with the exception of his horns--being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. Monuments, texts, and even public offices bear the marks of Egypt's myriad gods. The Titans Family tree and Genealogy. Sekaria asked how, and Akadema had a plan. The Samothracian rites were particularly concerned with navigation, the Dioscuri--Castor and Pollux, or the gods of navigation--being among those propitiated by members of that cult. . p. 34. Milky Way Many people think that Clement was referring to the lost land of Atlantis because of the way that he describes this far off place. Those who do are linked. So, is it your belief, professor, that Atlantis did indeed exist. Gaea raised mountains to form lands and Celestia the filled the sky with air. In the Timus is a further description of Atlantis, supposedly given to Solon by an Egyptian priest and which concludes as follows: "But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea. The large scale impact of this event often leads others to conclude that Atlantis must have been the partially sunken island of Santorini. Yet Akadema would only tell her how if she would agree to lay with her. He was renowned for his many translations of ancient texts like the Popol Vuh (an ancient Mayan sacred book) and was known to have gathered a great amount of information on the history of the region. (See Atlantis.). The zones were so thickly populated that the sound of human voices was ever in the air. The ten kings of Atlantis are the tetractys, or numbers, which are born as five pairs of opposites. In the Mysteries of Proserpine a tree cut is put together into the effigy and form of the VIRGIN, and when it has been carried within the city it is MOURNED 40 nights, but the fortieth night it is BURNED!" As a thank you Eko formed creatures out of clay to give to Leah as gifts, which she loved very much. Its appearance is vague at best, being described in texts as a black or brown manlike creature, even though tin he first text it appears in describes it as white, with wings, no head and two glowing red eyes on its chest. Thalassa decorated the oceans with algae and reefs while Tessa covered the lands in plants and trees. Goddess of joy and love Daughter of Archon Twin sister of Chara Helped Archon seal Apollymi in Kalosis The primary goddess Braith Destroyer of the Atlantean pantheon Goddess of life, death, war, wisdom, and destruction Wife of Archon Mother of Apostolos Cursed by the Fates and Epithymia Son of Apollymi Husband of Tory Father of Sebastos Eudorus and Theron Ruler of the Atlantean pantheon God of . How NASA Uses Consumer Technology to Perform More With Less Originally he was described as being one of the guardians of the gates of the underworld. Base Of Operations While most (but not all) people believe that Atlantis is a tale that has been wildly embellished, it remains unclear as to what percentage of the story is fiction. They bridged the zones of sea and later dug a deep canal to connect the outer ocean with the central island, where stood the palaces And temple of Poseidon, which excelled all other structures in magnificence. 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