Phil, a strange guy who spends most of his time eating in silence, is her boyfriend, and she really loves him. 'Which means he gets pushed around. Sitting there, all.. I'm not bothered, Phil, I'm not, it doesn't, I don't care. Upgrade to PRO Click the card to flip . You know. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. PHIL: Well take you up the grille now. 'Brian's journey matches that of Adam himself, He was bullied, told what to do, went mad and in the end is more significant in his absence than his presence. His gang mates were scared of him and he challenged John Tate, but he proves himself too weak. Character research"Leah" - DNA. you havent, you know, you havent, but thats, thats dierent, isnt it, I mean Is that it? Sorry! that youre pretending which makes them awkward and you can see that A LEA: What are you thinking? Leah Leah lacks in self confidence, but her many monologues show her to be intelligent and thoughtful. 'Adam, the first man, the first victim. Whatever youre, you know, I wont, I wont , I mean, it wouldnt matter if you werent or were, actually so , I mean, is it negative, are you thinking a negative thing about , Not that Im bothered. MARK: Term. Because alright whatever, but this is actually insane! This clip is relevant for teaching English Literature and Drama GCSE in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Jan and Mark declare that the boy has lost it., Mark and Jan are on the street. Alright, I haven't *got* friends, but I could have, if I wanted, given the right, given the perfect.. you . Hebends down. You know, you can talk to me. You haven't. RICHARD: Leah always talks to Phil with no response. "D.N.A." No, Im just wondering. NARRATOR: An overview of some of the main themes in The History Boys by Alan Bennett. Guide written by. Picks up his coke. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. So dont, because you havent either, I mean its not like. gonna, you know, or whatever, you know its not the collapse of my, because Are you happy? Sorry. No, don't tell me, sorry, that's a stupid, that's such a stupid- You can tell me, you know. Well throw rocks at you until you drop through. An overview of some of the main characters in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. xXF}W#H,{^F%FQ fi3E|ON6FpNSg8v MdJ[A7GE=XupWFXU?7Qg4 ! Qui interpreto il personaggio di Leah, studentessa di circa 17 anni. Does it. Ive got friends, I mean alright, I havent got friends, not exactly, I havent. NARRATOR: We used to go to his birthday parties, he used to have that cheap ice cream and we used to take the piss, remember?" Phil: "I'm in charge. You wouldn't believe how things have got. Danny. CATHY: Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, not the only one, Phil, Im just the only one saying it, the fe, Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Leah wants answers to know what Phil is thinking. This is pretty static, since my room is definitely not as big as a stage haha. So don't, because you haven't either, I mean it's not like you're, y'know, Mr Popular or anything, you know. 'And by the end of the play, is torturing fellow pupils.'. ', LEAH: Yes, I am ashamed but Im not ashamed of my shame, Phil, give Leah's monologue at the s tart of Section Three demonstrates her growing desperation with Phil and the whole group situation. Not that I'mI mean it wouldn't matter if you weren't or were, actually, soAre you thinking about me . 'Finally Leah's morality asserts itself and she leaves him.'. Is that what youre, because dont, you know, judge, you, kill me, Phil, call the police, lock me up, rip out my teeth with a pair of rusty, Im not gonna, you know, or whatever, you know its not the collapse of my. I do. Only been four days but nothings changed. Whatever you're, you know, I won't, I won't Is it me? Can you remember the happiest moment in your life? JOHN: un personaggio moralistico, una ragazza molto intelligente che spesso si lancia in argomenti intellettuali, anche se non connessi tra loro. START: Are you happy? /hat ' talk too mu#h 's that it? Sitting there. ', NARRATOR: Yes, I am ashamed but I'm not ashamed of my shame, Phil. No, I'm just wondering. Tysons, VA, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. MARK: No, I do. I'm under a lot of stress! un personaggio moralistico, una ragazza molto intelligente che spesso si lancia in argomenti intellettuali, anche se non connessi tra loro. Did you know that? So much so, he's bullied into doing things he knows are wrong. Its like nuclear waste or global warming. Lea's monologue from the play 'DNA' by Dennis Kelly, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Lea&#39;s Monologue - &#39;DNA&#39; For Later, You can tell me, you know. I do, no I do talk too much. to learn more about this monologue from DNA and unlock other amazing theatre resources! I do have, I could walk out of here, there are friends, Ive got, Ive got friends, Do I disgust you? Leah: "Chimps are evil. One person? Mikey Wears Braces - Play. give me that much credit at least, thank you. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. well yesterday I saw him showing her his phone, like they were old friends. e'll do anything to be part of the group. Monologues for use and submission dna: dennis kelly (leah) do disgust you? -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Leah appears in. In many of the scenes, we are presented with a one-sided relationship between Leah and Phil which is carried out through out the play. It also appears in OCR, Edexcel, AQA, WJEC and CCEA. PHIL: Phil, a strange guy who spends most of his time eating in silence, is her boyfriend, and she really loves him. If he comes back, our lives are ruined. ', NARRATOR: [Phil looks up] Yeah, Another appeal. He doesn't. NARRATOR: There, I'm admitting, I talk too much! I eat things. In this monologue, I'm playing the role of Leah, a schoolgirl around 17 years old. 'Jan and Mark too showed pangs of conscience, by playing down their role in Adams demise.'. You're not scared. NARRATOR: She craves attention from Phil, to the point where she repeatedly implies he hates her just to try to get him to talk. END: Where will it stop? LEAH: I won't.. NARRATOR: 'Phil is more akin to a Chimp, becoming increasingly cruel throughout the play. Chimps are evil. Sitting there. Sitting there, all All Youre scared. Phil, un tipo strano che non parla quasi mai, il suo ragazzo e lei ne molto innamorata. Danny plans on becoming a dentist and has a very clear plan for his schooling, work experience read analysis of Danny. I mean really, it is. It doesn't, I don't, I don't care.. You know I don't.. You, sitting there in absolute silence, thinking 'Leah talks too much, I wish she'd shut up once in a while'. Sitting, scared. In this scene, Hermione acts out Leah's monologue ab. Starts to drink his coke. What we wanted, was to cover up what had happened not to frame someone else! NARRATOR: Talking to the TV cameras, she's even prepared to frame an innocent man for their crimes.'. She's the moral character, a highly intelligent girl who often comes out with intellectual topics. She's the moral character, a highly intelligent girl who often comes out with intellectual topics. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. While "chimps are evil," Leah says, bonobos are intelligent, kind, and empathetic. [] John Tate hasnt been seen in weeks, and the postmans facing the rest of his life in prison, but, you know, omelettes and eggs, as long as youve your waffle, who cares. So don't, because you haven't either, I mean it's not like you're, you know. I saw Jan helping a first year find the gym. Whatever you're, you know, I won't, I won't Is it me? . circumstances. You're not.. Leah gli parla di continuo senza ottenere risposta. Yeah, everyone happy. kno% like (u!ge you no or anything& Be#ause alright ' !o& /here '"m, gonna you kno% or %hate)er you kno% its not the, %ante! gi)en the right gi)en the per+e#t, !on"t ,e#ause you ha)en"t either ' mean it"s not, popular you kno% you ha)en"t& 3itting there all*, Do not sell or share my personal information. Leah's Monologue from DNA including context, text and video example. 'Who's the most psychopathic of them all.'. JOHN: I mean it wouldn't matter if you weren't or were, actually, so-, I mean, is it a negative, are you thinking a negative thing about-. You can talk to me. everyone, the fear, the fear that everyone here, and Im not the only one, Im You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. She is clearly concerned about their relationship - ' You need me as much as ' shows her insecurity and desire . Everyones happier. no, because alright, I do. Summary: DNA by Dennis Kelly follows the silent yet intimidating, 16 year old Phil, and his fearful following of misfits as they come to terms with the consequences of a practical joke that. I mean it is, it is, dont say it, isnt, really, dont, youll just embarrass us both because it is different, its, different because it doesnt matter to you. LEAH: Josie Murphy-White Leah- DNA by Dennis Kelly LEAH: What are you thinking? ashamed. Into the dark. NARRATOR: 'Welcome to the plot of Dennis Kelly's 'DNA'. Youll drop through. Ive got. Simply the loner, who's life ended trying to be part of the group.'. Leah always talks to Phil with no response. What you thinking? From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. NARRATOR: NARRATOR: This place. An overview of some of the main themes in Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. He tries . LEAH: Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. There, I'm admitting it. NARRATOR: The change. Falls Church, VA, Camp Director at Traveling Players Ensemble And in that second, Phil, I knew that there was life on other planets. Neither Bonobo, nor Chimp. Sometimes for months! Everyone's working together. In this monologue, I'm playing the. I always thought we would get married Assistant Stage Managers at Creative Cauldron, Camp Director at Traveling Players Ensemble, Assistant Director at Traveling Players Ensemble. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. I always thought we would get married . Ive said it; scared. No don't.. because, it's alright. ADAM: You can eat anything. Jan asks if, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. To begin with he's mentally cruel to Leah, not speaking a word to her. Could be used as part of an exploration of character and theme, either after an initial reading or as part of a revision activity. I won't judge you, whatever it is. NARRATOR: There, I'm admitting, I talk too much, what a crime, what a sin, what an absolute catastrophe. Leah's Monologue from - Dna - By dennis kelly - What are you thinking? 'But their guilt comes through.'. He doesn't speak, and she's very nervous and anxious about why he isn't taking to her (and his judgements of her). 'She tried to use Adams death as an opportunity, rather than a crisis. Not that I'm - I mean it wouldn't matter if you were or you weren't actually so - Are you thinking about me? You can talk to me. Doesn't that bother you? I won't judge you, whatever it is. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Last week Richard invited Mark to his party, bring a friend, anyone you like, can you believe that? )[Zm/owA8 cAK)- 62_v6Mpj^X40~>iP8,M.^p:fs!jg 7@6hx)A PHIL and LEAH, PHIL slowly eating a pack of starburst. LEAH: Are you happy? Complete your free account to request a guide. It's fine. Leah gli parla di continuo senza ottenere risposta. wanted, if I wanted, given the right, given the perfect, you know, I mean alright I havent got friends, not exactly, I havent, but I could, if I She's the moral character, a highly intelligent girl who often comes out with intellectual topics.\"D.N.A.\" un'opera del drammaturgo inglese contemporaneo Dennis Kelly. Shirking from the reality of what the group have done. Monologues for use and submission, Human Anatomy And Physiology I (BIOL 2031), Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility (BUS 5115), Mathematical Concepts and Applications (MAT112), Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments (ELM-250), Elementary Physical Eucation and Health Methods (C367), Pharmacology For Nursing Practice (NR-293), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), BIO Midterm 2 - BIO NOTES FOR CITOVSKYS CLASS ENJOYYY, Dr. Yost - Exam 1 Lecture Notes - Chapter 18, Disorder Asthma - Active Learning Template, WK Number 2 Atomic Structure Chemistry 1 Worksheet Assignment with answers, Mini Virtual Lab Calculating GPP and NPP1, Module One Short Answer - Information Literacy, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. RICHARD: LEAH has a Tupperware container on her lap. You'll fall into the cold. Not that Im- I mean it wouldnt matter if you werent or were, actually, so- Brians on medication. 'Sociable and oober chatty, Leah is insecure about her relationship with Phil and spends much of the play trying to get him to react to her.'. Leah always talks to Phil with no response. Leah is about 16 in this play, and a very self critical and low self esteem girl. [ ]. By the legs. I do. No, dont tell me, sorry, thats a stupid, thats such a stupid- You know. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 1 / 7. No don't because, it's alright, it's fine, I'm not gonna, you know, or whatever, you know it's not the collapse of my, because, I do have, I could walk out of here, there are friends, I've got, I've got friends, I mean alright. someone. John Tate advances on Brian as if to hurt him, but when Mark, Jan. Brian, the one who reported having seen Adam with a postman in the first place. ', NARRATOR: ', NARRATOR: In this scene, leah is talking to her boyfriend, Phil. Qui interpreto il personaggio di Leah, studentessa di circa 17 anni. No, sorry, don't tell me, that's a stupid, You can tell me, you know. To the fat postman with bad teeth. Is that what you're, because don't, like, y'know, judge, y'know or anything. 'From the start, she never feels showed remorse when she thinks Adam has died. But when they find that their cover-up unites them and brings harmony to their once fractious lives, where is the incentive to put things right. Phil, un tipo strano che non parla quasi mai, il suo ragazzo e lei ne molto innamorata. ', NARRATOR: being down there. as a failure, which in itself makes you more unhappy so you have to Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Leah is talking about bonoboshumans' nearest primate relatives. it is, it is, dont say it isnt, really, dont, youll just embarrass us both I knew we werent alone in the universe, I didnt just think it or feel it, I knew it, I know it, it was as if the universe was suddenly shifting and giving me a glimpse, this vision that could see everything, just for a fraction of a heartbeat of a second. I know my happiest moment. As he shows in the end, when he takes Leah's place in the field, pleading for Phil's attention.'. LEAH: un'opera del drammaturgo inglese contemporaneo Dennis Kelly. 'Richard initially looked like a potential leader of the group. Kelly - what are you happy a schoolgirl around 17 years old 'adam, the first victim character, strange! Moralistico, una ragazza molto intelligente che spesso si lancia in argomenti intellettuali, anche non! 'S monologue from - DNA senza ottenere risposta other amazing theatre resources main themes in Blood Brothers by Willy.! 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