Fire-cured tobacco is hung in large barns where fires of hardwoods are kept on continuous or intermittent low smoulder and takes between three days and ten weeks, depending on the process and the tobacco. I smoke about 50grm/week -say 1 3/4 oz/week. The site loading pace is amazing. Cigar tobacco producers ferment tobacco naturally by creating huge piles of air cured leaves. This process takes about 3-4 weeks.2) Fermentation: Sweating out ammonia, and a few other complicated chemical processes. Answer: Yes, The way I know of is to spray the rum/wine/honey solution or whatever on the dry or near dry leaves with a garden mister. It has been most helpful. Do you think theyll go ok in there until after the last frost of winter? You will need to make a platform inside the boiler to keep the leaves out of the water. James' book The Heirloom Tobacco Garden and i've been excited to try his method using jars. Is that safe to smoke? there seems to be a new trend in vaping lately as more people are the cost of cigarettes beyond their means and are turning to vaping, i grow my own tobacco and process it myself and have experimented (Mucked around in my kitchen) with 0% nicotine menthol e-juice by cutting my tobacco in an old electric coffee grinder and adding the e-juice bit by bit to the mix until i achieve the strength i desire.. Just let the plants grow as shown in my hub, don't fuss over them as they're hardy, just make sure that they have at least a 2 ft spacing from each other or other plants, they'll transplant OK at this size if you have to, but better if you don't as it checks their growth, not a great worry. Pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff are fire cured. Reply -Week 4 the tobacco chamber should have the sweet smell of a walk in humidor. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on November 07, 2015: Hi quicksand, long time no hear, How's it going? You are so right, they do adapt to the area. It's a bit late now to plant outdoors, but you can probably start your seedlings in the hothouse, or better still in little pots on a warm windowsill (Like in the kitchen) . Thank you for posting this. Fermentation is the trickiest part, and is what this instructable is intended to outline. During two years in Vanuatu where home-grown tobacco is available in the markets (cured and twisted into braids) I discovered I could make a "brew" just as good as my favourite pipe tobacco "Amphora". Low and behold, I have 2 tobacco plants growing, which surprised me as the cigars I buy are aged. I have dried and cut one leaf for a try. Store the tobacco in a room between 60 to 95 F (16 to 35 C) to cure it. Is there anything I can do? This will always depend on how much you grow and how big your boiler is. I've had some specific varieties that were not particularly good until 18 months, In theory, could I just chuck my jars in say the hot water cupboard? Frankly, if you're regularly ingesting nicotine, traces of ammonia, if they exist, should be the least of your concerns,- and homegrown tobacco is a lot less dangerous than the commercial stuff. .I'd suggest that you just hang the leaves to dry without assistance in a shady airy spot and see how they go. My experience is there is no way to cut out the big ribs etc, because as soon as I touched the leaves they crumble into a bunch of tiny pieces. Reckon next year I will have to double my crop, I may be a bit shy this year. 7 years ago I've been toying with the idea of growing my own tobacco for a year now and just found your site by looking for how to cure tobacco. If you do have problems, see your local nurseryman or talk to a friend who gardens. This is the kind of info ive been searching for. If you need more seed google King Seeds in Katikati, (I've a link in the text). Answer: It should be okay in a large bucket. Also, is it possible for the plants to grow too fast? Most of the tobacco that I smoke has been aged 4+ years, but I don't let cannabis sit in a jar beyond six months. You'll know they're ready for use when theyve turned dark brown and the edges of each leaf are curled. You too can join the ranks of tobacco plant enthusiasts and with some luck and planning, your efforts may be rewarded with a homegrown cigar! Place the trimmed buds into some type of airtight container. Question: Im having a hard time keeping my tobacco burning, could it just need more time? Thank you so much for putting up this site. Please help me Old Firm! -An extra week or two of fermentation beyond the 4th week wouldn't hurt. First time grower. How do you know your tobacco will be ok for cigarettes, but not for cigars or vice versa? If it's just for the fun of growing the stuff and possibly to use the leaves to make a bug spray, a couple of plants will do fine. There are other ways to grow tobacco and other ways to cure the stuff. Question: What strain of tobacco do you grow? Question The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 13, 2014: The bowler hat brigade - too stupid to "do" so spend their lives telling us "not to do". I did miss a stage in my above aromatic observationsbetween the wet grass and raisin stage there was a strong cereal toasted corn flakes, which probably lasted for the entire 2nd week. Have you ever tried soaking leaves to flavour them? By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Virginia tobacco, the stuff of commerce, is one of the hardiest plants you'll ever grow. Question: How do you flavor tobacco with honey and alcohol? Ive a venture that I am just now running on, and Ive been on the look out for such information. Very refreshing to be able to find the simple info you want without having read heaps of seriously boring rubbish at the same time!! Answer: Yes, but as it has a root ball the size of a football, you'll need a large tub. Im wanting either a mild hazlenut or chocolate flavor. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 20, 2014: I wrote a month or what back that I had started harvesting and drying down here in North Canty, and being the impatient bugger that I am, have started smoking it now, and am pleasantly surprised with the result. Take a leaf, strip out the center rib and any large side ribs if it's a big leaf, and repeat this process for several leaves until you have a generous handful. Question: Is it worth continuing to harvest the leaves after the tobacco plant has flowered? Good luck growing! What is the next step after the fermentation is ready ? Answer: It shouldn't make any difference. Gently shake the sieve. Well what an informative article, I tried many years ago to grow tobacco, plants grew fine but mucked up the curing process, I want to flavour the stuff for pipe smoking, I have a very large jar of glycerine in the garage could I use that with port and brandy, spray the leaf, let dry, then press and mature but for how long - best guess for a guide pls, also I want to give some hand rolling tobacco to my colleagues at Christmas, I'm harvesting and curing now,(August) once dried I'm putting it in a plastic air tight box, will that be long enough time for it to mellow/mature. In the cooler situation, I am fighting to keep things moist enoughin your case it looked like it was the opposite effect! - "Keep it simple, and if it works don't fix it!" I realize the leaves are moist at first but after the moisture evaporates do you have to have any humidification device in there?A: yeah, as you can imagine, lamp is very similar to an oven, where the dry heat generated constantly takes away the humidity. Question: My tobacco is too strong. Question: Why do my tobacco leaves never turn yellow and ripen? Commercially it used to have saltpeter (potassium nitrate) added to keep it going, although I don't know what's used now. After fermentation (kilning), tobacco aroma and taste may change significantly over a few days, with noticeable change becoming more subtle after that. They'll turn dark brown and eventually start to split. If you get problems then sort them out with humidifiers or what have you. Question: What do you think of using a humidifier to keep some moisture in the air while curing? Remember that smoking tobacco probably would not have caught on if it weren't for the process of cramming it into barrels and sending it on a sea voyage in sailing ships - which is how the above process was discovered. That being said, lets get started! Your blog by far has the most simplistic and helpful information on growing tobacco. Allow 2 meters headroom if you keep them inside and remember to pick out the sideshoots growing in the leaf joins (just like tomatoes do) they can be planted too for a later crop. The tobacco is best if the leaf stems are still slightly most when you remove from the stems. This is a brilliant step-by-step on how to get to the end product I'm looking for so thanks so much mate! When the plant is mature, harvest the leaves as normal and check google on making cigars, - I haven't made them but I know that there are some good sites with common sense instructions around. Question: Once the tobacco is cured and cut, how do you store so it doesnt dry out like tobacco you buy? Questions by inquiring hobbist , answers by me, (Surf Monkey Coconut)!.Q: Cool setup- never seen it done like that before. If it looks a bit damp or won't light he sticks it in the warming tray of his oven for a while. Very educational. Was going to make a wooden box but this was easier as I had the bits. Answer: I don't know, it's been many years since I was in Australia, but I would guess a tobacco plant would take around three months or less to grow there. the pic was just of some plants that had mold growth on them. The best time of year to dry outdoors is during the harvest season, end of Summer, before the first frost, humidity is typically perfect in most areas of the USA. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. When they're about four inches high, and after the last of the frost, plant them out. Answer: I remove the stems because they're woody and would produce lumpy tobacco. Put tobacco in jar. If you want to cure and smoke it, put in at least a dozen plants if possible. Most strains, though, will be good enough to smoke after two-three weeks, but the longer you leave the buds to cure, the better - four to eight weeks may be the optimal time. I borrowed from the butchering industry and got a bunch of J fish hooks, strung them on some fishing line and use that for drying. Question: Can I make alcohol from tobacco leaves? 11 years ago Basic idea of the home chamber is to simulate the internal temperatures of a tobacco pile as seen at tobacco production facilities. The warm, dry days and cool, relatively humid nights of the late summer and early fall provide the perfect conditions for drying tobacco leaves. Answer: From seedling to mature plant (in a temperate climate) in about three months if planted in late Spring - early Summer; longer if planted later. For menthol I just added some mint leaves. 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. Also provided is an example of how one may be able to affordably recreate the conditions needed for tobacco fermentation. Fermentation also stabilizes the leaf so that it doesn't decompose further in storage. Mastering this art enables you to produce high-quality, potent flowers that leave all your senses tingling with every whiff or toke. , i bought 1 kg virginia tobacco leaves, its sun cured, but its really smells bad !! But to me, all of these smells were delicious!! Mr. mayb to much nitrogen locked in the leaf what do you think, Reply After that I shredded them. Temperature range in fermenting. Do you have any advice on how to grow these for cigars? There's no smell of nicotine looks and the taste is like dried grass. What you do with it then is your own damned business. 3D Printed Futuristic Space Age Wall Clock. If you hit 71% or greater, you will have to take the bud out to dry more. I just wondered whether the hot water cupboard would be a better spot as opposed to fairly consistent room temp in a living space. The biggest difference is that the plastic box did too good of a job sealing in the moisture, and perhaps there was too much to begin with. Start the tobacco seedlings no sooner than 4 weeks before the spring night time temps are 50 degrees or so. Question: I'm new at this. Remember these are monstrous plants that are supposed to reach 7' tall, if you can provide a minimum 5 gallon pot, lots of full direct sun and water, your plants will flourish! it was cold and had good air flow. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on February 17, 2015: No I haven't tried that. Ive not got the Virginia one Ive got has some random Peruvian ones that has loads of nicotine on the leaves its oily. Start by putting your dried buds in your chosen curing jars. on Step 5. sounds like the uneven curing is due to inconsistent humidity and too dry of an environment. I then dip the jar, short of the lid, back into the boiling water using the tongs. I threw a hand at it but it didnt come out the way I hoped. Yes I agree that there was too much moisture. The end result looked like nice moist almost store bought tobacco. Having my first try at it and given I'm in the far north east of Scotland I'm having quite good results so far, that said been an unusually good Sumer. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. An attic or garage rafters are great, provided you still have headroom. Im growing in ohio, where the difference betwixt winter and summer is almost nonexistent. These are the same plants as in the previous photo, eleven days later (25Jan09). It kind of feels that you are doing any distinctive trick. Hopefully I get mature plants later. In fact, each capsule has dozens of seeds, so one picking of ready seed-heads is more than ample unless you have several acres you want to plant out. Pull out any small plants or weeds that try to crowd each tobacco plant. As each plant grows, you'll see small tobacco plants (suckers or basal shoots) starting to grow as side-shoots from the main stalk at the base of the leaves, the same as with tomatoes and that other stuff some people smoke. Harvesting: Fully grown leaves (and no, It's not me!). In about two weeks, the seedlings should start showing. :). Dedicated home growers use old refrigerators with a heat source. You need to leave some free space for airflow, so err on the side of under versus over-filling the jars. Let the flowers bloom and die off. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 16, 2014: Hi tobacco enthusiast, glad to know that I was of help. Hi we live in sunny Bay of Plenty and want to give it a go. For some, growing tobacco is an absolute obsessionand its easy to see why! Pinch them out as well. and spray it finely on the dried leaves with a garden mister. , and then i can"t smoke because its really strong ! Answer: Home grown tobacco doesn't naturally stay burning. After drying the leaves then adding flavour such as vodka and then slicing/cutting would I store the tobacco in a air tight container? I'd suggest that you leave them for the time being but monitor them and if the spots increase noticeably remove the offenders. That's late summer here in the Southern Hemisphere. The same rules apply: pinch out or otherwise remove them. Growing and harvesting is a perquisite to fermentation covered in other guides, available here . Question: When growing and curing tobacco at home, do we do a fermentation/sweating process after drying? It will grow in pretty much any type of soil you have. Since yous have given me some ideas i will give you a fact. Essentially creating a compost heap where the internal temperature is carefully monitored along with the humidity levels. A friend hangs his tobacco for about three months, by which time it has both a nice colour and texture. 3 years ago. Growing nicotiana rustica here in ohio. Once the tobacco is dry to my liking or touch. The seedlings are 2.5 inches tall now. Using a solution of honey or something sweet may help also. At which temperature fermentation stops? (I've been away playing Cap'n Ahabs with an old boat in New Plymouth harbour). To cure my tobacco i air dry it in my shed. -Week 3 smells very strongly like raisins. this methored did not work the tobacco turned to compost in a few weeks.. to much humidity.. the way i would change it is having the inside tray highter and only puting a cloth over the top so air can escape.. i only put a small hole in the top and this was not enough. Subtract the one-time cost of the seed ($2.50 buys about 1,000 seeds at the shop down the road from me) and the price of the couple of cups of seed-raising mix and fertiliser you may have purchased. The results were unbelievable, menthol is one the hardest flavours to crack, no more menthol crysrals and chemistry sets, the e-juice is mostly vegetable glycerine, with no nicotine, and can be added to suit the strength desirable, you can add it to your own liking, strong, medium, weak, doing it this way means the menthol strength hasn't already been decided for you and you don't have to hunt around for a commercial brand to suit your particular tastes. Tobacco plants nearing maturity. Having got that off my chairy little hest, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on January 21, 2016: Hi Hops, beer and 'baccy go together mate, have a top New Year too. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 15, 2014: [img][/img], GOT it, Prilep 66, oriental fom macedonia, and i love it, has a taste like diped in honey, TY Mr. TOF :), im getting some cured orientals prilep 66, will try and let you know. I can't be bothered, think up a few for yourself. When the plants reach maturity, they'll set flower heads at the top. Maybe I'm ruining it. During the fermentation, there are several aromatic stages: . The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on June 07, 2014: Sorry mate, I can't help you there, I've no experience at this rather covert way of growing bacci'. When you cure tobacco leaves, you're breaking down ammonia in the plant matter. In terms of my fermentation chamber, there is no problems with overheating or meltingyet! they were small, but still over 6' high. When I think of ammonia, I think of a sharp biting smell, the chemical smell from either a bottle of windex or urine..(I once had mice as pets, which had that horrible smell) When I was researching tobacco fermentation I pictured those fermentation barns in central America to be awful, perhaps like walking into a tear gas chamberTaking this into consideration I have my fermentation cooler in an unused bathroom which has the ceiling vent on a timer (it turns on for 10 mins every hour). For three months of winter, we have occasional light frosts, bitterly strong winds, and some hail. I would think that using a spray bottle or just wiping the leaves with a sponge-full of the mix would also work OK. on Introduction. I'd also suggest that you let the plants flower and save the seed, you'll get enough to plant half of Kansas and be very popular with your smoking friends! Just thought i'ld let you know the 'head start' theory appeared to work. I think I'm going to try to grow some to use for smudging and offerings (Spiritual purposes). You do need LARGE pots, it grows a huge root ball. I live in Kansas and they are growing like crazy. Air curing works by hanging the leaves in a dark place for a few weeks. Anyway that is soo cool. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on July 30, 2014: Drying- Three months will do it, less if you give a bit of a boost with a slightly warm oven. Does the Brod and Taylor bread proofing cabinet work good for cureing tobacco? See what your first try is like, you can always tart it up as you go along. Within a few hours the sun begins to bleach it. Question: I am following your method of growing tobacco at home, though I am getting my brown leaves within a few weeks or less. Pick whichever leaves are ready, and cut a slit near the stem end of the centre rib of each leaf. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. Sun Curing. He left the element on about 150 C for a few days. Also, in the images above you can see the vent holes I cut in the top and bottom of the coolerI have since plugged them up to hold in the humiditythere was too much ventilation going on. Put it in a pipe and it smoked fine. Hang the leaves somewhere dry and warm, like a garage or attic. I would like to make a kiln, and Im thinking about rigging it up with 12v solar so I can justify leaving it on, but in the meantime I wonder whether leaving the jars there as opposed to somewhere else for a year would make a significant difference. when curing don't burp the jars that will stop the curing process, you will add new oxygen and revert the anaerobic bacteria that was curing to aerobic and thats starts to feed on chlorophyl . Do you ferment leaves for smoking tobacco? Answer: The leaves normally dry from the bottom of the plant up. 12.5% cure for between 3 weeks and 11 weeks. Preparing the leaf is the same for both. A lot of tobaccos's taste sweetens with salt - folks will mix maybe a 1/4 teaspon of salt in 8-10 ounces of distilled water, lay the tobacco out on a tray, mist it with the salty solution, allow to dry and then put it in the curing jars. Producers ferment tobacco naturally by creating huge piles of air cured leaves all your senses tingling with every or... Plymouth harbour ) wo n't light he sticks it in the cooler situation, I bought 1 kg tobacco. Up a few for yourself dried and cut, how do you flavor tobacco with honey and alcohol last., curing tobacco in jars into the boiling water using the tongs and if it works do n't fix it ''... N'T naturally stay burning much any type of soil you have any advice on how much you grow how. My liking or touch one ive got has some random Peruvian ones that has loads of nicotine looks the. Vice versa looked like it was the opposite effect a humidifier to keep leaves... 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