******If you dont drink enough water with alcohol, you can become dehydrated quickly.********. She then drank her emergency vodka to stop them. Diane Schuler killed herself and 7 others that day. When the body goes through a massive trauma such as Diane did in the car accident, the body cells release a high amount of potassium. A skinnier person might have been passed out with that much alcohol in her system. Unfortunately, the niece would not. Cause include *****dehydration*******. Shortly after placing the call to Hance, Schuler made it across the Tappan Zee Bridge and onto the Taconic State Parkway. Diane Schuler was able to do so. The fact that witnesses all say she was totally sober etc. herself and seven others when she drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway, A broken, 1.75-liter bottle of Absolut vodka was also found in the wrecked minivan. Becerra estimates he has investigated "probably half a dozen" wrong-way head-on crashes in his 34 years on the job. On that bright sunny Sunday 10 years ago, July 26, 2009, families were shattered in a fiery crash that killed eight,including four girls, ages 2 to 8. At about 1 PM, another call was made to Hance from Schulers cell phone. Diane Schulers family, however, denied all allegations of intoxication and several people Schuler had interacted with over the course of the morning backed up the familys claims. I dont know what to think. He was a secret drinker and reminds me a lot of Diane, just from what Ive read from the article. In the documentary, Schuler's husband steadfastly denied that his wife was capable of such poor decision-making, that she rarely drank and even more rarely smoked marijuana. "You can have all the signage you want, but if somebody is that drunk it's not going to make a difference.". Daniel Schuler, Diane Schulers husband, outside attorney Dominic Barbaras office in Garden City. A blood alcohol test in ABS would have the exact same results as someone drinking large amounts of alcohol. He was in a hotel for two days before his body was discovered and the fluid they check was .463 for alcohol. Dont want to go out with a headache? My husband is type one diabetic and Ive witnessed myself multiple times him have episodes and they are always different. Has anyone ever considered that may have happened to Diane Schuler. Toxicology Results. A gas station employee from whom Diane Schuler had attempted to buy over-the-counter painkillers vigorously denied that she had been drunk. A couple of comments on theories. Daniel, announced that Diane Schuler's body would be exhumed at her family's request. It was in the car. WOW!!! They almost missed Bryan, as he was under his siblings and cousins. "So signage was definitely there.". The NTSB report concluded that "driving while impaired by alcohol is the primary cause of wrong-way driving collisions.". According to Tom Ruskin, an investigator hired by Daniel Schuler, no McDonalds employees saw any signs of intoxication in Diane Schuler, although she engaged in extended conversation there while ordering food. Unless you believe that a woman whos like a PTA mom of the year decides this is the day I dont give a damn, Im going to have eight or ten shots and smoke a joint in front of my kids and nieces, then something else had to happen, said Daniel Schulers private investigator. There have been many autopsies were blood and urine alcohol levels are contaminated. My exes extreme alcoholism didnt happen overnight. These lives passed instantly when the crash happened. You are definitely aware that youre drunk and trying to operate a vehicle would be really challenging so, how did she manage to drive so well she didnt crash into anyone or anything before she went the wrong way on that road?). Dont worry, Im not going into the detail about mycology on here, but the easy answer is that yeast is a fungus. On a Sunday morning, Diane Schuler drove the wrong way up an off-ramp (pictured above) in a minivan filled with children onto the Taconic and proceeded two miles before crashing into an SUV head on and ending eight lives, including her own. 6. it is all a chain reaction. Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged. That is a woman who doesnt give a $HIT about life anymore and wants to end it, and doesnt care who else goes down with her. Aside, theres no evidence to suggest mental health issues. The campground co-owner, who claimed to know the Schulers well and saw them off at approximately 9 AM that morning, said that Schuler appeared sober when she left. During this call, At 1:33 PM, two drivers called 911 after noticing Schulers van edging onto the northbound exit ramp of the Taconic State Parkway near Briarcliff Manor, New York. The red Ford minivan hurtled down the fast lane of the northbound Taconic State Parkway in Mount Pleasant but it wasn't going north. Other witnesses reported seeing a minivan pulled over on the side of the highway with a woman bent over next to it who appeared to be vomiting. The combination of drug and alcohol intoxication creates even more issues. Please enter valid email address to continue. Daniel Schuler told investigators that his wife smoked marijuana occasionally and the family told PEOPLE magazine that she used it to relieve insomnia. At the end of the documentary, Ruskin states that he had called her months ago with the results and that she refused to pick up her phone. They had tried to stop her, they told investigators. Forensic investigator Michael Archer told WCBS, "We'll never know why she did this. Of course, increased potassium is very dangerous and our body responds by releasing insulin, because insulin helps to temporarily regulate potassium levels. Three men in the Chevrolet outrider, 81-year-old Michael Bastardi, his 49-year-old son Guy, and Diane's boyfriend, . Ive seen people drunk enough they had a headache and blurred vision. Several readers have commented on my original blog post "The Taconic Parkway Crash" about the possibility that Diane Schuler experienced a rare medical complication called 'Auto Brewery Syndrome' and that this condition may have led to her erratic behavior, elevated blood-alcohol level, and also account for her apparent lack of history of 'alcoholic behavior.' Timing of when you take your insulin. Maybe her marijuana was tainted with something that did something weird to her brain. A chloride blood test measures the amount of chloride in your blood. November 24, 2009 8:26pm. Potassium K 17.2 mmol/L If they go in with the mindset of drunk driver, usually from the police, they get myopic, just like the police. With her were her children: Bryan, 5, and Erin, 2. If Diane had a long history of oral hygiene issues then its likely possible that her gut was generating too much microbial fungi (gut fungi) causing infections in her oral cavity. The following photos are of the collision site only, and do not feature autopsy and cadaver photos. It seems odd that she would become so severely impaired in such a short timeline of events, especially because no one could say she appeared drunk. Hold on hold on. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane is a 2011 documentary television film directed by Liz Garbus about the 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash. Schuler's five-year-old son Bryan was the crash's only survivor and suffered two broken legs and a broken arm among other serious injuries. On that bright sunny day 10 years ago, families were shattered in a fiery crash that killed . I hope they can get some kind of answers for this family. The Westchester County medical examiners office, which performed the autopsy, said that the degradation of the fluids over time was likely to result in lowered alcohol and THC readings; however, several toxicology experts said that the results should be similar to the previous test if the fluid samples had been properly stored. Its also worth noting that if this were true then Diane Schuler is one rare unlucky woman. Hot and humid weather. If she were, shed be relatively unaffected by the vodka she drank. It was the worst thing Ive seen in 24 years, said state Police Capt. I thought it might be early-onset Parkinsons or severe anxiety or, yes, that auto-brewers thing. Hold on. One theory I had was that perhaps an infection within her oral cavity, left untreated for so long, could have resulted in bacteria (or even fungus [yeast???]) Panicked, Hance told Schuler to pull over and stay off the road. Diane Schuler, a36-year-old Long Island mother of two, was at the wheel, drunk and high, headed south at 70 mph. The McDonalds employees also denied that Schuler was intoxicated, and in fact, reported she carried on a coherent and lengthy conversation while she waited for her order. Diane Schuler was a 36-year-old Long Island woman who tragically killed herself and seven others in a fiery wrong- way car crash on the Taconic State Parkway in New York in 2009. The only survivor was 5-year-old Bryan Schuler, who sustained a severe brain injury. People do not think or act rationally when intoxicated so trying to rationalize her behavior leads to far fetched, unsubstantiated theories. Her own son, the only survivor, stated many times Mommys head hurt and she could not see. This is not being drunk. And her brothers kids: Emma Hance, 8; Alyson Hance, 7; and Katie Hance, 5. The autopsy report, prepared by Dr. Aleksandar Milovanovic of the Westchester County medical examiner's office, describes Diane Schuler's body and her injuries in grotesque -- but makes no mention . The children had been in the backseat, but were not secured in car seats, nor did they appear to have been wearing seatbelts. That would of set off her gut to produce high amounts of sugar Thus causing her yeast to overtake showing up instead as alcohol in the system. I dont remember any of it and dont even remember getting into the car. Brain abscesses are serious and can be treated if found early and if they occur more superficially in the brain. I also wondered about the weed she was using. The red Ford minivan hurtled down the fast lane of the northbound Taconic State Parkway in Mount Pleasant but it wasn'tgoing north. Cool, but Auto-Brewery Syndrome alone doesnt feel like the only thing at play here. Jennifer Fairgate and her briefcase of bullets. Though this seems viable, the results show that she smoked anywhere from 30-60 minutes before the crash. He was on his way and would meet them shortly. Remember the bath salts driving party-goers insane a few years ago? If every single person who knew her says she did not drink regularly or to excess, if every single person who knew her says she would not have done anything on purpose to harm her kids, if witnesses all through the timeline state she was not drunk, she did not smell of alcohol, and she did not appear under the influence, and even the times she is on video she is not impaired, logic dictates something else was wrong. My exes issue was revealed when he a) got caught drinking at work and, on the same day, b) when I forced him to go to therapy to discuss what I thought was severe anxiety/depression and he revealed the problem to his therapist. Eight people were killed in the fatal accident. I knew something was wrong with my ex I had him tested for celiac disease, I had him get an endoscopy, a colonoscopy. its a theory and could be worth investigating if any of these things contributed to the her behavior that day. The specifics of what happened in Diane Schulers car after the phone call are unknown and have been pieced together through witness accounts and toll information. It was 12:58 on the afternoon of July 26, 2009. The documentary goes into detail about her long history of dental issues, including an infected tooth (or possibly a few infected teeth). Caller: Theres an accident. The way she drove no swerving, eyes on the road, ignoring all attempts to alert her suggest you are correct sunkissed. Why wouldnt she call Danny? His 36-year-old sister Diane Schulers number appeared on the caller ID, but when he answered, his own young daughter was on the line. It wasn't until days later that the toxicology report's stunning results were known. Lets continue with the theory where she really did not consume any alcohol. An astonishing sequence of pictures of the final minutes of Princess Diana's life have emerged as the long-awaited inquest into her death finally opened today. About the THC in the tox report that reading indicates it could have been in her system up to 3 days prior. Metabolic acidosis, a condition in which you have too much acid in your blood. In an attempt to prove that his wife had not been intoxicated, Daniel Schuler and his attorney issued a statement that claimed Diane Schuler had been driving erratically due to a medical issue such as a stroke rather than intoxication. At first there was speculation that Schuler had a medical emergency which led to the accident, as she seemed fine to witnesses who saw her prior, but eventually toxicology results revealed that she was driving under the influence. Caller: Good God. t did the autopsy say about the condition of her teeth?? A motorist later found Schulers cell phone by the side of the road near the toll lanes of the Tappan Zee Bridge. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/what-can-marijuana-be-laced-with. Also, there was a bottle of Absolut Vodka found in the wreckage. As Diane Schuler was making her way down the New York Thruway, she called her brother Warren to tell him they were being delayed, as traffic in the area was heavy. Witnesses on the Taconic said she was driving "pin straight" at 70 mph in the fast lane, not swerving. From what i have seen about ABS ferments the carbohydrates in the small intestine. Hold on. July 26, 2011 -- Two years after the horrific Taconic State Parkway crash, the husband of Diane Schuler is suing New York State and the father of three nieces who were killed when the Long Island . Missing Florida mother found deceased in Alabama, Where is 4-year-old Codi Bigsby, missing from Hampton, VA, Ill either see you again or never see you again The Disappearance of Daniel Robinson, Destiny Jacksons body was found in the Las Vegas desert after she was killed during a car jacking, Spooky Houses youll be DYING to stay far away from, Suzanne Morphew (49) has been missing since May 10th, 2020 her husband has been arrested, FOUND SAFE- Laura Lacie Read- missing from Midtown, Houston, after her child is found alone, Dr. Beth Potter, her husband, Robin Carre were killed and found in a ditch, Missing Child Alert: Taylor Rose Williams (5) is missing from Jacksonville, Florida. Aspergillus is an invasive fungi found pretty much everywhere. *****Acting strange or feeling confused. "As part of our investigation we went up and down the Taconic and every entrance is clearly marked, with 'do not enter, wrong way,' [signs]" Becerra said. Having seizures. Whatever did happen to her, she was drunk and she was high. Ofcourse I understand that her actions leading up to this tragedy didnt alert or worry anyone, it still seems a bit overwhelming to have her driving 5 kids (3 of which were not hers) alone with no adult support. Her stomach was empty. Schuler left Liberty just after 11 AM, traveling along Route 17/Interstate 86 and Interstate 87, entering the Ramapo service area, and crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge, heading east. "They want to know what happened that day," said forensic investigator Michael Archer. Something she might have done before multiple times (drinking) with no major side effects, this time was a perfect storm in combination with the health values seen in the additional blood work. Someone needs to pass along this info to the family because its very likely Diane had this more so than a good mother drinking 10 cups of alcohol before driving with children in the car! But later reports revealed a statement made by Daniels sister that claimed she smoked on a regular basis. She was not zigzagging OBVIOUSLY SHE COULD SEE! OK! Fort Valley State University student Missing Where is Anitra Gunn? Diane was the first pulled out of the car. Or Hospital Scapegoat? She was just nice, loving, kind, he says. Many depressed people turn to substances to cope. There are types of strokes that can be missed if you are not looking for them. She and her husband Daniel had been camping for the weekend with their children and nieces at the Hunter Lake Campground in Parksville, New York. None of the results are flagged as being out of range but in fact some are (3 of them listed below) as follows: glucose normal range in women is between 70 and 99 mg/dL. In addition, Auto Brewery Syndrome can cause severe bouts of vomiting, and she was seen on the side of the road in that condition. All of these things could be the cause of her behavior. July 26 marks the 13th anniversary of the deadliest crash on a Westchester roadway in over 75 years. This is performed by accurately interpreting the clues left by the . Diane Schulers husband and his attorney Dominic Barbara consistently denied that she ever drank to excess or could have been drunk while driving that day. By Monika. Schulers 5-year-old son Bryan and one of her nieces initially survived the crash and were taken to a local hospital. My husband had an abscessed tooth that ended in a brain infection, and it was nothing like this. I think they know about her personal life, and blame her for doing this on purpose. Severe low blood sugar is below 54 mg/dL, 2. The end of the exit ramp is marked with two signs that read, Lindsay Clancy strangled her three children with exercise bands, The mysterious vanishing of Nicola Bulley, Missing men - Bryce Borca, Dr Bolek Payan, George Musser and Teddy Egge, The Missing, Murdered and Reunited of Runaway Train. State police investigators spent weeks digging, and documents from the case file on the crash contain much of what they uncovered. Her toxicology report showed that her blood alcohol level was at 0.19 percent (over double the legal limit of .08 percent), with another six grams of alcohol sitting in her stomach yet to be absorbed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The man was not actually drunk at all. I know the family probably wont read this but I have had 2 accidents that, thank God, nobody was hurt and it was from my oxygen level being so low. normal blood potassium level is 3.6 to 5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) Because she was ready to die and didnt care who she took with her. Pleasantville Road. I left him in September 2018 and he lived with relatives or in hotels from December 2018 until his death. Frantic drivers flooded 911 dispatchers with reports of a red minivan heading the wrong way down the parkway. The fiery July 26 crash on the Taconic Parkway killed Schuler, her 2-year-old daughter, three young nieces and three men in the SUV. Not out of the question, of course, but feels like a leap of logic. The end of the exit ramp is marked with two signs that read Do Not Enter and two signs that read One Way. Read it yourself. There are ocular migraines that distort vision and disorientate to the point that she may not have known how fast she was going and she could very easily not been able to see. Diane Schuler herself then got on the phone and described being disoriented; her vision foggy. Talk of wrong-way drivers takes Gleason back to his first training officer who taught the new cop a valuable lesson. Diane appeared normal with a blank stare to other drivers which makes sense for this condition, too. Thats the only thing that made it bearable, that boy, LaGrippo said. But idk that well ever know the truth surrounding it! The report upheld the previous toxicology findings that Schuler was highly intoxicated and had high levels of THC in her system at the time of the accident. Second caller: Were on the Taconic going northbound by the Sleepy Hollow/Pleasantville exit Route 117. And if she was in that much pain, why the hell would she keep driving? It was found that Diane had a blood alcohol level of 0.19, with the legal limit being 0.08. 1. and yet she had orange juice. 2. Urgent: if anyone knows the family of Diane Schuler, they need to let them know theres a very rare liver condition that can be triggered by an infection (Diane had a possible tooth infection!) That Diane Schuler, . He and his dad, Michael, and their family friend, Daniel Longo, were heading to Yorktown Heights for a family Sunday pasta dinner with family. Sometimes I can have only two sips of something and I feel dizzy already. ****** Along the route home, the minivan party participated in several road trip rituals; stopping at McDonalds and several gas stations. Second caller: Yes were on the Taconic going northbound right by the exit for Sleepy Hollow/Pleasantville. This time, she felt all these symptoms and became even more out of control triggering the agitated and aggressive driving state some witnesses describe. Case example: on first autopsy a 49 yr old male came back with a .26 blood alcohol. I also understand that there are plenty of people who have more than 5 kids and travel/drive just fine, just thought Id mention that. Except for the lack of any evidence whatsoever to support it. Katie Serena is a New York City-based writer and a staff writer at All That's Interesting. Do you have any way to check with the family to see if they have looked into this? I really hope her family gets answers someday. Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. According to a police report, Schuler was seen at approximately 11:45 AM by the side of the road with her hands on her knees, as if vomiting; she was seen again in the same position a short time later, north of the Ramapo rest stop. Her husband, Daniel Schuler, left the campground at the same time in a separate vehicle. Combined with an intake of carbohydrates, large amounts of alcohol are actually brewed in the stomach. The two occupants of the Tracker suffered only minor injuries. Witnesses flew into action to pull Schuler and the kids from the burning van, which had rolled over as it went down an embankment onto agrassy median. It was no doubt that Dianne's minivan is the one that crashes severely with another vehicle. Are serious and can be missed if you are not looking for them anyone! Immediately ran to assist the victims lot of Diane, just from what Ive read from the file! 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