As Jonathan Brown explains: the medieval ulama considered the point at which a girl was fit for intercourse to be too varied to be firmly legislated for. The reality is that they were the most likely the same person. As shown, David was declaring that those who had betrayed him and were trying to kill him will not live out half their days. And the claim that Allah is a moon God has been debunked many times. Bathsheba was described as having When he realized that Absalom had not taken his advice on how to fight David, Ahithophel knew that the conspiracy against the king would fail. Rather, Ahithophel must be the close friend, since he was Davids counselor. Regardless, most sources reasonably identify the two Eliams as the same person, including, There is simply no reason to make assume otherwise, other than to avoid the embarrassment of finding out Bathshebas true age. But this is not reasonable. David meets Solomon's mother (Bathsheba) in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 11:1-3). The inevitable happened, and Bathsheba sent word to David that she was pregnant. In response, God warns through Samuel the prophet that kings are takers. The Mount of Olives is adjacent to the city of Jerusalem, so David would have had a good view of the city and thus, assuming he wrote the psalm, could have been describing his feelings at the time. It was common enough for the women to marry as young as 15, she was possibly 1518 when [105] This agrees with Biblical standards as well. Notice that the sin was in killing Uriah the Hittite and taking his wife! Third, if Ahijah is an alternate name for Eliam, it still does not refute the claim that Eliam was the son of Ahithophel and the father of Bathsheba, simply because the Chronicler does not provide any additional information. Great. He reigned for 40 years. Surah 70 Verse 30 which Christians take out of context. First, the account in Chronicles omits the sordid stories of David and Bathsheba and Absaloms revolt, and only mentions some characters in passing, so we do not have much information about Bathsheba, Eliam, or Ahithophel. Moreover, Bathsheba was previously married to Uriah the Hittite, which means she could have been as young as 6 (or 8) when she married him. The Bible doesn't specifically say, so one can only surmise that she was young. From the roof he saw a woman bathing; the woman was very beautiful. 25. [88] Many commentators also say this, including Barnes,[89] Trapp,[90] George Haydock,[91] Bullinger,[92] and the Jamiesson-Fausset-Brown Commentary. And the arabic word Makr is used meaning plan, not deceive. You are committing a tu quoque fallacy!, an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponents argument by asserting the opponents failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s)., Thus, when Christians say that Muhammads (peace be upon him) marriage to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was immoral, and if Muslims were to respond by saying well, the Biblical figures married young girls too, so they are also immoral, that would be a tu quoque fallacy. According to the decree of God, he might have lived the other half; but he has not done it., [57], They are bloody and deceitful men (that is, the worst of men) and therefore shall not live out half their days, not half so long as men ordinarily live, and as they might have lived in a course of nature, and as they themselves expected to live. Died at 70 years of age. Ahithophel was succeeded by Jehoiada son of Benaiah and by Abiathar.. Christians should try to be consistent. [64] Traveling from Giloh to Hebron, then from Hebron to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem to Giloh does not sound like the itinerary of an elderly man. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. WebAfter Uriah had been killed in the siege of Rabbah (2 Samuel 11:17), Bathsheba mourned Uriah, but then David took Bathsheba into his house and made her his wife, and she Moreover, according to the Fausset Dictionary, Ahijah the Pelonite was probably a corruption of text. He didnt go down to his own house. 12 Then David told Uriah, Stay here one more day. No, Jesus was not the first son of David and Bathsheba. However, Absalom is not named nor is he even hinted at. It should also be borne in mind that David was a prophet, as stated in Acts 2:30: But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.. another great academic article. The Bible does not mention this, so we have to do some thinking. Deuteronomy 24:5 says If a man has recently married, he must not be sent to war or In addition, Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible explains, based on the Talmudic interpretation, that (emphasis ours): bloody and deceitful mendo not come up to the half of the ordinary term of mans life, which is threescore years and ten.[54], Heb. In other words, you can talk to younger children about David treating Bathsheba like she was his Most, though not all, of the evidence for the age of marriage comes from outside the Bible (i.e., from outside scripture), which some Christians ignore because it is not inspired. This relationship probably led to Ahithophels disloyalty (2 Samuel 15:12)., [18], Ahithophel was very likely the grandfather of Bathsheba, [19], The grandfather of Bethsabee is supposed to have revolted against David, to revenge the wrong done to her., [20], Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite , [ Eliy`aam (Hebrew #463)] omitted in the parallel list of 1 Chronicles 11:1-47; traditionally believed to be the same as the person mentioned, 2 Samuel 11:23 (Jerome, Quaest. I have also 100% debunked the claim that Allah is Best Deceiver and I have provided historical facts and grammar facts for kharul Makereen and I have explained more and made it very clear. It is not impossible that this Eliam is the same as the preceding., [88], The same name Eliam also occurs as that of a Gilonite, the son of Ahithophel, and one of Davids thirty warriors (2 Samuel 23:34). 9 However, Uriah slept at the palace entrance with all his masters servants. Bath-sheba was the granddaughter of Ahithophel 2 Samuel 23:34., [90], [91], By a transposition of letters, he is called Ammiel, in 1 Paralipomenon iii. But anyway, nice website! affording him the opportunity to frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel (15:31-37). However, that is, Perhaps Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite is different from Eliam, the father of Bathsheba.. 8 Then David told Uriah, Go down to your house and wash your feet., Uriah left the palace, and a gift from the king was sent after him. (2Samuel 16:23) (B.C. We will use two main sources for this: 2 Samuel and Psalm 55 (though other books will also be used). Dimensions: 22 1/2 x 30 in. [67] Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the average lifespan at the time was around 7080 years (note that this is a very generous assumption). 1055-1023.) If the historical David (peace be upon him) had indeed married Bathsheba at such a young age (without committing adultery), the marriage would not have been consummated until she was physically mature, which would have been at the onset of puberty. We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. Second point, Talmud Sanhedrin 107a says she was shampooing her hair thus, negating the fact she was taking a ritual bath, as mentioned in Talmud Eruvin 4b the whole body must be in water not hair. This fits quite well with Psalm 55:9, which states: Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city., [50] They will vociferously deny that Bathsheba was around 7 years old (or perhaps as old as 9) when she first encountered David and they will deny that she was the granddaughter of Ahithophel. Note that the dictionary does not deny that Ahithophel was Bathshebas granddaughter or that he was the subject of Psalm 55. It is not known how old David was when he met Bathsheba. Yes, this is certainly possible, but where is the evidence from the Bible? He states that: an arbitrary age cutoff necessarily allows incompetent people to gain rights and privileges they probably shouldnt have.[101]. This is confirmed by most dictionaries, including Smiths Bible Dictionary,[6] the American Tract Society Bible Dictionary,[7] Fausetts Bible Dictionary,[8] the Holman Bible Dictionary,[9] Hastings Bible Dictionary,[10] the Morrish Bible Dictionary,[11] the Peoples Dictionary of the Bible,[12] and the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. Or examples of sex slaves in the Bible (I remember Hagar and Jacobs slaves were used for sex to have babies). How[c] could I go home and eat, drink, and have sex with my wife? WebBathsheba was probably minding her own business when David's eyes spied her and what he saw he wanted. He identified Ahithophel in the commentary on verse 12: Ahithophels perfidy and villany troubled David more than all the rest., [40], the general sentiment of commentators has always been that Ahithophel is intended. A girls period can start at different ages, so thats not a good argument. Rather, by the onset of puberty, they were adults and were treated as such. I swear on your very life,[d] I will not do that!. This brings us to the most crucial point of our academic journey of determining Ahithophels age. That Ahithophel had then a married grand-daughter is less probable than that there were in Israel two Eliams.[81]. He didnt lure her. (LogOut/ Perhaps there may be a reference in Psalms 41:9; Psalms 55:12-14, to Ahithophel. Eliam, in turn, was the son of Ahitophel the Gilonite (2 Samuel 23:34). WebBathshebas husband Uriah was back to war, so they were married over a year. 22. In fact, the first son born to David and Bathsheba died a week after birth, as brought out in 2 Samuel 12:15 Examining Quran 9:29 - Does Islam Sanction The Killing Of Christians & Jews? Rather, my argument is that there was nothing Biblically wrong or immoral about Muhammads marriage to Aisha and that it was common practice in virtually all cultures for people to marry young (usually by the onset of puberty). They shall live as long as the Lord of life, the righteous Judge, has appointed, with whom the number of our months is; but he has determined to cut them off by an untimely death in the midst of their days., [58], A wicked man never lives out half his days; for either he is cut off before he hath lived half the course of nature, or he is cut off before he hath lived a quarter of the course of his desires; either he lives not half so long as he would; and therefore let him die when he will, his death is full of terror, trouble, and confusion, because he dies out of season. 52, or the Ziphites, Ps. Webthe Judaism of Moses and David -- Messianic Redemption. [73] Sanhedrin 69b, And my master Joab and my masters troops are camping in the open field. Her father and grandfather were often at the [48] (mark 1:45). This directly contradicts the account in 2 Samuel 17. Called Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5. [76] Moreover, he did not live in the time of David but more than 100 years after him. [61], Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Ahithophel must have died at a relatively young age. Thus, they were following the Jewish customs of the time, which included marriage at around 12 years of age for girls. Indeed, the account in 2 Samuel 1517 shows a man who was quite active, thereby suggesting that he was not an old man. There is no hint that the writer is a king whose authority is threatened by a formidable insurrection. you have contributed so much great eye opening articles making Muslims and Christians aware of such controversial subjects. Bathsheba would have been between 16 and 19, because she was doing the ritual bath outlined in Leviticus 15::19-30 for women who have their period already ( And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite? So David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. Son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, and one of Davids heroes ( 2 Samuel 23:34 ). [62] Later, Ahithophel was with Absalom in Jerusalem. See my videos here: I agree that Rebekah was not 3 years old. However, this was clearly not the norm (even if true). Yet, as with the attribution of the psalm to Ahithophel, the interpretation of verse 23 was largely unified among the commentators. Bathsheba was sun baking on a roof at the time David first set eyes on her. Really it was he who met Bathsheba. Bathsheba was probably minding her [1] In this follow-up article, I will present powerful evidence that will silence the rabid Christians who criticize Muhammads marriage to Aisha, inshaAllah. Also already taken care of. 8 But Zadok the priest, 28 David said, Tell Bathsheba to come here. She came and stood in front of him. [97] Finally, the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature provides perhaps the best explanation (emphasis ours): Ahijah the Pelonite appears in 2 Samuel 23:34 as Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, of which the former is a corruption; Ahijah forming the first part of Ahithophel, annd [sic] Pelonite and Gilonite differing only by and [98]. Bekldve: 2022. mjus 29. vasrnap Szerz: . This article has offered a novel contribution to the seemingly unending and unnecessary debate between Muslims and Christians on the appropriate age of marriage and the baseless criticisms of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for his marriage to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). See here for the sheep ate the Quran polemic: Could you also tell or contact the author of this article telling him that a man having a channel called Islam Critiqued claimed to have refuted or debunked the marriage of Rebekah and Isaac. Brother can you refute this also. Thus, he went back to his home and hanged himself (2 Samuel 17:23). Medium: Oil on wood. Because, I have proven that Allah is not moon god and I have proven also that that khayrul makereen is not something bad but something good and praiseworthy. xxiii. There is no doubt that, initially, many will go into denial-overdrive. Bathsheba, a name that to many, means seduction and sin, a name to remain unspoken! Most, though not all, of the evidence for the age of marriage comes from outside the Bible (i.e., from outside scripture), which some Christians ignore because it is not inspired. This tends to be the go-to argument for problematic verses. shall not half their days; that is, shall be soon cut off. Bathsheba Survives NavPress Miranda approaches her twenty-seventh birthday determined to reinvent her life and Threatened by a formidable insurrection for problematic verses for sex to have babies ) was largely unified among the.! 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