A Black tenant has accused a housing association of racial discrimination after discovering that shes been paying more rent than her white neighbours for a smaller It confirmed the complaint was closed. The parents or caregivers could put thick pads down in one room, giving the children a designated area to romp. I've popped you over a message (via TrustPilot) to ask for more info. WR1 3ZQ. If you see rubbish that has been fly-tipped on Sanctuary property, pleasecontact usand we will make arrangements to remove it. We review our compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code annually with of our Complaints Community of Interest Group. You can make private notes about your case as well as set yourself reminders. Registered Society No. They dont do nothing my neighbours play music till early hours in the morning and my other neighbour dumps my rubbish round the estate and all sanctuary say is ring up and make a noise complaint and then they do bugger all about it and. WR1 3ZQ. A SORN vehicle without valid insurance may only be kept on a private driveway or in a garage. You have the right to live in peace easier said than done in an apartment building where everyones cooped up for the winter. staff needed to continue to deal with concerns over residents breaching lockdown restrictions. Clarion Housing. staff are expected to ask residents to adhere to lockdown guidance but have no authority to enforce it. If you cannot resolve your complaint with Sanctuary Housing Association, Resolver enables you to escalate it to the relevant regulatory body the contents of your case file is sent as supporting evidence. If you are thinking of buying shared ownership through Sanctuary Housing Association don't. You will regret it when you try and sell. Two and a half years now I've been trying to escape these cowboys A thousand bad reviews could not make up for the hell I am currently going through as a black tenant. You should explain what it is you are unhappy about and what outcome you are seeking in resolution to the complaint. Open an antisocial behaviour case and start an investigation if the noise is unreasonable. Vehicles can only be parked in designated parking areas. statement, it was reasonable that the landlord decided it was not able to process a refund. Thank you. Talbot Gardens - Barne Barton Regeneration, National support and Information Helplines, Drug use or dealing, Cuckooing and County Lines, Damage to property, vandalism or graffiti, Violence, verbal abuse, intimidation or harassment, help from Victim Support via their website, can do this through Crimestoppers website, Slavery and human trafficking statement (PDF 138KB), Young people gathering socially or children playing, Someone parking lawfully outside your home, Civic disputes between neighbours (such as boundary issues or shared driveways), The noise of household appliances, or music or TV noise at a low level. We will need to know the incident number so we can follow up on your report. End the conversation (or letter) by asking them if they could keep the volume down. If after investigation we are unable to deal with the problem, you may be able to take action under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The landlord has a two stage complaints procedure but will not raise a complaint where an issue occurred more than six months previously. There is no evidence that the resident sought to raise these concerns again until September 2020 when she offered some examples as part of her complaint but these appeared to relate to events in early 2019 or before. You might need these details if you take the problem further. This is known as Cuckooing. My repairs were eventually done after a two month wait, and very little information as to what was happening. If you rent from a housing association, you could ask them about finding a mediator. Please tell us more about why our advice didn't help. Probably the worst housing association ever. Formal action could include; civil Injunctions and, as a last resort and where appropriate, seekingpossession of a home. To report a non-urgent repair, please use our online report a repair form. A: Weve all been stuck inside for close to a year, and now that the weather is cold, there are few escapes from our isolation. If youre still not happy with a housing association or the council, complain using their complaints process - youll find it on their website. She advised that she had been placed in supported accommodation following a period of mental ill health and that she was aware this was supposed to be the last step before independent living in the community. We have adopted the Housing Ombudsmans definition of a complaint. L0247 Once you have reported the incident and have a crime number, please contact us on0800 916 1522. Follow us on Twitter: @nytrealestate. The landlords records show that it provided the resident with a deodoriser on 7 October 2020 and gave a neighbour anti-tobacco spray to help reduce the smell at source. lthough it did not immediately request that the resident complete diary sheets, it did make detailed records of each incident reported by the resident. For example, 22 June - dogs barking from 10:15am to 12:35pm. potential criminal behaviour. WebWhen you make a complaint, we will: Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. Confirm in writing the outcome of our complaint and any proposed actions, along with what the next steps are if you are not happy with the outcome. This procedure adds that. Most people dont want their children to make other people miserable. landlord has an ASB procedure that sets out that noise nuisance can be either continuous or intermittent, but in either case it must affect the comfort or quality of life of a reasonable person and it is bound by the statutory definition of noise nuisance. Here is a summary of privacy when using this chat. Check their website for how to complain about anti social behaviour. Make sure that you are kept updated throughout the case, and explain if we are unable to share specific details. Sanctuary. This could include being recharged for the costs of removal, being given an antisocial behaviour contract or, in severe cases, an injunction or eviction. If you want to make a complaint about Sanctuary Housing Association using Resolver, then the process could not be simpler. We also ensure all reviews are published without moderation. All Rights Reserved. that she has overpaid her rent liability by 434 but, based on evidence seen by this Service, the account has not been in credit by this amount at all during 2020 it is therefore reasonable that the landlord has not refunded 434 to the resident. Physical violence and/or threats of violence, Hate-related incidents (such as those based on race, sexual orientation, gender, disability or belief), Verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation or threatening behaviour, Noise nuisance an ongoing or persistent noise at any time of the day or night, Vandalism and damage to properties, including graffiti, Dropping litter or dumping rubbish, including fly-tipping, Criminal behaviour, for example prostitution or sexual acts, drug dealing, violence or threats of violence, Pets being allowed to foul in public spaces, Misuse of communal areas, public areas or loitering. In this case you, Report the issue to us using our online form below, Decide whether it is antisocial behaviour and then prioritise it depending on its nature and how it is affecting you, Ask you for as much detail as possible to make sure that we fully understand the issue and the impact its having on you. End the conversation (or letter) by asking them if they could keep the The landlord responded to the resident on 31 December 2020. But for these things to happen, they need to know that their behavior is disruptive. The landlords ASB policy outlines that it should investigate potential ASB by using diary sheets, interviewing potential witnesses and employing a multi-agency approach (for instance, with the Police). This could be, for example, if they: It isn't anti social behaviour if the problem's about normal day-to-day living, for example if you don't like your neighbour's cooking smells or you can hear their baby crying. She advised that she would provide a bank statement. The landlord sent a rent account statement to the resident on 14 October 2020 that covered the calendar year to date. The resident submitted a complaint by email on 26 September 2020. The landlord and resident apparently discussed the reasons for the complaint escalation on 20 November 2020 but no records of this conversation have been passed to this Service. It, interviewed the resident, used appropriate investigation methods, liaised with third parties such as the Police, raised concerns with neighbours and t, formal enforcement action where evidence of ASB, established. Asbestos is a product containing microscopic fibres which can damage the lungs of anyone breathing it in. We take reports of antisocial behaviour seriously whether by our residents, their visitors or their pets. Alternatively, you can complete the web form below. Weve helped millions of people find a resolution. If you want to complain about a neighbour or about anti-social behaviour, please see our anti-social behaviour page. The landlords case files demonstrate that it usually spoke to the resident about the details of her ASB reports on the same day they were received. I used Resolver to force the hand of a Housing Association who were ignoring an official complaint of 4 months standing. When you make a complaint, we will: Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days, Investigate your complaint thoroughly to ensure that we fully understand your complaint and look at all the information that is available to us. We use dedicated people and clever technology to safeguard our platform. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/16/realestate/noise-upstairs-neighbors.html. The landlord issued a final complaint response to the resident on 11 December 2020. The landlords ASB policy obliges it to use support and persuasion to modify potential ASB. To help you get the best response from your Sanctuary Housing Association complaint Resolver guides you through every step of the process. The easiest way to complain is online using the complaints form. 19059R. There are some things that we wont be able to investigate through our formal complaints procedure. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Talbot Gardens - Barne Barton Regeneration, National support and Information Helplines, Make a complaint about anti-social behaviour, Make a complaint about something Sanctuary has done wrong, Self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code (PDF 279KB), Slavery and human trafficking statement (PDF 138KB). Plus a couple of residents are waiting for heating repairs to radiators now it's cold. Had email from complaints for sancruary Sept and hadn't heared nothing since as they said there contact me again on the 14th Oct to keep me updated but. Contact us To report a non-urgent repair, please use our online report a repair form For any emergency enquiries please call us on: 0800 131 3348 For customer enquiries, please contact us here Contact us However, landlords tend not to be strong advocates for tenants with noise complaints directed at neighbors. Check your local councils website for how it works in your area. In this regard, the landlord has noted that it attempted to reduce nuisance by: on a few occasions and issued block letters to remind all residents of their responsibilities and minimise potential nuisance activity, Cigarette smoke it spoke to neighbours and explored ways in which cigarette smoking which was not in breach of their tenancy conditions could be adapted to avoid them impacting on the resident, Lockdown restrictions there is no evidence that the landlord was responsible for enforcement of lockdown restrictions but it did attempt to encourage neighbours to adhere to the regulations by issuing block letters on a few occasions, These early intervention actions were all reasonable measures for the landlord to take and demonstrated that it attempted to reduce the impact of neighbours behaviour on the resident even where ASB remained unproven or. You don't need to wait until the end. Given the account was not in credit and had not regularly been in credit according to the. We know that sometimes things can go wrong. L0247 This could include warning letters and acceptable behaviour contracts. Funny how only the employee gets a reply!!! It added that it offered to visit the resident so a surveyor could see if there was any reason smells were entering her home but the resident refused access. Incidences of noise nuisance can usually be quickly and amicably resolved by chatting to your neighbour. WebBefore making a formal complaint or getting others involved, try to discuss the problem with your neighbour. Citizens Advice is an operating name of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux. If you report the problem by phone, make a note of the date and time you call and write down the name of the person you spoke to. resident in order to check the account was still active. If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, some things, such as noise from a late-night BBQ, or inconsiderate parking, can usually be quickly and amicably resolved by chatting to your neighbour. We will not disclose your identify without your consent. Marcus said: This was really stressful and I am not sure why I even got the ticket, but, I am glad the right thing has been done!, An excellent service run by professional people. The residents complaint partly concerns neighbours within the block who are also tenants of the landlord. If you witness graffiti in the communal areas, car park or grounds of your home, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get it removed. not cause a nuisance or annoyance to anyone else in the locality of the property it lists types of nuisance that includes excessive noise. Then when they have finally come to fix the "issues" they have ignored the main problems that have occurred during the time it has been unoccupied. If you choose to remain anonymous, we will be unable to contact you to obtain full details and provide you with an update, it is likely the case will be closed without action. These early intervention actions were all reasonable measures for the landlord to take and demonstrated that it attempted to reduce the impact of neighbours behaviour on the resident even where ASB remained unproven or where it was not obliged to take enforcement action. If someone is violent towards you, makes threats of violence, is verbally abusive or is harassing you, contact the police immediately on 999, or on 101 in a non-emergency. For any emergency enquiries pleasecall us on: For customer enquiries, pleasecontact us here, Sanctuary House Is there anything wrong with this page? Write as much detail as possible. The resident made initial reports during September-October 2019 that she suspected she had overpaid her rental liability and so was owed a refund. Ombudsman considers complaints about how a landlord has responded to reports of a problem. Sanctuary. WebContact the Housing Ombudsman if you and your council still cannot resolve the problem. All rights reserved. Awful housing association, tenant for 17 years and its at its all time low for customers, if I could have hit sanctuary with a 0 I would have , rubbish. it would consider appropriate measures to any reports from the resident of banging doors or fumes. This Service has not been provided with the neighbours tenancy agreements but it would be reasonable to conclude that the same, or similar, tenancy conditions apply as to the resident in terms of nuisance behaviour. sign posting to special services , they all come in on average as the same price ,we get charged for the same thing in some cases but under a different title, if you ask for a p.o.m statement you will see for your selves not that they will give you one. View Sanctuary Housing Association complaints contact details. Contact the police if you think your neighbour has broken the law - for example, theyve been violent or threatening. Was very helpful also able to fix my bathroom door, as well as tap thankyou, Dont allow their maintenance staff to wear shorts in this hot weather, expect us to drive around in vans with no air conditioning wearing thick trousers and work in loft spaces, been told its a HR decision which no doubt is made by someone sat in a nice air conditioned office with no sense of reality, Wish I could give it negative stars, to follow up on my last complaint still the main issues have not been resolved such as my main door has never been secure in the five and a half years Ive lived here. The Housing Ombudsmans approach to investigating and determining complaints is to decide what is fair in all the circumstances of the case. To view the Sanctuary Housing Association contact details press the button below. Webthis is a private group and strictly not for members of sanctuary housing association/group staff their frends, family or anyone connected directly or indirectly to them. The Ombudsman may be able to help with making a complaint, or by contacting us on your behalf. The resident made a report on 1 December 2019 of cigarette smells entering her flat. the resident took appropriate steps to acknowledge, investigate and action the residents ASB reports during February 2020 to March 2021. That leaves it up to them, Ms. Gottsman said. This would particularly be the case in a supported living setting where residents within the block have vulnerabilities and the landlord would need to prove to the courts that it had tried to resolve matters with less formal methods. Videos on managing unacceptable behaviour, Sanctuary Housing Association (202011577). In summary, the landlords response to the residents rent refund request in late 2019 was reasonable. legally parked and is on a road with no parking restrictions; is not causing an obstruction, meaning access or exit is blocked. Sanctuary is a trading name of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity. WebReport a Complaint. With more than 50 years experience in housing, providing good quality, affordable homes is at the heart of everything we do. You do have rights. weekly meetings in line with the support agreement. Call us on 0333 050 8887 or fill in the form for immediate help & assistance with your housing association disrepair claim. Call 999 if the crime is still happening or 101 to report a crime later. We offer a variety of ways for you to be able to make a payment. Ifyou are unhappy with our response and we have closed your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service, an independent body that looks into how landlords have handled complaints. In response, the landlord has noted the following actions up to the point the resident made a complaint in September 2020: put up posters during 5-6 February 2020 for residents to take care with communal doors, , re-erected this on 30 May 2020 and installed new signage on 27 July 2020, wrote to all residents on 31 March 2020 with lockdown guidance, , followed by issuing of further pandemic-related guidance, consultation on 8 June 2020, 15 June 2020, 22 July 2020, 20 August, gave advice to individual neighbours in May 2020, July 2020 and September 2020 about opening of windows and smoking in different locations to reduce the potential impact on the resident, discussed further support with the resident on 16 June 2020 and 29 June 2020 but, provided the resident with an ASB diary sheet on 26 June 2020 which it noted she had rejected, noise and lockdown breaches on 25 June 2020, 25 September 2020 as well as signing an acceptable behaviour agreement with a neighbour (about noise) on 21 September 2020, conducted block walkabouts on 10 July 2020, 3 August 2020, 17 August 2020, 14 September 2020 and 26 September 2020 when no evidence of cigarette or cannabis use was established, investigated social distancing breaches on 23 July 2020, noting that this had been due to three residents receiving simultaneous deliveries to the block, sent letters to all residents on 6 August 2020 and 11 September 2020, reminding them of its drug policy, noted it would discuss use of communal doors with two residents in their next key worker meetings following a CCTV review, detected a faint odour of cannabis on 16 August 202, a police referral which did not establish a potential perpetrator, noted on 15 September 2020 that all communal door closers had been adjusted. 9.15am-1.15pm: Tues, Weds, Post: Housing Ombudsman Service Landlords are loath to get involved in noise issues and will hope they resolve themselves somehow, Mr. Kaminsky said. Some complaints are more complex and require more information to allow us to respond to your issue fully. Worse thing we ever did was to part buy a flat from Sanctuary. For weekly email updates on residential real estate news, sign up here. Simple! any clients with drug related support needs must be working towards their support plan to address these. Instead, theyre full of the info you need to get things sorted. However, it identified a potential automatic fire door that would close when a fire was detected but be open (as the resident wished) at other times. Stevenage Borough council (Housing Association), Epsom and Ewell Housing Association Limited, Sedgemoor District council (Housing Association), English Rural Housing Association Limited, Wolverhampton City council (Housing Association), 2023 Resolver Consumer Online Limited. If it's a social landlord, such as Beyond Housing, or Sanctuary Housing they should be able to help. Your feedback will help us give millions of people the information they need. On the other side of your These are: You can find more information about antisocial behaviour viaCitizens Advice. If that doesnt work there are other ways you can ask them to stop, for example by reporting them to the council. You can find out more or opt-out from some cookies. Explain what action can be taken to resolve the complaint. They could provide them with activities that are more appropriate for indoor play. Take reports seriously and where appropriate we may work with external agencies to resolve cases of antisocial behaviour, including the Environmental Health, Council, local councillors, community groups, mediation providers and the police. We offer a variety of ways for you to be able to make a payment. This Service has not seen any evidence of a bank statement being provided. To complain about the council, go to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. Here are 8 tips for writing great reviews. Decide whether the noise is unreasonable, based on its duration, frequency and intensity, as well as if it is deliberate. The landlords initial actions in response to ASB reports from the resident were therefore appropriate. Voice your opinion today and hear what 321 customers have already said. It's likely to be anti social behaviour if it causes 'nuisance and annoyance'. Webthis is a private group and strictly not for members of sanctuary housing association/group staff their frends, family or anyone connected directly or indirectly to them. If you'd like to send over a bit more information using our online form we can look into how and why this happened - it's available here: https://www.sanctuary-housing.co.uk/complaints-or-concerns#complaint-concern-form. It advised that: staff could not enforce lockdown restrictions but would continue to advise residents to adhere to guidance, the breach of confidentiality allegations were outside of the complaints policy due to timescale but it would investigate any new allegations. Aim to respond to your complaint within 10 working days. Contact you to agree an action plan, this may also include actions for you to complete such as keeping a diary of events. Webthen you can report a complaint to us by: Emailing [email protected] Completing the attached complaint form or via our website www.sanctuary-care.co.uk Calling 0800 916 1499. who can make a complaint? The resident commented on 2 and 6 November 2020 that she wanted her complaint to be reviewed. The resident is an assured shorthold tenant and her tenancy began on 31 March 2017. Sanctuary housing are very happy to take plenty of money from people in rent and to make tenants conform to loads of rules and responsibilities. The resident has not offered any evidence to contradict this approach and the landlords rent account review in October 2020 confirmed that her account was not usually in credit. Making any complaint via Resolver will never involve any costs for you, the consumer, other than the cost of any phone calls you make (at the cost of a national-rate call). Normally, Id work at the cafe down the street for a few hours, but thats not an option. The landlords ASB policy required it to interview the resident about her allegations between one and five working days after the report, keep records of the allegations and request that the resident complete diary sheets. They may also ask you to give more details about your concerns, or share any other information that you want us to look at. They could remind them to use their inside voices. The landlord should confirm its intentions in regard to these recommendations to this Service within four weeks of the date of this report. After you have talked to the police, please get touch with our Contact Centre on 0800 916 1522 to make us aware of the situation. For information on Hate crime, please see our dedicated page. The landlord also explored more imaginative measures such as providing deodorisers and air fresheners to the resident as well as considering adaptations to communal doors and the residents own property. WebOnline via our website where you can complete our complaints or concerns form, tel: 0800 131 3348 (landline) or 0300 123 3511 (mobile) or email - Housing: And intensity, as well as set yourself reminders the landlords initial actions in to... Or letter ) by asking them if they could keep the volume down children a designated to! Complex and require more information to allow us to respond to your issue.. Entering her flat to these recommendations to this Service within four weeks of the property lists. 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