Either the coefficient to restitution that was worked out is incorrect, which would mean that the first three results are inaccurate or subsequent results were inaccurate. The force of the ball hitting the ground causes it to bounce up, because it puts an equal force on the ball. The clover-leaf principle, which guided the production of tennis balls from the 1920s to the 1990s, was used to manufacture them. Students should consider the factors listed below in order to determine which type of bouncing ball is best suited for the task. An average will then be taken. Use the pressure gauge to release some of the air pressure from the ball. By conducting our experiment, we learnt that well-inflated rubber balls bounce the However the conditions were kept the same for each drop of the ball. Internal air pressure is critical to the bounce of most tennis balls. Record this result in your assignment book under trial 3 for the tennis ball. Each of the following experiments tests a different hypothesis. It's the speed of the tennis ball compared to what it's bouncing off that's important. A tennis ball bounces because the air inside pushes outwards when it is in contact with a hard surface. As the ball is released, gravity pulls it downwards and transforms it into motion. As a result, they move at a slower rate of speed with less energy. In this paper, the dynamics of a bouncing ball is described for several common ball types having different bounce characteristics. A similar length stick, marked in 5-10cm bands of colour. Will the air pressure change the bounciness of a ball? The low bounce allows him to hit his forehand with a topspin as the ball stays low and bends over the net. less air resistance. This would mean that one could re-examine the height to which it bounced to and find it exactly instead of having to make a split second judgement which is not half as accurate. This is because the ball starts with more GPE. Place one of the tennis balls in the freezer for 20 mins 2. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. Then when dropping the ball again eye level will be kept level with the blue tack thus avoiding parallax errors. - Basketball x troubles my partner and I had during our experiment along with the problems we The temperature of a tennis ball greatly affects how high it bounces. Conclusion: However when the ball is dropped from a relatively low height, drag 0. Since The style of play and natural playing ability can be affected by the surface that it is on. Discussion: Find a clear space to work in. After each drop, talk to Phlebas and come to a decision about how high it bounced on your measuring implement. Place four tennis balls in a freezer, four in a refrigerator, four at room temperature and four outside in the sun. An increase in h1, assuming g and m stay constant, results in an increase in m g h1 which results in an increase in GPE. This is called the relative speed. The ultimate answer was that a basketball However, there has been no change in the fact that basketballs bounce better when they are inflated more thoroughly. The results of the experiment can be used to compare the different surfaces and see which one makes the ball bounce the highest. Hard courts offer a medium-to-fast paced tennis ball, as the smooth court surface doesn't absorb or drag at the speed of the shot. Such an impact compresses the ball 1.4-1.6 inches, or about 54-62% of its diameter. Do you have specific questions about your science project? Bouncing Ball Investigation This is an experiment to investigate bouncing balls and how they behave in different situations. A tennis ball will bounce higher when it is hot because the air inside the ball is more expansive. Why does a tennis ball bounce higher on concrete? A tennis ball is made of rubber and is covered with felt. There were some trends observed in our Air pressure will affect the balls fall slightly as the concentration of air particles per cubic meter varies with air pressure. The only difference between the balls is that the ball dropped from a higher height gives out more thermal energy. It should be tall enough to hang up behind your ladder, about 5feet tall. The balls were dropped from 100 inches onto the granite surface and bounced between 52.93 and 58.43 inches. This applies to a ball falling in a vacuum. his the height of the balls bounce. No balls will be allowed to roll around upon the floor creating possible tripping hazards, Safety spectacles will be worn at all times, Clamp stand, meter rule 2, table tennis ball, desk. Bouncing is what makes playing with a ball so much fun. The movement of the air causes the ball to bounce back off the . Tennis is a racket sport that is played by two or four players who hit a ball with rackets. This would allow the actual coefficient to restitution to be calculated. Carefully climb the ladder with the ball. half the results (concrete), we were incorrect about the basketball. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". results, one of the many being that the harder the surface the ball was bouncing on, we were able to work our way around them, giving us a more successful The Swiss like to get points over and done with in a short period of time. Grades: Preschool and K-2. The Physics of Grass, Clay, and Cement. If the KE is the same as they hit the ground the energy stored in the ball as elastic potential energy will be the same also. What was the outcome? A cold ball will bounce farther than a warm one. Averages are more reliable than using one result as they take into account variation between results. Different Surfaces Equal Different Bounce Balls get distorted when they bounce. Most people believed that concrete would have the most bounces, and mud the least. Answer (1 of 4): The height to which a ball bounces depends on several factors: 1) The height from which it is dropped, 2) Whether it was thrown down or just dropped and how hard it was thrown, 3) How much energy is lost in the ball during the collision with the floor 4) How much energy is lost . Cold balls tend to have a bouncier texture. Experiment Click the following buttons to skip to a page. surface bounces a ball the highest. discovered that there is a handful of information that would assist my partner and I The air in the ball expands and contracts as it is compressed. A hard surface, like concrete or hardwood, hardly absorbs any, so most of the kinetic energy of the fall goes into bouncing the ball back up. The equipment necessary to generate these conditions was not available and as a result the results obtained were not one hundred percent accurate. Measure from the bottom of the ball. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls in 4 different environments with different temperatures. The ball has reached its terminal velocity and cannot fall any faster (unless dropped in a vacuum). catcher to catch the balls. The effect of surface on the bounce height of a tennis ball. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. Why a ball bounces: The ball's energy is matched by the ground it hits. Air resistance exists but does not affect the velocity of the ball significantly. Some of the balls energy can be converted into heat. Our Experts won't do the work for you, but they will make suggestions, offer guidance, and help you troubleshoot. Most experiments investigate the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. The ball gains energy of motion, known as kinetic energy. This means that the higher h1the more h2will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. The changes in shape are due to a balance of forces and energy: "When you drop a ball, gravity pulls it toward the floor. Also the facts that there were no anomalies and that all of the points were very close to the line of best fit show that the experiment was relatively accurate. The material ball is made from will affect the ball as if it is smooth then the drag will be significantly less than if it is rough. These both support my prediction and show that my prediction was correct. Molecules are more active in the heat, allowing the ball to bounce higher, whereas in the cold, they are heavier, have less energy, and cause the ball to bounce less. When dropped on a solid surface, not even a super ball bounces back as high as its initial height, but some balls do bounce a lot better than others. This is due to two factors. This is why it h2will be from the bottom of the ball as it hits the floor to the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing. Instead, as the ball is still always loosing GPE so long as it is still falling, all GPE is converted into thermal energy. The colder, the lower the ball bounces, and vice versa. Do different kinds of balls bounce differently? To determine how high a tennis ball will bounce when dropped from a . Hypothesis. The force of the ball hitting the ground causes it to bounce up, because it puts an equal force on the ball. Since the concrete surface is the hardest surface, it allowed more energy to be released from the ball, therefore causing it to bounce higher than it normally would on grass. the initial bounce height is 1 m). Therefore the height that it reaches is less high. 30% of the energy that the ball hits the floor wit is lost. Now, take your video and watch it to gather your data. it is constantly getting faster and therefore the drag force gets bigger and bigger. hard ball made of rubber should bounce the highest on a concrete surface, which Answer (1 of 2): Some surfaces absorb more energy than others do. harder surfaces will ultimately bounce a ball higher. in the execution of our experiment. Here is another activity that tests temperature and bounce using golf balls and baseballs: There are many other great ball projects in this fun book: ball pressure gauge (available at a sporting goods store). Tiles3. The children were oblivious to these . The air pressure within the hollow ball changes as the temperature rises. If a ball has a lot of weight, it must withstand the force of the air to produce a high bounce. 2. Based on the density and temperature of the tennis ball, scientists have discovered how it bounces. Tennis, a game that has existed in the world for centuries, has been popular all over the world. The more energy that the ball possessed before being dropped, the more energy was converted into KE while the ball fell. if different balls are bounced on different surfaces, then a rubber ball, hen a ball hits a surface, all its kinetic energy has to go somewhere. First, you will need to draw the background for your experiment, which will act as a large ruler for measuring your bounces on video. The balls finish up with the same amount of energy and the only energy given out is thermal energy. In this practical, students may use a variety of different balls to determine which type is most efficient. Some balls to try are: soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, or handball. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (CR) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v22) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v12): If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h1 and CR. In a ball bounce experiment, a ball is dropped from a height and is allowed to bounce on a hard surface. According to the USTA regulations ball is tested for bounce by dropping it from a height of 100 inches (2.54 m) onto ; a bounce between 53 and 58 inches (1.3462 - 1.4732 m) is acceptable. You will need to be able to stop the video to make your measurements when the ball is at its highest point in the first bounce. Repeat steps 1-6 with the different balls. - Measuring tape x When the temperature rises above 90 degrees, it becomes extremely dangerous to play tennis outside. Tennis balls on hard courts have a greater bounce and speed than on artificial turf or grass courts. However, it was the basketball But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. When the temperature is below 68 degrees, the ball will bounce less. In air considerations have to be taken into account such as air resistance but even so the rough height to which it will bounce to can be predicted before dropping the ball. For the higher heights the distance from h, was almost a meter which meant it was difficult to get eye level from h, to accurately in a short amount of time. Athletic and cardio abilities are becoming a bigger factor each season, but some players remain hard courts experts. 1. In our investigation we had balls with different properties and we were dropping them onto surfaces with different properties. It was difficult to get down to the exact level of the blue tack seeing as it meant lowering your entire upper body in the short amount of time taken for the ball to hit the floor and rebound again to get your eye level from h1 to h2 (where the blue tack was stuck, approximately). I also As the ball falls to the surface it has kinetic energy. Measuring tape 3. This is a result of the Prediction reasons for variable control: The height the ball is dropped from will affect the height the ball bounces to due to the energy chain the ball goes through as it is dropped and bounces up again. As the ball hits the floor with less KE than it would have done if it had been dropped in a vacuum it follows that less energy is converted into elastic potential energy and back into KE again. chose balls and surfaces with different hardnesses, textures and compositions in How Much Do Air Jordan Tennis Shoes Cost? The pressure inside the tennis ball determines how high it will bounce after it has been hit. This is because the higher the starting height of the ball, the higher the ball's potential energy. (Image by Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton), http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/ball_bounces/index.html, http://www.exploratorium.edu/baseball/bouncing_balls.html, Playing the Angles: The Physics of Balls Bouncing Off of Surfaces. Acrylic-topped, this surface offers the most consistent ball bounce of all the outdoor tennis courts. experiment. Above this point the height all balls will bounce to will not be directly proportional to the height they are dropped from, but the increase in the height they bounce to will increase more slowly in proportion to the height they are dropped from compared to the increase between lower heights before the ball shows signs of approaching its terminal velocity before it hits the ground. I used a Flexible measuring tape to measure what the height was. What factors affect the bounce height of a ball? Why Tennis Balls Bounce. The experiment was conducted as the method (below) states. These inaccuracies could have been caused by external factors or parallax error even though efforts were made to avoid parallax error occurring - by dropping the ball one time that was not measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. A ball bounces differently on different surfaces because some surfaces absorb more energy from the ball than others. This will mean that I will have to have the interval between the different heights from which the ball is dropped from less than 20cm, probably at 10cm. Science Buddies Staff. Then make a series of lines every 5centimeters if you are using metric measurements, or every 3inches (1/4 of a foot) if you are using English measurements. Calculating the coefficient to restitution of ball hitting the floor: The coefficient to restitution can be found out from a graph of h1against h2. Leave the tennis balls in place for at least one to three hours, if possible. The higher the air pressure the more air particles per cubic meter. If you were to see a ball drop to the ground in slow motion, you would see its shape change dramatically. The ball is slowed down by gravity so that it doesnt bounce as many times until it stops. Apparatus:Clamp stand, meter rule 2, table tennis ball, desk. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I also, found that different surfaces absorb different amounts of energy, and the less. KE = 1/2mv where m = mass and v = velocity, 1/2mv = mhg - thermal energy (lost as a result of drag). From the above table it can be seen that there were inaccuracies in the experiment. balls and surfaces will ultimately be the best combination for bouncing a ball high. Experiment 2 is for testing the effect of air pressure. . h2= The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. As an example, on the day we performed our experiment, a strong wind was Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Either the coefficient to restitution that was worked out is incorrect, which would mean that the first three results are inaccurate or subsequent results were inaccurate. Science Buddies Staff. use four meter sticks and go right the way up to four meters. measured the heights. Abstract and Figures. When the molecules are colder, they move more slowly and the ball doesnt expand as much. Science Buddies: Pilobolus Spore Sac Launch. present. Write each measurement in the data table. Gas molecules move more slowly at temperatures below freezing, causing them to contract and contract. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. Tennis balls tend to bounce more horizontally on grass than on a harder surface. Use the pencil and ruler to connect the incoming and outgoing trajectories of the marble to the point where the marble bounced off the wood. In the heat, the molecules are more active, so the ball can bounce higher . 52.93 and 58.43 inches basketball but opting out of some of the air causes the ball fell released, pulls. Ball would have the most bounces, and vice versa most people believed that concrete would the. That remains in the category `` Functional '' factor each season, but they will make,... Bounce and speed than on a dependent variable by the surface it has been all!, has been hit best combination for bouncing a ball has a lot of weight, was! Playing ability can be converted into heat necessary to generate these conditions was not available and a. An experiment to investigate bouncing balls and how they behave in different situations had balls with different.! 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