Raising CYA will reduce your daily FC loss. Adding too much chlorine with a splash of cyanuric acid is a recipe for an over-chlorinated pool. per 2 1/2 cups of water or its crushed equivalent in tablets. I remember reading the PH should be kept low otherwise the iron would come out of suspension and stain the liner (which is what I hope has happened and not some other problem). and 'Minerals' & 'Ions'. I have a small pool 8, round 2 deep. Swimming pool information, pool care, pool water discussion forums & swimming pool problem help, Postby chem geek Sun 29 May, 2011 23:22, Postby chem geek Mon 30 May, 2011 08:31, Postby chem geek Mon 30 May, 2011 23:56, Postby Help in NJ Tue 26 Jul, 2011 12:17, Postby chem geek Wed 11 Nov, 2015 00:47, Postby Denniswiseman Thu 10 Dec, 2015 08:54, Postby Denniswiseman Sun 13 Dec, 2015 07:56, Postby Denniswiseman Mon 14 Dec, 2015 04:50, Return to Pool Chemical Problems & Swimming Pool Chemicals, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Hopefully, youre following our advice and testing all your chemicals at least once a week. C or a placebo and then spent 20 minutes on a life raft in a wave pool. But what you may not know is that chlorine levels that are way too high can make your pool unsafe as well. Copyright 2022 In The Swim. Dont think that you are wasting water, it is going back into the ground, where it once began. My free chlorine reading is 7.5 ppm. Most chlorine neutralizers contain sodium thiosulfate, which will instantly drop your chlorine by about 1 ppm with each dose. You may even get an inaccurate chlorine reading. per 10,000 gallons of pool water to lower chlorine levels by 1.0 ppm. We removed the floater and allowed the level to go back down (chlorine was pretty much gone in a day). So if your problem is a high chlorine level, this is definitely not the solution. This reacts with any contaminants and kills them off. You need a daily chlorine product, and shock is too quick acting, creates highs and lows, and tablet give a consistent chlorination level. If this happens, dilute your test sample in half with distilled water and multiply your result by two. You would need some sort of filter to capture and remove the metals. Any ideas what this reaction is? I wish the info about it on your website was clearer. On the other hand, swimming pools with efficient filtration and circulation systems, or pools with secondary sanitizers like minerals, ozonators, or UV systems, may require 50% less chlorine to maintain clean and clear water. I have the automatic feeder running, without any tabs in it. Im not sure what to do!! Starting a Commercial Pool Enzyme Program, How to Avoid Plaster Dust on a Commercial Pool Startup. 2011-12-26. If you add too much cyanuric acid and the levels get too high, you'll need to replace the water and fill it with chlorine and cyanuric acid again to keep it clean. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health For the cloudy, keep running the filter 24/7, and using some Clarifier can help, per label instructions. "@type": "BlogPosting",
But keep in mind that there could be other reasons for the smell other than high levels. Adults only take 80-100 mg per day, the child 25-50 mg. Increase the amount of ascorbic acid consumed per day is possible only during the period of the disease. If you rely on warfarin to prevent clots, taking large doses of vitamin C can prove dangerous, since ascorbic acid can reduce warfarin's effectiveness. While this is not the most common problem with pool chemistry, its certainly something that can happen. Remember the 2016 Rio Olympics Green pool fiasco? For spas and smaller bodies of water, use 1 oz. I still have no idea why the store recommended that much chlorine. pool is 10k gallons. excess amounts are excreted and do not accumulate in the body), people sometimes assume there is no harm in taking large doses. Ive tested for all metals (strips and at the pool store) and all is clear. If CYA levels are excessively high, in the 100-125 ppm range or greater, talk with a pool professional. Welcome back spa and hot tub enthusiasts! Nausea or vomiting. . Total Cl wasnt measured but it is high also. In order for this plan to work on existing stains, you would need a way of lifting those stains and getting iron into a state where it can be more easily sequestered or chelated. "author": {
It is fine to lower the pH anytime along the way. Pool Shock Clear up cloudy water with shock treatment or water clarifier. I have a 2900 gallon swim spa and we just replace the water. An antioxidant, ascorbic acid can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals unstable molecules that can damage cells. But you can get too much of it. Because your body doesn't make or store vitamin C, it's important to include vitamin C in your diet. The article gives several other options to reduce chlorine levels. Davy, that suggestion to use hydrogen peroxide with spot-on! I am in need of help. Vitamin C interacts with warfarin, a blood-thinning medication according to the Linus Pauling Institute. If you have a D.E. Symptoms to look for include burning throat, red skin, sudden nausea, itchy eyes, dull chest pain, and difficulty breathing. During pregnancy, 120 mg a day are recommended. Otherwise, metals like iron are in solution or suspension, and mostly invisible. You can purchase much larger quantities of ascorbic acid, but need to properly follow procedures for treating the pool including lowering the FC level and pH before using the ascorbic acid. Water is clear and all other levels seem to be in range other than stabilizer being low. Just follow the instructions for the appropriate dosage. It may be a very high level of combined chlorine, and the store is testing just total chlorine, not Free chlorine? My spa water is clear, the Ph & alkalinity are fine, etc. One of the most common adverse reactions to ascorbic acid supplements is digestive. Removal would be as easy as doing a media replacement. Hello , This is an inactive thread. As oxidants, metals like iron reduce chlorine rapidly. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Im not sure what the current ppm is but the test strips show its in the highest category and dark purple. Such iron filters have a wide range in price depending on the removal rate you need, and the flow rate of your water. The size of the tablet is too much for a small tub. If alkalinity is too low, your pool water becomes more acidic, which can cause burning eyes and skin, stained pool tiles, and possibly corrosive damage to equipment. Vitamin C. Office of Dietary Supplements. In either case, if stains are already present, a citric/ascorbic acid might be needed to lift the stains. {
I just noticed the staining today and the PH was 7.8 and yesterday it was 7.4. Remember that pH levels will drop after an effective hydrogen peroxide treatment. Chlorine smell is present but pool has been under cover for three days. Copper can get into water from products like copper algaecide, mineral disinfection systems, and from corroding heat exchangers or copper pipes. Taking too much ascorbic acid may have more serious effects. You might notice diarrhea or stomach upset. This can lower your chlorine levels by around 10ppm. Because your body doesn't make or store vitamin C, it's important to include vitamin C in your diet. Numbness in the hands or feet. Usual Pediatric Dose for Dietary Supplement Based on this study, infants under the age of 2 years are mostly experiencing metabolic disorders and its frequency is up to 38.9%, followed by children in the age group 3-11 years (22.2%). It can also be extremely uncomfortable for swimmers, including issues with skin and eye discomfort. I used Leslie Stain Remover (two containers to be exact) in my 30,000+ gallon pool. "publisher": {
Learn more about pool care and repair. and 'Minerals' & 'Ions'. Hi again! The options to solve this problem are either a strategy of removal, or chemically isolating the metals to prevent further oxidation. Chlorine is without a doubt the best and most effective sanitizer on the market. If thats not the case, it could be a build up of ammonia or nitrates that are consuming the chlorine, and a triple shock would be the best step, (3x shock dosage) to destroy these contaminants. Thank you kindly for such an informative website! Our Bulk L-Ascorbic Acid Powder is tested to USP40 standards at 99.75 percent minimum purity. But other things can happen to cause it to get too high and you may not realize it until you get in the pool. First, you need to make sure that ascorbic acid would help with the stain in the first place so you can try a vitamin C tablet locally. Hereditary disorder might be one of the fundamental causes of the high death rate in Afghanistan. Ascorbic acid is often used by commercial bakeries or bread factories to improve flour and condition the dough. This is especially true for indoor pools. I just started to notice some of the staining re-appearing on the liner. If you have ever had brown stains in your swimming pool, you are already all-too-familiar with iron problems. diarrhea. I dont think its a troublesome reaction, just part of the general chemical reaction between chlorine and bromides, converting into bromine. We have a shocking topic for discussion today, How to Shock a Spa or Hot, Saltwater pools use regular table salt to create chlorine, by passing the slightly salty water over two electrically charged plates, called the, The topic of this post might be shocking to some peoplethat's because we're talking about pool shock! Because your body doesn't produce or store vitamin C, it's important to include . Aerating the pool and circulating or agitating the water will help excess chlorine dissipate more quickly. So before you begin, lower your pool's chlorine level to 0 and the pH level to 7.2. Hi Scott, for chloramine removal, you need to shock the pool with 10-15x the level of chloramines, to break apart the chloramine bonds. For this reason, though, its important to test your chemicals frequently and take immediate action if you suspect a problem. 3 weeks is a very long time for chlorine to persist in sunny outdoor. Sensitivity differs by person, but most folks can manage short duration soaks in hot tubs with bromine levels of up to 10 ppm (or chlorine levels of 5 ppm), without significant skin irritation. So if you're doing a good amount of apples, ascorbic acid will keep the apples whiter longer. Ascorbic Acid is a natural water -soluble vitamin (Vitamin C). We recently purchased the coleman inflatable hot tub. Perhaps the main consequence of having iron and other metals in your water is increased chlorine demand. Articles and resources for swimming pool owners and DIYers. This speeds up the dough rising and helps to extend the shelf life of the bread. Im writing this because I want others to know this great trick. It is sort of hidden in the information on the pucks, but its not good for pools and can cause staining too. Based on your cost, that would have been $32 more for the extra AA or $18 more than what you paid for the neutralizer. Hi Hillary, There is a chemical called Bio-Active that reduces cyanuric acid, but it does not always work very well for everyone, and it is not natural, nor cheap to buy. Or the store may be wrong? . My total chlorine is 10 ppm and my free chlorine is 5 ppm. This will help keep the fruit from darkening during storage. To get started, We took water to be test and were told Free/Total chlorine is 10, Alkalinity is 50 and Cyanuric Acid is 150. "width": "611",
It says it treats 20,000 gallons, but in reality it only treated the pools surface the chemical touched. Can Taking Too Many Cayenne Pepper Capsules Be Harmful? You can purchase much larger quantities of ascorbic acid, but need to properly follow procedures for treating the pool including lowering the FC level and pH before using the ascorbic acid. When using Sodium Thiosulfate, add 2 oz. After 7 days, chlorine level for my pool is still 10 ppm. It also works better in warmer water. Bromine is a good alternative to chlorine, especially in hot tubs, because its more stable (meaning it doesnt get used up as quickly). Thomas, yes shut it off altogether, you will notice that the cyanuric will make your chlorine last much longer, and you may not need to add any for a week. Close the pool and keep covers off until chlorine levels fall back below 5.0 ppm. We had to shock and add algaecide to kill bloom after rain storm. It also doesnt oxidize the water as well as chlorine. "headline": "How to Reduce Pool or Spa Chlorine Levels",
Ascorbic acid is also known as Vitamin C.Humans can not make ascorbic acid on their own so they have to receive it from the food that they eat. Overdosing your pool with chlorine is actually fairly easy to do, especially if youre not testing regularly. To do this, consider using citric acid (also called ascorbic acid, or vitamin C). But you will want to run a high chlorine level, to maintain sanitary water. Run the filter, that will help. It is not yet fully understood how much vitamin C can contribute to kidney stones, but if you have a history of the condition, get clearance from your doctor before taking ascorbic acid. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-Consumer/. You may need to consider diluting the water to bring levels back down. I have an approx 10000 gal fiberglass pool and my free Cl levels are between 7 and 10 ppm. Hi Davy. Try using vitamin C tablets. Your 0.5 ppm FC is way, way too low. Top Alou49 I'm new here Posts: 5 I pour 2 packs into my pool and kept running filter pump 7-10 hours a day last few days. Low levels of pH can also damage metals in your pool like ladders, railings, screws, bolts, and other important equipment. If you find yourself having to add more stabilizer to the pool, slightly reduce the amount of chlorine used after application. According to a drinking water equipment manufacturer, LennTech, iron is in seawater, rivers, lakes and groundwater too. Adrian, not sure how low your salt level is, so I am unsure of how much salt is needed. Add 10x the amount of combined chlorine to remove them, or an average shock amount, plus a bit more just to be sure. The same can be done with test strips by mixing a cup of pool water with a cup of distilled water. Hmmm frustrated. Draining a spa that has very high levels of chlorine or bromine may cause problems for lawns or plants. Such products do exist on the market already. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. An additional step of lifting the stain back into suspension is necessary. An exception to tap water is if the pool has old iron components, like old iron pipes, fittings, pump strainer basket housings or pump volutes. Ascorbic acid is a potent reducing and antioxidant agent that functions in fighting bacterial infections, in detoxifying reactions, and in the formation of collagen in fibrous tissue, teeth, bones, connective tissue, skin, and capillaries. The recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 75 milligrams (mg) a day for women and 90 mg a day for men. Good luck with your small pool. Ascorbate offers the same benefits as ascorbic acid, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. I have a 14 ft swim spa that holds about 1600 gallons of water. Opened the pool 2 weeks ago and noticed that the liner had a lot of yellow staining on many different areas. Subscribe Now:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowatHomeChannelWatch More:http://www.youtube.com/ehowatHomeChannelIf you don't follow the. It's basically 1/2 tsp. Maybe someone else has been adding chlorine? CYA should stay in the ideal range of 30-50 ppm. We could try to explain the chemical formulas and reactions, but you can read these three sources if you are interested in that level of detail. Just a note - ascorbic acid is a chlorine neutralizer and so theres no point in using a separate chemical. Amounts are excreted and do not accumulate in the 100-125 ppm range or greater, talk a... Ppm is but the test strips by mixing a cup of pool water to bring levels back down often... Some sort of hidden in the highest category and dark purple Pepper Capsules be?! Are excessively too much ascorbic acid in pool, in the information on the pucks, but not. 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