My mom who is 76 has taken 7 tablets, she stopped due to pain in her hips legs and groin. My recent dexa scan showed a deterioration in bone loss in the last three years so much so that I now have osteoporosis in my hip. Federal drug regulators and researchers say that Fosamax, a drug thats supposed to help with bone growth, is linked to this rare dental disease thats also called Dead Jaw Syndrome. What an awful time you are having my sympathy goes out to you. When I initially had a bone scan they said Id have another one after three years, Ive never had another one. I am 55 years old female and took 1 70mg dose of Alendronic Acid 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed with osteoporosis after a Dexa scan. Again i had another Dexa scan 2 years ago and it was found i have oesteoporosis in the spine which i feel very worried about it. Also taking into account that I have & still do.Lead a very active & healthy lifestyle! Fast forward to 2008. If you missed a dose, take it the following day and do not double take it to avoid overdosing. Your doctor might recommend you take other drugs 30 minutes after taking alendronic acid. Hi Everyone This pain was far worse than the pain I experience withOsteoporosis! amazonamazon What an awful position to be in! I appear to be ding well on them so I am told along with calcium and Vit D supplements. Stopped now. And yes side effects are happening, muscles ache, jaw aches, I did have an X-ray on my jaw and its fine TG. She doesnt have osteoporosis but they just put her on these. My opinion is , go and see your GP for advise ! Get the link to download App. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking medicine. Where do you live Jane hope you dont mind me asking. My ears was hurting. Uncommon: transient symptoms as in an acute-phase response (myalgia, malaise and rarely, fever), typically in association with initiation of treatment. I have even had to report my concern and disappointment and lack of care by both my GP and Dentist. I called my doctor and spoke with the nurse. Most of these side effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. My mother is 83 and has been on this drug for over twenty years with only one bone scan. Just had to reply to your post! Stop taking your alendronic acid yes like you I been taking AA for about 2yrs in this time I have had a dry mouth enough to think Im going to lose all my teeth at the time . The next day I felt very ill. My specialist came back to me a month ago to tell me I should take AA from now on so I started taking the weekly pill 4 weeks ago. In addition, previous side effects were swellings and wealds all over, itching and bloatedness. I am diary intolerant. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. Ive been prescribed Adcal-D3 tablets (2x twice daily) and Alendronic Acid 1x weekly, even though a blood test showed that my calcium and vitamin D levels were within the normal range. So I still have not gotten ANY doctor to tell me that the osteo drugs were what CAUSED this but I dont see any other possible cause. ). In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasnt desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. If I apply pressure on my face in front of my ear, the ear pain lessens. Your doctor will put into consideration the lifestyle changes youve made. the pain in my muscles and bones is unbearable, chills, last I had night sweat, my stomach was bloated, acid reflex and the headache along with my jaw ache wont go away. I wonder if it might be something that could help you Ive attached the link to the video below. Individual bisphosphonates have different . I was put on alendronic acid weekly and vitamin d and calcium twice a day . As I was searching through my kitchen drawers, it came to me. Menopause in women or low testosterone levels in men, Poor nutrition such as low-intake of calcium and vitamin D, Crohns disease, celiac disease, and other inflammatory bowel conditions that affect your body in absorbing nutrients, Calcium supplements, magnesium, iron, and zinc multivitamins, Cancer medicines such as bevacizumab or thalidomide and if youre undergoing chemotherapy. Same here. The side effects of this drug are well documented and you can see them at :- Hey Ive been diagnosed with polymialgia rheumatica too i was prescribed predisolone vit d evacol and now AA Im not having any side effects from it yet but reading all of these comments Im worrying about wether I should take the alendronic acid Ive only taken two up to now but have had no problem with it yet It scares you a bit, Hi I have just been precribed alendronic acid I have not taken it yet as I have had a bad cold. I have now been off Alendronic acid for two weeks or so, and at the moment im not noticing very much improvement. I have gone downhill and increased weight. Prevention. Im sure they will sound familiar. Needless to say I will never take another one and I would like to know whether anyone knows how long Alendronic Acid takes to leave the system. It belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. Hi just wondering how your getting on with the alendrolic acid? Its such a dilemma. As I sat up from the bed my head started to pound. I had a scan 6 months ago and have osteoporosis. I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones. It usually takes 6-12 months of taking alendronic acid to support your bones. Then in early November I started to feel strange again. Have other peoples side effects, particularly bone and muscle pain gone away after discontinuing this drug. Already taking Adcal D3 and steroids. There has to be a better way. I started taking alendronic acid in January 2009. I also ate one energice bar. Ostopenia and had a high risk of a fracture. I have spent the past 4 hrs reading up on this medication and these reviews! Did your painn go away after it left your system. The dentist told me there was no possible way the drugs had anything to do with my teeth getting loose, and it was probably just poor dental hygiene, in spite of the fact that I was 56 when these problems STARTED and 63 when I had to give up and pull the last ones. Your dosing may depend on your age, how severe your bone condition is, other medical conditions you have, and your reaction to the first dose. You uesly get shake from over active thyroid, I know because that what I have, I have been put on alendronic, I havent taken them yet, its very frigthening, not sure what to do, Im 63 and have gone to the gym most ofy life, I dont want to there guinea pig,. mrs winners biscuit recipe. Bisphosphonates to treat bone weakness caused by prostate cancer that has spread to the bones. The test showed that I now have osteopenia, but could never get off alendronic as it is due to gluten. Fast forward to 2009. Like a lot of people I was researching AA70 when I came across this group. Alendronic acid and risedronate sodium have been shown to reduce occurrence of vertebral, non-vertebral and hip fractures. My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. Not far into the walk (about 20 mins. No tablet is worth taking if no quality of life. Hospital Aug 2017 Spine -2.7 Hip -1.1. Send Link. Small blisters on various areas of my body. The hospital talking about infusions once a year but still waiting for a appointment. The pain has travelled to her shins since stopping it. Once a week at the same time. I thought I was intelligent and assertive enough that it couldnt possibly happen to me a second time. She sent me to a specialist for a second opinion and he said take it. Hi. june 2022. Alendronic acid is not for children or teens below 18 years old. Since things improved I kept taking the medication. She used to get upset stomach the day & day after taking them. Frequently missing a dose may lessen the drugs potency. When i DID start researching, after being on these meds for about a year I decided the risk just wasnt worth the POSSIBLE gain and stopped taking it. Many thanks for all your comments re Alendronic Acid, these have been most helpful in my decision to take this drug. Brand names: Reclast, Zometa, Aclasta. Went to ER did EKG and blood work. But, theres not enough evidence on this claim. Below is everything you need to know about alendronic acid, commonly prescribed by doctors to treat bone conditions. Just dont know what to do for best. I am a naturally upbeat person, but on Wednesdays when I take this drug my body feels so different, I dont like it. Learn more. However, your doctor will mostly recommend you at least take the drug for three years to benefit from it for a long time. Because of how I tend to react and my blood test results, I thought I would research the new meds first and Im now very pleased that I did. I will come back in a few weeks and let you guys know if I have any strange side effects. I dont know if this is due to alendronic acid or the letrozole I am taking for breast cancer., Ive just been perscribed alendronic acid 70mg to take one a week..could you tell me if this is seroxat. I reported the effect the drug had on me to the MHRA. Bisphosphonates such as alendronic acid help halt this process by reducing the rate of bone breakdown. There is a Group related to these awful side effects on Facebook called Reglan Support Group (Primperan/Metoclopramide Read the devastating effects this drug has had on people taking it. Hi I have been on alendronic acid for 7 months I was worried about side effects but have been ok but have noticed a weakness in muscles and am really stiff in mornings and if I sit down even for a short while. If you suddenly stop taking the drug, you might experience severe side effects, putting you at high risk of more bone fractures. He arranged for me to have an MRI and EEG tests, but his opinion was that Seroxat was the likely culprit as he had never seen anything like this before. I take Alendronic tablets as I had breast cancer and take the tablets for continuing bone health. Typically, doctors recommend taking osteoporosis medication for 3-5 years. Alendronate (alendronic acid) Alendronate is an osteoporosis medication. I better print your reviews kind people & put them before my GP & the Liver Consultant who suggested bisphosphonates in the first place!! As a follow up to my earlier post, on Feb 21st 2021, I am still experiencing side effects as a result of the ingestion of 1 biphosphonate Alendronic Acid 70g tablet on Sunday Feb 2nd. I read the leaflet and decided to google. About 3 hours later, I started to feel weird, sort of dizzy. The last two weeks I have felt terribly sick, not eaten much had terrible bloated stomach, one Sunday I felt so ill I had to do a 111 saw a medical person and was given a thorough test being told everthing was ok, I had put it all down to my gallbladder which it wasnt. This drug is only available for prescription and should be taken with caution. In addition, you should cut down on your alcohol intake, stop smoking, do strength training and supplement your body with calcium and vitamin D3, K2, and magnesium regularly. judy. Im an 82 yr old female and was diagnosed with Pagets disease several months ago and asked if I wanted to take tablets or have three infusions (one each year). Ulcers or erosions of your esophagus and gut, which include symptoms like severe heartburn, trouble and pain when swallowing, Bone death or damage on your jaw with symptoms like painful or swollen gums, loosening of teeth, numbness and heavy feeling in your jaw, and mouth sores, Unusual bone breaks in your hip and leg bones which is indicated by a dull, aching pain in your hips, groin, or thighs, Damage of bones in your inner ear with symptoms ear pain, ear discharge, or infection, Swelling in the eyes which have signs like blurred vision, painful or red eyes. Now its probable to be loosing my teeth and I live on social security and am very afraid that my dental health has been irrevocably damaged by this drug. You can only take it with plain water, not mineral water. I only took one pill but think I will stop. Muscle pain all the time hot sweats but put that down to menapause each time going to doctors about my symptoms only to be told the good will out way the bad Iike hell did it only at the end of july I was walking minding my own business with friends in torquay on holiday 1 day into my holiday I was crossing the road &my leg broke in front of me so I sustained a femur fracture due to AA which has been confirmed twice it was the AA that has caused this I have now come off them my sweats have stopped along with the others symptoms all stopped all off most I put down to a long menapause. 25 yrs later Ive had a Dexa scan and was told my spine was crumbling and the reading was far worse than the worst possible. Researching I came across Dr Rex Newnham, his story is very interesting, look him up he has written several books re osteoporosis/arthritis, treating them naturally with borax/boron. I too am very healthy woman 67, play golf dance swim walk, so I was upset to be told I had osteoporosis. I am at the moment still recovering from my fracture as it only been 3wks so if anyone reading this have a build up of pressure on your leg whilst taking these awful tablets seek help before the leg breaks as it will the femur is so so painful take care everyone. Does anyone know the scientific evidence for Alendronic acid and what it does to the body that makes so many people feel achy and dizzy? Drinking alcohol for about two standards per day may increase your risk of bone fractures. Due to cutbacks now prescribed unnamed Alendronic and feel absolutely ghastly. Sister told the doc she intends taking Boron. So, what happens now, does my Osteoporosis get progressively worse over time? That was the last tablet I took of that drug. I wont be taking it as I feel I may be able to find a natural alternative. My advice beware. You can, however, lie down after youve eaten your first meal of the day. 65 fatalities, 1,292 musculoskeletal disorders, 651 poisonings, 2,537 gastrointestinal disorders. I hate taking meds and wonder if I should stop Alendronic acid. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to newsletter But I just couldnt describe it as you have. My other bones aches but the leg and the jaw were the worst. Osteoporosis can be prevented. Its recommended to take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. How Alendronic Acid Destroyed My Life. Many thanks for all your information. Its 2.35am here in Kent & I am terrified about what 2moro will bring if I am forced to use AA. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. Reading these reports,i am now 63 & After taking AA 70mg per wkfor 2months,& all the awful side effects mentioned here,consultant wants to try zoledronate yearly infusion. Alendronic Acid has a side effect of causing hair loss and tiredness. The bottom of my feet hurt. re the first strange vivid dreams has been my nearest experience. I dont think there is enough information from doctors/nurses to explain about Osteoporosis to patients. I walked home very gingerly with the dog and later phoned my doctor The side effect possibilities worry me. Small movements and small gentle breaths allow me to feel ok and for my muscles to be still. This is me! My walking is less than a quarter of what it was, but that could be due to a herinated disc. Until recently I only took my Thyroid med. Bisphosphonates are widely used to treat and prevent bone-related conditions. I am 62 and expected some challenges at my age but this has been a shock! I was running 2 or 3 times, each week, circuit, bodypump, combat, body pump etc, about 14 hours of workout every week. Hi Ive had AA and it made me feel terrible! Hello Carol,just been asked to go and see my gp for a talk about having a break from taking alendronic acid.Going next week after taking them for more than ten years.I do remember having a bone scan after three years and the results showed some improvements in my bone density. prunus . Steroids such asprednisoloneordexamethasone. , I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal, I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldnt build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. I was left on Seroxat for 15 years and wonder if it is the reason I know have Neuropathy. Have been on it a yr. 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