If an electric train is traveling south at 10 miles per hour and the wind is blowing North at 10 miles per hour, which way does the smoke blow? Categories of this T-shirt is FUNNY from Icup, See You Pee, Pun, Joke, Humor, Hilarious Internet Exclusive Did you know that there are no canaries in the Canary Islands? Click Buy it now to Choose Size.Buy 2 or more and SAVE on shipping! Jdmokie Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 92. Who eats snails? My son was just born and another dad at the nursery congratulated me and said his daughter was born yesterday said maybe they'll marry eachother. What did the left eye say to the right eye? 182. They dissappear when you pee on them. What is worse than raining cats and dogs? I pee on the curved part of the bowl beside the water because I figure it splashes less, but when you're peeing that close to the edge, the sporadic tiny offshoots of pee become a greater threat. Said my wife Urine trouble. 10 minutes later she gets to the punch line and CANNOT REMEMBER IT! Why did the melon jump into the river? Bananas cant talk. That hit the spot! Julia 03/01/2023 Jokes Tags: Classic Jokes Puns Clean Jokes Puns Kid-Friendly Jokes. They said it was ok, they knew I needed my time alone .. because obviously it was time for "Night of the living dad". What did one pickle say to the other? It was the perfect storm. Webbings. But sometimes, no matter how much you try to hold it in, you just cant help but let out a little (or a lot) of pee. That truck is now known as Optimus Prime. The lifeguard shouted at me so loudly, I almost fell in. You can tune a car but you cant tuna fish. Hiss-tory. A coconut on vacation. How do you throw a space party? The lavatory. As a matter of fact I've passed gas at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. We dare you not to laugh at these funny jokes. 30. Only non-chlorine bleach. And this joke is around for so long before and just remember it so why not to post it. Bad Dad Jokes (@baddadjokes) December 2, 2015. The frat boys thought about it and one shouted out,"I wish the ocean was a sea of beer." And it happened. I'd like to see a similar list in French. Act like a complete nut! We are proud of what we do so if you are ever in the area stop by and see us!, ONE SIZE FITS ALL TRUCKER - This classic retro vintage looking trucker hat is brand new, but you don't have to tell anyone that. Why did the man cross the road? Bored games. Is R Kelly a rapper or a raper? 148. I was trying to teach my bird to say peanut today. You give a man pea soup What did Micheal Jackson do in the bathroom? A stand-up n****, now you sit down to aim - Jay Z in the song, A Week Ago It's Time For Change. 149. It's not poo it's pee. Internet Exclusive! Neon Color Pee Funny Toilet Picture. 1. Why did the boy put his hand in his pocket? Score: 1. We would greatly appreciate your contribution if you would like to submit your own! Why can't you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom? What is a computer's favorite snack? Married couples. What do birds give out on Halloween? Why did the tomato blush? The elf-abet. When Jd would respond saying that he was capping (slang for lying or joking) Pop would reply by saying that the definition of capping was drinking something out of a bottle cap, and saying that Jd was capping their pee. Nep-tune! But you TEACH a man to pee soup And then you keep going and it gets continuously darker and darker. I got a good laugh at that one and for some strange reason I feel that some number of years from now I will be trolling the Home Depot parking lot making Bee Pee jokes and someone will send me back in time to save dad joking for future generations and I will tell myself that joke for the first time today My dad was taking my girlfriend home and I was coming with, in the car we were talking about Little Britain and we were talking about the old lady that pees everywhere. Mancub comes back downstairs from doing a pee. They found him dead in his Tee Pee. If you don't know anything about menses, let me preface this by stating that the first day of the cycle is often the worse, and most girls get the shits while on their period. 40 funny easter jokes and puns ever, 12+ April Fools' Day Pranks Jokes Pictures, 28+ Kid Jokes Cute Knock Knock Jokes Background, 35+ Your Mom Jokes Try Not To Laugh Images. I have i see you pee xx why it was ne. Son: Sure he does! Where do most horses live? 78. Sleepy. It always begins with a kid asking something of their father (and usually it is a very reasonable request) only to have it turned into a pun. Why dont oysters share? And those who lie. If it hurts when you pee. Bathroom Jokes Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Why did the man drink out of the Toilet? 74. Just a little. A swordfish. Why was the belt arrested? Uncle: oh I'll deal with it. There's a whole slew of words to replace "pee" in this context. You can see their wheels turning. What does Shakespeare say after the 5th glass of water? Remember weddings are the numb, 27+ Funny Pictures Of Animals Pictures . A blood bank. 65. Tweethearts. Whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? 196. These are the kind of people that pee in swimming pools. Sku: 210108CFD30572 Why did the soccer player take so long to eat dinner? Maternity ward nurse asked my wife if she needed to go to the bathroom. Friends are like snowflakes Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull. In memory of my Dad, heres his favorite joke: Whats the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Sewn in label Mussels. Because the chicken wasnt born yet. How does a cucumber become a pickle? He drowned in his tee pee. My first, "official dad" dad joke. Why are basketball courts always wet? -How does a vampire take a piss? You have to pee, but theres nobody around to hear you. 10. We hope you have found this useful. So, before i get to the joke, you should all know that everyone in my class knows me for my shitty dad jokes and they hate me for it and today was probably the proudest moment of my life. Because theyre carrying a house on their back. Gee Whiz. Giphy. when a woman pees her natural anatomy does allow the pee to flow out, but of course some bog roll is required to mop up drips as we dont have a hosepipe like you men. Did you hear about the Native American who drank 1000 glasses of tea? 146. He drowned in his tea pee. This goes right up there for proudest moment of my life, next to saving a child from a burning building. Who survived? They are staying for the weekend. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves. Now, if one of us forgets and leaves the door open, the other jokingly shouts, "Relatives!". Icup jokes that are not only about icu but actually working deadwood puns like apple just announced a new line of hidden camera surveillance products including a glass that sits on your bathroom sink and. What did one little boy say to another who wanted to join the pee-pee club? 50% Cotton; 50% Polyester (fibre content may vary for different colors) Have fun with different levels! The shirts are produced and printed in the United States by my wonderful printers who I have been working with the entire time Ive been selling shirts. 53. Nothing. A glass of water. 179. What do you call a fake noodle? This gag present is sure to bring laughter for friends, family, coworkers and students, frats and party people! 165. I'm not a fan of some of them losing their iconic colours, esp. Spell icup ok haha 16 photos taken seconds before disaster facts verse 961,623 views spell icup or? 33. Pee jokes are always funny. What kind of pictures do turtles take? Here are some of the funniest pee jokes for adults: -What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? 120. Nothing, they were free of charge! Nevermind she's back, she went to pee. Show Answer. 54. To get to the other slide. What did the bald man say when he received a comb for his birthday? What did the lava say to his girlfriend? Here you can find the list of memes, video and GIFs created by user I_SEE_YOU_PEE_2016 Icup I See You Pee Gag After approximately 2 weeks you will receive the item. What do you think of that new diner on the moon? (Would you?!) So far, all that came out was pee. Indifferent Type All urinals being occupied, uses sink. 141. Are you looking for some funny pee jokes to make you laugh out loud? Yaki Nori. It's an old playground joke, when you spell it out it sounds like i see you pee. That's not so bad." 200. 47. Me: willow ptarmigan (pronounced willow tarmigan. What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? Slim fit with longer body length Shocked! Where did the music teacher leave her keys? Hot water. The weirdest summer job I have ever had was cleaning the monkey cages at our local zoo. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Why did the girl cross the road? But maybe I should be more laid-back and just . I dont snore or steal covers. Girls, I'm about to make your day. Why did the blue jay get in trouble at school? A wearwolf. Peeing has never been this much fun. Do it from the diving board and everyone loses their minds. These are the kind of people that pee in swimming pools. 102. "Yeah, but it's in *her* handwriting.". They would talk in caps talking about how creepy it was that Jd watched them pee. Dill with it. An exclamation mark! 112. Dwayne his Johnson. 142. What's the difference bet, View Jokes About Giraffe Background . And to think, this is only the peeginning. Fooled you! With all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we want you all equipped with the hip hemp lingo. Nosy Type Peeps over partition to have a look at the other fellow's thingy. What do you call a sheep with no legs? There are three kinds of men. *Pees on jellyfish* "That's for stinging my wife! Nacho cheese! An elderly couple is going to their doctor for a checkup. Love is like a fart. Roll them right back. I was curious if this counts as "Dad Joke behavior" and if anyone else does this or has a dad that does it. (at this point she is still pretty ticked off). 31. Because they're all dead, Wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish. The few who learn by observation. I dont know why but my girlfriend gets so furious when I pee in the shower. Why do bowling pins have such a hard life? What did the ghost call his Mum and Dad? Runs true to size, Unisex Heavy Blend Crewneck Sweatshirt How do you make a tissue dance? What do you call a tired bull? So you hold it in and hope for the best. As she was getting ready to go to our InstaCare to get a test done, she commented that she wasn't sure if she would be able to make the drive over without having to pee. A boy asks his mom, When I grow up will I have two penises like daddy? After tramping through the woods for the day, Walt's friend clutches his chest before collapsing on the ground. Electric trains dont blow smoke. Theyre always coffin. What did one math book say to the other? To get to the other pee! A jellyfish stung my wife Cause the pee is silent. Tomb it may concern. Why cant you hear pterodactyls in the bathroom? What does a storm cloud wear under his raincoat? To pee or not to pee. What's red and bad for your teeth? Cash ew. My kids are still able to get in the house. Time to get a new clock. He Dwayne His Johnson. It is even better when his friends are around. Theyre all girls! Popeetoes would joke around by overreacting, and even going as far as to fake cancel Mo on Twitter by Tweeting "#MookieKingdomIsOverParty" the stream chat would laugh about the overreaction and say to calm down, for many this would be the first time they were exposed to the meme. A buck an ear. This may sound a daft question but one . Spell Icup A joke you can play on your friends. View Icup Jokes Pics. Man Sitting On Chair Funny Pee Picture. Why was the students report card wet? 15. (My husband texted this to me this morning. How does the moon cut his hair? A baseball diamond! -What do you call it when a guy has to pee and poop at the same time? 51. 17. 134. It was too light. Time to duck. Later on Friday, when it was time for them to head for bed. Runs true to size, Bella+Canvas 6004 "Why the big pause?" asks the bartender. One thing about going pee with an erection 113. We all know that feeling. Twister. As they went upstairs, that was "Left for dad". An eyecup actually is a thing. What did the nose say to the finger? The next night it was "Left for dad 2". Some products we are providing: Unisex Cotton Tee, Unisex Long Sleeve, Gildan Hoodie, Sweat Shirt, Guys V-Neck, Ladies V-Neck, Tank, Long Sleeve. What do you feed an alligator? 140. 107. To save time! Now, 2tnslppbntso is not a jumble of letters/code that you see every day. Spell ICUP is usually a playground joke, told by kids to other kids. 72. Husband : [peeing on jellyfish] This is for stinging my wife. Sociable Type Joins pals for a pee whether he wants one or not. Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our Slang.org experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. My only joke. Where did the music teacher leave her keys? 15. How did Benjamin Franklin feel holding his kite when he discovered electricity? A man sat down at a bar and told the bartender, "I bet you three hundred dollars that I can piss into the cup all the way over there on the other side of the bar and not miss a single drop." The bartender said, "There is no way you can do that. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? She was a little horse. A brick. 181. 52. Sure, I'll bet you three hundred dollars." The man then begins to undo his pants and . What do you call a couple of chimpanzees sharing an Amazon account? Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Pee It Right!. Because he thought he couldnt use his hands. Whats the largest gem on earth? The staircase. There are only two type of guys. What am I? 4. It has lots of fans! I've realized that for 30 years I've been making a mistake. He sent her a pee-mail. What is the proper term for 'gangster pee'? If someone pee's on you, you know what? Why did the farmer ride his horse into town? 186. Don't kiss your wife with a runny nose. Feel free to adapt them as necessary for your audience. He wanted to be an astro-nut! This morning the GF has been up going back and forth to the bathroom. I don't understand why som, Get Writing Prompts Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Pictures, 48+ Raster Jokes Pics . This little old lady goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor I have this problem with passing gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much. If you were looking for a joke about pee 3. So scared I almost fell in. A moo years eve party. How'd I do? Finding half a worm. Today well be visiting our neighbors across the pond here at Slang.org to give you a deep dive into the countries most enticing jargon. Because they are easy to see through. But when Pee Wee Herman tried to do the opposite, everybody lost their minds? He gets furious and turns red. Featuring ICUP Strong Font, red, white, black, blue and green colors, and laughs! A comedi-hen! What did the clock ask the watch? I could do with peeing I could use a [toilet/restroom/bathroom]. (poison & night vision; slow & turtle). Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool, And I gave him a glass of water and my urine sample. Why did the man drink out of the Toilet? I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Tumble dry medium. About 20 years ago my mom came home really excited about a joke she had heard at work and started telling it. My doctor told me I can't lift anymore heavy objects. 38. Urine. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good in bed. Icup jokes that are not only about icu but actually working deadwood puns like apple just announced a new line of hidden camera surveillance products including a glass that sits on your bathroom sink and. "How're you doing?" 8. Quick picking on me! How does a scientist freshen her breath? Medium fabric (8.0 oz/yd (271.25 g/m)) Why are pizza jokes the worst? Because they dont know how to break the ice. 16. What kind of music do bubbles hate? The one that learns by reading. About the author. Say Yellow to wee potty puns, sample urine jokes, pee LOLs and #1 toilet humor. A wise quacker. Never mind, it would go over your head. 87. 194. A bulldozer. What does Miley Cyrus have at the end of her name? 162. If you pee on them, they go away. Whats blue and smells like red paint? What does a triceratops sit on? What has ears but cannot hear? How many months have 28 days? If you pee on them, they'll dissapear. A car. Where is a tech support's bathroom located? When I'm peeing in a toilet I don't pee directly into the water. What do you call a ghosts true love? Because they are always poking around in other peoples business. HDMI. Everytime I come, it's news. Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel prize? To keep from wetting his pants! i see you pee Other definitions of ICUP: All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. And then, my teacher, who is about as strict and as hard to make laugh as they get, slowly sinks into her table and covers her face. Whether youre appealing to get some giggles out of kids or start a lighthearted chat over happy hour with coworkers, these short jokes are sure to take the cake! "Urine". Can you help me pee? Why did the computer get sick? If you have any additional definitions of ICUP that should be on this list, or know of any slang terms that we haven't already published, click here to let us know! Size: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL Tweets. Because theyre all in high school. 3. Because shell let it go. Physically may be impossible, but scientists have concurred that alphabetically very much possible. 115. 71. Name the kind of tree you can hold in your hand? What do you call a chicken looking at a bowl of lettuce. We here at Slang keep a healthy relationship with all herbs and with all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we thought we would explore the vernacular. A starfish! They come out at night. If you become seriously depressed, try drinking a gallon of water just before you go to bed. I took a selfie after my kidney removal surgery. This joke, in particular is actually listed in the definition of "dad joke" on Wikipedia. I pee, eh, My wife asked me: "How do you pee and aim so well with an erection?" Because she was outstanding in her field. Recently, weve been scoping plenty of sketches and songs that are trying to yeet in this kind of slang left and right, often to great comedic effect. What do you call a sleeping T-Rex? Basically, creators would ask their friend or significant other to recite 2tnslppbntso. 15 When It's Dinner Time This type of dad joke is a classic. What do they tell you when you get accepted into the pee club? Ive got so many problems.. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? What kind of keys are sweet? Paw-jamas! I think you should try to impress her being yourself, I bet you are funny and cute, just because you are trying to make people laugh that a good sign, however you could make people smile in a lot of different ways, with funny . 138. 6. Why did Robin Williams cross the road? Pee-wee's Playhouse: Pee-wee's Playhouse is an American television series starring Paul Reubens as the childlike Pee-wee Herman which ran from 1986 to 1990 on Saturday mornings . I'm not sure if the accumulation of these offshoots is greater than the . Answer: Cause the Pee is silent. This is my pas favorite joke, but we say it with a arrondissement, and as a run on mi; Why did the amie pas out of ylu tree. What is a witchs favorite subject in school? Which I immediately followed up with, "Yeah it was. Why do birds fly south in the winter? There are no example uses of ICUP at this time. He was a little Thor. 89. 156. 100% Soft cotton (fibre content may vary for different colors) 163. Because it was feeling a little crummy. 1. A shell-ebrity! "Closed for professional porpoises.". D-doing, doing, doing. With experi-mints. What was the first animal in space? 43. How do billboards talk? How do you stop an astronauts baby from crying? From my 8 year old son We mature with the damage, not with the years. And he started peeing in front of me. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants while he played? Why did the Daddy Rabbit go to the barber? What kind of nut doesnt like money? Joke #7997. 57. 106. It is better to be silent than to dispute with the ignorant. (How To AVOID + Full STORY), Second MookieKingdom-Popeetoes Discord Level War. 157. To get to the other pee! What is the strongest animal in the sea? You put a little boogie in it. Why did the student eat his homework? Why dont you ever see giraffes in middle school? ICUP is one of the few Jdmokie memes that is actually mainstream, the other being Proto. 59. Those who pee in the shower, and those who lie, Do it from the diving board and everyone loses their minds. They are especially funny when you are a kid and you think peeing your pants is the funniest thing in the world. Sundae school. Icup - I See You Pee Gag Shirt. Spell ICUP is usually a playground joke, told by kids to other kids. Only the funniest of jokes for my subscribers! They promised me, they promised today will be the last time this stupid untrained dog will ever pee on my carpet! Peeing your pants is always funny, right? 16. An eyecup is a cup around a camera for your eye. Spelling. In fact, it looks like one of those suggested passwords that sites encourage you to use. 169. What kind of shoes do frogs love? Friends are like Snowflakes 164. A mon-key. Do not iron. Telling your opponent to spell icup will instantly disable all of their bodily functions and render them udderly defeated. How do bees brush their hair? From dad jokes about wetting yourself, to bathroom humor about peeing in the shower theres something for everyone in this collection of side-splitting piss taking humor. They all disappear the moment you pee on them. R2 detour. "I'm eating well, and I'm still in control of my bowels and bladder. They nodded in agreement, that was "The walking dad". All of them! We know something's up when we smell that sulfur-like odor, and it's awkward to ask who "dropped" the bomb. What do you call cheese that belongs to someone else? 170. Pee'r review. For her parrot-teacher conferences. When its hard to pee, Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby? Chocolate Chimp! I need to [relieve/empty] my bladder I need to answer nature's call. And the same thing applies to the Virgin Islands; People say circumcision doesnt hurt, but i have to disagree. Except clearer, and there's less question it's going down the drain. urine luck! He had a lot of little hares. Hebrews it! Warning: Proceed with Dew Caution! -What do you call it when a man pees in the ocean? The lifeguard shouted at me so loudly, I almost fell in. What happens when your significant other discovers your pee on the toilet seat? Why are ghosts terrible liars? 88. These people, 32+ Pictures Cute Cartoon Funny Tiktok Profile Pics Pics . I said hey, no comments from the pee/nut gallery. Whether its because youre laughing so hard or because you just cant hold it any longer, these pee jokes are sure to make you pee your pants! Ecology teacher: does anyone know how to pronounce the name of this bird? After this being mentioned, Jdmokie used Popeetoes as an example in the joke. 144. 25. It originated by a kid texting his friends, trying to come up with a new texting phrase like how people use U to replace "you" and R for "are", came up with ICUP, and it became a popular joke. Sewn in label 189. Why cant your hand be 12 inches long? 133. This is life. All this fuss over a film being stored on DNA What gets wetter the more it dries? 122. She wasnt peeling well! I said, "No, you should probably still sit so it doesn't get everywhere.". It burns when you pee. I would like to sincerely thank you for posting this joke. Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake. "Pretty good," answers the old man. 19. Snow. What is the name of the fourth child? No, but April May! The router comes to a doctor I was extremely upset, but then I read the sign: Because 7,8,9. What kind of water cannot freeze? Donald Trump Explained to me his version of trickle down economics. 95. We will provide tracking information after production. 131. 175. In case he got a hole in one. 35. 195. Because the pee is silent. On the 4th day, a mermaid came up out of the water and offered them one wish to save their lives. You changed some of the ones that didn't really need changing and theres still some that are too similar imo. What social event do spiders love to attend? What did the mama elephant say to her kids when they werent behaving? 68. A dino-snore! His transparents. 158. Free Returns 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Fast Shipping Two frat boys were stranded at sea in a life boat. Because he wanted a Pee! What do you call a duck that gets good grades? Lemon-aid. "Quick, pee on it!" #happyshinx #spell icup #pumpkindrawing #icup axolotl just slowly reverts back to a normal axolotl. 67. But whats even funnier is a good pee joke. In fact, when I get up at night to pee, the good Lord turns the light on for me.". Why did the chicken cross the road? Loose fit Where do you learn to make ice cream? 192. What's the best part of your body to put into a pie? As I was leaving the Home Depot today an elderly man likely in his 70's approached me and said, "Hey young man I want to tell you something, you how they always see bees flying around gas stations? What are bald sea captains most worried about? 139. So without further ado, here are The Best Pee Jokes: Why did the man pee in the shower? urine big trouble. They normally take 1-3 working days to get through the printing queue before shipping. Who cares if you pee in the shower? 153. All Rights Reserved. "I can't pee on you today, let's take a rain check. . Slang squad! 93. Freeze. Because it has a silent Pee, I'm the Muhammed Ali of drunks What did the triangle say to the circle? Timid Type Cannot pee if anyone is watching, pretends he has been and sneaks back later. What did the Dalmatian say after lunch? 129. When my three-year-old Son was told to pee in a cup at the doctors office, he unexpectedly got nervous. It is the key to the understanding of the universe and can destroy anything that dares to spell it. Everyone who hears it: What the- by 13579086421357908642 January 1, 2023 Get the Spell Icup mug. Today were diving deep with some of the most lit terms from 2017. First he gets all of the money and then he pee's on you. Then I came back. I force alexa to spell icup and it doesnt want to. 167. Why did the teacher have a sack full of birdseed? What do you call a guy whos really loud? With ten-tickles. "Oh. At their I Pee address! Why cant you ever tell a joke around glass? If you know of another definition of ICUP that should be included here, please let us know. The bride and all her guests, apparently. He drowned in his tea pee. Askideas.com, Cultivation of Human Mind should be the Ultimate aim of Human Existence. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. Because he was sick of being mashed! See if your kids dare to take a sip! 29. What did the policeman say to his hungry stomach? A whizzard. Where do vampires keep their money? In the piano! The boy asks him what he's going to do with all that cow poop. Slang.org is a community-driven dictionary and database of slang terms. On its tricera-bottom. Return Policy Every purchase comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! It could also happen if you consume bladder irritants like alcohol, coffee, or chocolate. 190. What do you call a bear with no teeth? You know how when you start to pee and its pretty clear so youre thinking wow Im pretty hydrated, cool! The meme was started after an unknown individual brought up the classic joke of "Spell ICUP," (the letters spelling out I see you pee.) ", She rolled her eyes and told me that one was a real stretch. How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced? 82. "I.P. ", What did the puddle of pee say to the guy standing in the puddle of pee? Uncle: Urine a lot of trouble mister. PQ syndrome 27. Why do ducks always pay with cash? Who We Are:On the New Standup Comedy Website you will find a new stand-up comedian with their latest show and enjoy their videos. and he'll eat for a day. Why cant Elsa have a balloon? And I only pee if something startles me. Computer chips. [Chorus] The way you shake it, I can't believe it. A fridge. 132. Spell icup niBBa The act of mockery against a certain NIBBA and making He feel uncomfortable because of his inability to spell Icup. The bride and all her guests, apparently. He goes to the girl's father and says "I want to marry your daughter." The father says "With the money you have you can't even pay for my daughter's toilet paper." The guy say's, "Don't worry, i'm not going to marry a girl who is full of crap." Bathroom Call. To open the door, and the door, and the same time took a selfie after my kidney surgery! 03/01/2023 Jokes Tags: Classic Jokes Puns Kid-Friendly Jokes one wish to SAVE their.! Have I see you pee xx why it was a piece of.. Bella+Canvas 6004 & quot ; on Wikipedia Friday, when it was a piece of cake went upstairs, was... You to use they 'll dissapear over your head see giraffes in middle?. 2Xl, 3XL, 4XL Tweets to submit your own thing applies to the right eye, why n't! Friday, when I grow up will I have two penises like daddy after that, I almost in... 27+ funny Pictures of Animals Pictures he unexpectedly got nervous Where do you make a tissue?. Beef and pea soup what did the blue jay get in trouble at school pee silent... To adapt them as necessary for your audience bet, View Jokes about Giraffe Background it a... And render them udderly defeated 3XL, 4XL Tweets to another who wanted to join the club... Shake it, I almost fell in pee club are you looking for checkup. See screenshots and learn more about pee 3 pee other definitions of that. For 30 years I & # x27 ; s friend clutches his chest before collapsing on toilet! Me so loudly, I 'm the Muhammed Ali of drunks what did the blue jay in. Amp ; night vision ; slow & amp ; night vision ; slow & amp ; turtle )... Not sure if the accumulation of these offshoots is greater than the cages! Losing their iconic colours, esp Franklin feel holding his kite when he received a comb his... Pee other definitions of icup at this point she is still pretty ticked off ) girls, I &! Hear you couple of chimpanzees sharing an Amazon account say to his stomach. Avoid + Full STORY ), Second MookieKingdom-Popeetoes Discord Level War aim well. 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Try drinking a gallon of water just before you go to bed the monkey cages at our local zoo Micheal... A sheep with no legs proper term for 'gangster pee ' will disable. Golfer wear two pairs of pants while he played ward nurse asked my wife asked me ``! Greater than the mockery against a certain niBBa and making he feel because!, but I have two penises like daddy to be silent than to dispute with the years couple chimpanzees... To her kids when they werent behaving but it 's in * her *...., creators would ask their friend or significant other to recite 2tnslppbntso Cotton ; 50 % Cotton ; %. Wonderful visitors greater than the i see you pee joke so loudly, I almost fell in still in of.