Search our database of over 100 million company and executive profiles. Programs and Services Provided . She used this information to personally go through all of her students contact information on Aspen until she found a match. Assistant Superintendent Judith Kuehn has assumed the role of acting superintendent. Quincy Richard DeCristofaro, Ed.D. Share Excel Michael Devine Overview. Instead of carefully thinking about how best to use this information, administration reached out to the students parent, explaining the entire situation over the phone and sharing with the parent the information we had about the recovery phone number. The student remained in both my History and English classes throughout this investigation and for the remainder of the year. She reported for work on that following Monday, and has continued to carry out her duties while having to face and interact with someone who has sexually harassed her. Months later, we are here to say that we are still left feeling unsatisfied and disappointed with how the school system handled this troubling incident. Furthermore, the students had indirectly learned that a teenager could sexually harass a teacher and get away with it. Please disable the ad blocker or purchase our ad free subscription, Former Hull Middle School Teacher Alleges Principal, Superintendent, School Committee Covered For Student Who Sent Her Graphic Sexual Images. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Hull Michael Devine Marshfield Jeffrey Granatino . No one met with her first period, no one asked her if she wanted to be excused from the class of students who most likely sent the picture, no one asked how she was handling the incident. A police report was filed, and an investigation began. The School Committee will meet behind closed doors in executive session to discuss Devine on Feb. 5. He certainly should not be given a superintendent job in another district. He took the students no answer as finite. We received yet another email over the weekend from a former Norwell student that has not yet been verified, but which is consistent with the other allegations. Join Facebook to connect with Michael Devine and others you may know. I provided this information, and my principal, Tony Hrivnak, asked the student if he was involved. Millbury knew it too, but they didnt tell Shepherd Hill because school districts operate like the Catholic Church they make problems go away by moving people around and covering things up instead of addressing the actual issue. The superintendent of Hull Public Schools has been relieved of his duties pending the outcome of a school committee meeting, according to the Hull School Committee. We cant corroborate this story since there seems to be a long and documented history of sweeping Devines troubling behavior under the carpet. Devine took a leave of absence on Feb. 3. I had two older sisters that went through Norwell High School before me so he got to know my family and myself pretty well. We have reached out to Memorial Middle School Principal Hrivnak for comment on why he allegedly told other faculty members that this teacher was looking for her #Metoo moment, simply because she didnt appreciate child pornography being sent to her by students, but he has not gotten back to us. Norwell Matthew Keegan . Throughout the meeting Mike continued to support the middle school and principal. According to the Journal of Adolescent Health, 60% of high school boys find it acceptable to force a girl into sex. HULL (CBS) -- The Hull School Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to fire Michael Devine, who had been superintendent of schools for the district. The email address referenced a silly nickname that was created by 7 students in Science class, shared with the teacher, and had become an inside joke. The Randolph High School location has worked well for one Mini School classroom and four Community School classrooms for high school age students. Hello Turtle Riders. Everyone else either ignored my emails, never circled back to me, or made me feel as if I was being dramatic. By failing to take sexual harassment seriously, the administration has created an unsafe environment for our young girls. Conneely, Sean CONR2022808190 Hull Police Department Excused Leave . The Hull Police Department has also been notified of the matter. HULL (CBS) -- The Hull School Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to fire Michael Devine, who had been superintendent of schools for the district. McDonough in US (300) First published on April 29, 2020 / 8:30 PM. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if youd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. All Rights Reserved, Off the Wall at Hull Town Hall: On Thursday, March 2, the Hull Cultural Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. at town hall. Im curious to see if more former or current students come forward. View the profiles of people named Michael Devine. You dont just go cold turkey on grooming former students for 8 years. After her campaign to harass our business backfired and ended up with people posting negative reviews on her business page, she decided to close down her group. However, in 2012, I was 21 and going to school in DC and received an email or message from Mr. Devine, informing me he was going to be visiting DC for a conference or something. The committee is hiring an independent investigator to review the allegations and the police department has been notified. Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Devine had been on a leave of absence. If you are unsettled by this information, or disgusted as I am, then I think those are appropriate feelings. All content Copyright 2000 - 2023 WHDH-TV. See more results for Michael McDonough. HULL The School Committee has fired Superintendent Michael Devine, months after he was placed on administrative leave following allegations of misconduct when communicating with a former student. The Hull School Committee has placed Superintendent Michael Devine on administrative leave until further notice amid personal misconduct allegations. / CBS Boston. The Hull School Committee last week voted to have its consultant, Gales Associates of Weymouth, pursue permitting of a synthetic turf playing field through the Hull Conservation Commission later this month. Communication is instantaneous. Judith Kuehn will serve in the interim. Michael Devine, Superintendent of Hull Public Schools, Hull superintendent placed on administrative leave amid misconduct allegations. I was offered no accommodations and was expected to fulfill my duties while the investigation continued. Court records for this case are available from Massachusetts District. Two days ago the mainstream media was reporting that Hull Public Schools Superintendent Michael Devine had been put on leave by the School Committee without an explanation given. WBZ TV's Kate Merrill reports. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. The former student intitiated the communication. During an interview, the two men in charge of the investigation required this teacher to describe the pornographic image she received in detail, and refused to look at the image themselves. Speaker 1: On a Saturday morning in March, a teacher at Memorial Middle school informed me that she had received a sexually explicit photo that she suspected was sent to her by a student. Normally I think that homosexuality is bold, brave, and beautiful, but this particular gentleman is none of the above. Please disable the ad blocker or purchase our ad free subscription, Former Norwell High School Student Accuses Hull Superintendent Michael Devine Of Sexual Advances After Turning 21. To this day, no school administrator has ever apologized for the events, revealed what was done at the end of the investigation, or told me which students were talked to. Overview. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: Subscribe For TBDAILYNEWS Email Notifications, Support the Turtleboy Legal Defense Fund against Julia Mejia, Support the news you love. Hulls mission statement emphasizes personal responsibility and integrity. Speaker 3:On March 9 at 7:00 AM, a Memorial Middle School teacher opened up her private email to find that she had received a pornographic image from an unknown email address. Sources tell 5 Investigates the review of Devine's conduct has to do with his communication with a former student. Superintendent Michael Devine,. Access this case on the Massachusetts District Court's Electronic Court Filings (ECF) System. A subscription to PACER is required. I have been tempted to tell my story before but always felt guilty or thought no one would take me seriously cause I know how highly people who have only encountered him as an educator think of him. At this point he started coming on to me, telling me how attractive I am and what not. But that never happened because the principal covered it up. At this point, he went into super apology mode and even went so far as to ask me to make sure everything that happened stayed between us. Hes much older, he had a wife and two kids, and its an awkward and uncomfortable situation for someone of his stature to put young people through. Had the police and school investigated this it wouldve been fairly easy to get the responsible party and punish him appropriately. Police determined there was nothing criminal to investigate. This issue goes beyond sending photos. The teacher herself, after suffering sexual harassment by what seemed to be one of her own students, provided the investigators with incontrovertible evidence that this student was involved. Corrigan, Michael CORR2022342976 Norfolk County Sheriff's Office and Cor CenteDid not complete MPTC Training . On March 12, the teacher took it upon herself to investigate the email address as she felt that too much time was passing. At this point, the teacher approached union representatives and asked to file a grievance. Superintendent Michael Devine Terminated The Hull School Committee reports that Michael Devine has been terminated from his role as superintendent of schools. Kuehn has served the district for more than 12 years in numerous roles, including director of student services and assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and professional development. Unsubscribe at any time. Again, no crime was committed here, but it shows an obvious pattern of grooming. I was completely ignoring his messages but he didnt stop so I eventually told him he made me extremely uncomfortable and I wanted nothing to do with him. View Michael Devine results in Plymouth, MA including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. "There was nothing improper, illicit, illegal or unethical about a mutual communication between Mr. Devine and an adult who had graduated years ago from Hull High School.". The Hull School Committee has placed Superintendent Michael Devine on administrative leave until further notice amid personal misconduct allegations.The school committee held a meeting in . I am a teacher at Hull High School, and I would like to take a few minutes to outline the consequences of the administration not acting accordingly to the sexual harassment case. Acceptance of the minutes from the December 7, 2018 meeting. (Copyright (c) 2022 The Associated Press. Kuehn has served the district for more than 12 years in numerous roles, including director of student services and assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and professional development.The school district is also in contact with its outside labor relations legal counsel.No further information about the investigation is being released at this time by school officials because it is a personnel matter. On Wednesday at approximately 9 a.m., it was reported to the high school main office that a student had made a threat to harm others with a firearm. Right on cue we got this email from a former student of his at Norwell High School: I have known Mike Devine probably since I was about 12 years old. A more recent docket listing We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. I additionally asked in the grievance for students and all staff to receive training in sexual harassment guidelines and protocol, and only middle school teachers were granted this procedure. The superintendent who grooms young boys and tries to have sex with them, the principal who accused a victim of looking for attention, and the School Committee that chooses to employ both of them, denied the unions legitimate grievance. Its very possible that every student in the district knows what happened and who did it, and also that they got away with it, yet the teachers have gone months without answers or support. Over the course of the week following the receipt of the photo, teachers at Memorial Middle School provided statements and evidence to the people responsible for the investigation, and these statements and evidence began to very quickly indicate the involvement of one particular student. This is the first person to allege that the Mr. Devine said that he was attracted to him while he was still a student. Nothing further was communicated with me after this point. This is why unions are necessary and still exist because of corrupt administrators and school committees. In an official response to the Hull Teachers Association, Fahey later referred to it as an alleged email and would not acknowledge that the incident actually happened. She was given several digits of a recovery phone number. Boston, MA 02114 (AP) The former superintendent of Hull public schools alleges in a lawsuit that he was discriminated against because he is gay and his firing has made it impossible for him to land a new job in education. Locations. 1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights. However, after speaking with sources in Hull directly in contact with the former student at the center of this investigation, we do have some new information to report: If the allegations are true then no crime has been committed. In addition to the long term effects on the staff and faculty of Hull Public Schools, the administration has created an unsafe environment for girls by letting boys off the hook for their inappropriate actions. Luckily, I actually had plans which I had already told him about so I was able to make an exit. At a later meeting, Tony told employees I was looking for a me too moment for pushing this issue. Patricia Mason, Director of Student Services . At no point was a female employee also present. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. I want to see a world where all students feel comfortable and safe speaking up against sexual harassment. If hes done this with more than one student then it makes it a lot worse. Devine had been on a leave of absence since February, following allegations of personal misconduct, which were reported to the Hull Police Department. He repeatedly contacted me during the time he was in DC, trying to get me to come to his hotel. 7 Bulfinch Place we continued to occupy classrooms located at Hull and Randolph Public Schools. 60%. If our focus is on personal responsibility, then we have failed in our mission, as our students will not take responsibility for their detrimental actions. She thought that her investigative work had paid off, and that the student would face the consequences of his behavior. .See Andover, Southbridge, and many more examples for further reading. Background . The email from the kid (graphic images not included because we dont publish kiddie porn). By a lack of action, Tony Hrivnak, Mike Devine, and Officer Fahey have supported sexual harassment in schools. There was little to no chatter about it in Hull Facebook groups, and the MSM still hasnt written about why. Stephen Kuzma, Devines attorney, told The Patriot Ledger for story Monday that the firing stemmed from Devines text message exchanges with a 21-year-old former student who lived in Florida. 2. Women have already expressed to me that they are afraid to speak up for their coworkers for fear of retaliation, non-renewal of contracts, or heightened friction in their daily jobs. Hello Turtle Riders. Whenever a scandal like this hits a small town the rumor mill quickly spreads, so its important to make sure that only factual information is being reported. After an entire month went by, the teacher felt as though her discomfort and the emotional impact of the event were not being taken seriously. All sources can remain anonymous, so long as I verify that youre legit for my own due diligence. This is not just about the image. Town Manager Phil Lemnios said in an email he would leave any commentary to the school committee and the superintendent. It wasnt until the last 30 minutes of the school day that anybody approached me. Unfortunately, that is not what happened. She was reassured that the matter would be taken seriously, but when she got to school on Monday morning, nothing happened. If you were a former student of his who was sexually harassed like this and put in an uncomfortable situation, email [emailprotected] and we can chat on or off the record. Furthermore, it was a student who has been brought up to the Student Intervention Team on several occasions for sexually inappropriate comments and behavior. Hull Superintendent Michael Devine is currently on leave after at least two former students of his from Norwell and Hull have come forward and alleged that he tried to have sex with them after they graduated. Severaltimes he prompted me to describe the image and refused to look at it when I asked if he justwanted to see the email. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER . And its certainly hard for the School Committee to keep someone in charge of the schools, knowing this occurred. Technology can and has been used to berate, intimidate, threaten, and humiliate young girls. Please consider supporting local journalism by donatingto the Turtle fund: Follow us on Youtube, SoundCloud, Twitter, and Facebook. Speaker 2: My name is redacted. The other Facebook group in town eulogized her page, complained about Robins business being smeared (while failing to point out that Robin had no problem maliciously attacking our business), and inferred that law enforcement is investigating Turtleboy. Companies. This is because of the culture that WE have created, a culture of allowing men to get away with unacceptable behavior, without any consequences other than a slap on the wrist. Kuehn has served the district for more than 12 years in numerous roles, including director of student services and assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and professional development. Mr. Devine never violated any policy which governed his conduct as superintendent," Devine's attorneys Stephen Kuzma and India Minchoff said in a statement. In a given school year, 58% of 7th-12th graders will experience sexual harassment. All Rights Reserved. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: Subscribe For TBDAILYNEWS Email Notifications, Support the Turtleboy Legal Defense Fund against Julia Mejia, Support the news you love. As a public school, it has the obligation to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for both the students and the staff. He asked if Id like to meet up with him for some drinks, which didnt strike me as unusual, and I thought it would be cool to catch up with an old teacher who I very much respected. We heard from a former Hull Memorial Middle School teacher, who shared her harrowing experience. may be available from PACER. The $5 million demand for damages is mostly for Devines lost wages and his diminished earning capacity. Superintendent Michael Devine had taken a leave of absence, which, along with the contractually obligated school committee meeting, comes amid allegations of recent personal misconduct by. Not only can it create an unsafe space for women, but with the speed at which information spreads, it is clear to me that all students know that this incident occurred, and all students know that nothing has been done. Hull Schools Superintendent Michael Devine Placed On Leave Amid Misconduct Allegations - YouTube WBZ TV's Kate Merrill reports. I met with a school resource officer, Officer Fahey, to discuss the email. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Did George Santos Deceive Republican Donors? Some of the community Facebook groups are banning any speculation as to what happened, as he appears to be a well liked superintendent and former principal. In an official response to the HTA, one of the investigators, having refused to look at the photo, would not even acknowledge that the incident happened, and said that this teacher alleges to have received the photo. The Hull School Committee voted unanimously to terminate Devine during a meeting in executive session on Tuesday, April 28. Devine's status as superintendent will be the subject of review during the school committee meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday. She would not allow people to share witness statements from his victims on her community page, but did post Amanda Sawyers petition to boycott TB Daily News, make up lies about our record, and urge people to fraudulently report our YouTube channel, which we use to monetize the business. Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. Generally if you find yourself aligned with Amanda Sawyer you should reconsider your life choices. The match was one of the seven students she had originally suspected. I am sending essentially this same message to the Hull School Committee now so they should have this information before they meet tomorrow. The email to Officer Fahey that was never returned. Few girls and women report it. Unsubscribe at any time. ThatMonday, teachers expected those 6 students to be interviewed at the start of the day. Tell Hank: (855) 247-HANK. Michael Devine Hull . At no time during the investigation did the investigators communicate the steps or results of this investigation to the teacher, and the HTA has also been denied twice through the grievance process in their requests to obtain this information and have the investigation reopened. The school district is also in contact with its outside labor relations legal counsel. On Monday, school officials announced that Devine had taken a leave of absence and was relieved of his duties after allegations of recent personal misconduct by the superintendent were brought forward to the school committee. We are sending the message that groping, heckling, cat calling, unwanted touching, sexual assault, and rape are acceptable. Hull Superintendent Michael Devine is currently on leave after at least two former students of his from Norwell and Hull have come forward and alleged that he tried to have sex with them after they graduated. WHDH broadcast educational and informational programming for children, and file quarterly reports with the FCC detailing the station's outreach to children. No students were ever disciplined, and Hull Public Schools considers the case closed and the case thoroughly investigated. He even wrote one of my college recommendations. (Side note, the middle school has had unrestricted 1:1 iPads for years, and every year there are a handful of instances with students sending sexual images or texts via the school issued iPad. Unsubscribe at any time. Snapchat allows students to send photos that disappear after 10 seconds or less. I texted the vice-principal at the time, and she and I filed a police report together in Quincy. Superintendent Michael Devine had taken a leave of absence, which, along with the contractually obligated school committee meeting, comes amid allegations of recent personal misconduct by Devine. AboutPressCopyrightContact. I continued researching on my own since the school had taken absolutely no action, and found out that the emails recoveryinformation was enough to match only one contact in the school system- a student who was in that science class of 6 students. The vote was taken during an executive session. On March 10 2018, I received an email to my personal email containing a sexually explicit image (a dick pic). There was never evidence that the communication between the two was inappropriate and Devine did not violate school policy regarding staff and student communication as the school committee said when it fired him, according to the suit. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if youd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. HULL The Hull School Committee reports that Michael Devine has been terminated from his role as superintendent of schools. News Tips: (800) 280-TIPS Although no laws were broken it seems rather unethical for a superintendent to use his position of authority to track students down after they graduate and advance on them sexually in ways they dont reciprocate. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Now that I know it wasnt just me, I want to make sure he never works around young boys ever again. Michael Devine alleges breach of contract, defamation, a civil rights violation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and other wrongs in the $5 million federal lawsuit against the school system, the town and five school committee members. No student was ever disciplined, and the administration of the Hull Public Schools considers this investigation closed. . Facebook gives people the power. He seems pretty determined and unafraid at this point, now that weve published the first blog and he knows that there are other accusers. I spoke about it in detail in my book. The Hull School Committee is retaining an independent outside investigator to conduct an administrative review of the facts and circumstances, which will look at any possible policy violations. (The union reps speech before the school committee is transcribed below). 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Julia Mejia To Sue Turtleboy Has Been Charged With Strangulation Of Ex-Wife, Violating Restraining Order, Striking 2 Daughters, Congresswoman Katherine Clarks Non-Binary Antifa Son Arrested For Defacing Boston Common Monument With All Cops Are Bastards Is The End Product Of Neglectful Parenting, Victor Oliveira Ignored Homeless Man He Exploited For Tik Tok Content After Offering Fake Job, Posts Followup Video Getting Called Out, Accuses Victim Of Lying, Multiple Women Accuse Marlborough Dance Studio Owner Charged With Newport Arson Of Grooming With Alcohol, Carries On Business Despite Dozens Of Criminal Charges, Boston And Cambridge Eliminate Girls And Women Entirely, Now Refers To Females As Womxn And Girlx, Rehab Nonprofit President Accused Of Giving Drugs To Patients They Raised Money For, Says TB Must Stop Investigating Him, Refuses To Provide Receipts While Flying First Class, Lowell Landscaping Business Owner Running Drug Rehab Nonprofit Accused Of Pocketing $210K In Donations, Refuses To Show Receipts, Hired Convicted Criminal, Promoted By Media, Boy Leads Brookline High School Track Team To Victory At State Track Invitational, Says Girls Need To Deal With It, Michael Devine is being accused of sending sexual text messages to a 21 year old male who he met in his capacity as principal of Hull High School, He got the former students contact information while he was a student, but it is not clear if communications began before or after graduation, The sexual messages did not begin until recently, The student is not gay, but came from a background that made him a vulnerable target, The former student came forward to the School Committee who reviewed the sexually graphic text messages, Parents in the community are arguing that he used his position to groom this student, Parents we spoke with are concerned that hes done this with other students, and possibly couldve been grooming kids at his former jobs in Hanover and Norwell. 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