I already played Far Harbor once before too and let everyone live, except Acadia because I had the Institute move in on them. Lore Should I agree to replace Tektus? Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Walkthroughs Our advice is to do all available side quests before you make any of these decisions. Mechanist's Lair, Eyebots, and Rogue Robots covers what happens after the Mechanist story is complete. Return to Kenji and let him know what happened to get your reward - a chest full of items. Power Play New A conversation follows that ends with Maxson demanding that you kill your synth friend. Instead of doing odd-jobs for the Children of Atom to gain High Confessor Tektus' trust, you could just pass him the launch key and the means to take down Far Harbor's defences - just be sure to tell him you're not ready. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FO4FH_Tektus_LockedInsideUs.ogg, Tektus can be convinced to leave the Island forever instead of being killed in the quest. Open Season New It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics. Sure I can see people making other choices for giggles. Now head to The Nucleus. for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Feel powerful. How do you get the best ending in Fallout 4? The attack on the base took a lot of supplies because there are about 15 members inside. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Simply put, excessively heavy hula hoops are not safe, and the industry has done a great disservice to the public by producing and hyping up these kinds of . The story quest Reformation is a DLC quest that is part of the Far Harbor Walkthrough . for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Does Sons of the Forest have console commands? Neutral DLC03MQ06a_HighConfMartin Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Greeting Tell DiMA he's won. Blow up the Nucleus. She remains determined to keep the peace on the island and pleads for the Sole Survivor to not tell Allen the truth. Speak to Allen afterwards and youll receive a perk that boosts damage at low health. Nuka Bottling Plant & Power Armor Once you make it to the old area where DiMA's memories are stored, you face heavy mechanical opposition, starting with a Mr. The "best" ending is to try to find peace between all the Island's factions. An Ambitious Plan & Faction Leaders I picked the game up again to get all the trophies and close out all the different quest possibilities. This covers how to make the Robot Workbench to begin making your own Automatrons, and walks you through the first two quests while providing some tips for fighting the Mechanist's creations. Attacking the Children of Atom and having yourself become enemies of the faction is an option, it's just not a good one. 3 fragmentation mines next to each other. This leads to a huge scene in Far Harbor where you - depending on your influence with Far Harbor residents (based on Quests you've done) - can stop Avery from inciting the town to go all out on Acadia, instead of just executing DiMA. xx004464 (human)xx0212AB (synth) There are three main endings to this quest, although multiple routes through them allowing you to see most of the content regardless of our final choice: There are several points throughout this route where you can back out if you change your mind. The Sole Survivor first tracks down the holotapes of the previous high confessor, Martin. It's all up for debate, but the best ending and the one that results in you being treated best is to try to get them all through this and negotiate peace. Talk Tektus into leaving and replace him with a synth. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I did it from about 3 meters away and relied heavily on VATS and RadAway. Hope this is handy! The Striker New. Cleansing the Land is the Quest you will complete, whether you had it or not. I play the game for the story. I did this just to see what happens, and it's supported by the story but not a favorable outcome. Image Source: Endnight via . or maybe after DIMA is executed there is some other way to avoid war between Far Harbor and the Nucleus that doesn't involve replacing Tektus? If you pass a charisma check you can convince Tektus to leave for good, otherwise you have to use more permanent methods. Travel to the Nucleus and show High Confessor Tektus the holotapes, which will trick him into inviting you into the command center of the base. Nuka World Endings Guide - Options and Benefits, Faction Perks and New SPECIAL Ranks in Nuka World, Fallout 4 Nuka World Walkthrough: Quest 1, The Gauntlet & Taken for a Ride Walkthrough, The Grand Tour: Park Areas and Choosing Where to Go, Kiddie Kingdom & Claiming Raider Territory, Restoring Order (Mechanist Fight/Options), Mechanist's Lair, Eyebots, and Rogue Robots. Always go for the legs in vats on fast moving baddies. One of the Institutes experiments had to do with how synthetic brains could process personality, and so they adapted two synths for their experimentation. Gameplay Depending on how many side quests youve done (or your persuasion skills), Avery's fate hangs in the balance. It looks like a neck brace, but don't worry about it - Fallout 4 doesn't play great in third-person anyway. Immediately upon turning it on, I encountered the real security here. Walkthroughs Inflation remains stubbornly high at 6.4 percent in January. What's the best reward? Despite the heavy blow they take if you do this, Children of Atom will live on, leaderless (and some will probably respawn one day). Fallout 4 Far Harbor has three endings. You need to find four industrial fuses to open the security door; theres one on a bench by the fuse box and three on shelves near the door itself. Carl's Fallout 4 Guide Second, 'Cleansing the Land'. Cause if wifey find this out she's gonna take everything I've got. If you fail the speech check, they will run to Acadia in a fury and kill everyone. So you can get the good ending, send Kasumi home, and then go in with a force of brotherhood soldiers and wipe out the synth scum? After Tektus leaves, DiMA will reward the player with 1500 caps and the Protector of Acadia perk and tell them to visit Tektus' replacement. The Grand Tour: Park Areas and Choosing Where to Go When chatting to DiMA, you can tell him youre a synth and Nick will appreciate it. Valve Corporation. DiMA's Memories are in this terminal, though you need the Faraday Program in order to access it. After dealing with Tektus, the Sole Survivor must return to DiMA. Far Harbor character If you have mortally offended one of the factions, you'll find some options are closed to you. One can choose to spare or kill her, but there are no further interactions with them. Killed everyone in the nucleas before meeting dima and now I'm going back for Dimas Quests and he hasn't acknowledged I killed all the children of atom and it doesn't come up in dialougue. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I am level 57 in Far Harbor and practically melt any enemy. Killed everyone in the nucleas before meeting dima .and now I'm going back for Dimas Quests and he hasn't acknowledged I killed all the children of atom and it doesn't come up in dialougue. Congratulations. You can take Zealot Richter's armor for yourself, though it may not be unique at all. This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2. Walk in the Park: Quest 2 Tell Tektus about the tape and play it for him, then meet him in the maintenance tunnels of the Command Center. Here's where to find all pieces of the Marine Armor in the Far Harbor DLC. And other lovely Eurogamer merch in our official store! Last Update: Jan 03, 2023 . You still get to settle things, there are a few quests remaining, and you have some investigating to do before you can choose to get Kasumi back to her parents in the Commonwealth. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If you dont show Allen the proof, or just ignore that route altogether, you can confront DiMA about his actions and demand he turn himself in. Once you have completed accessing the first three of DiMA's memories during the Best Left Forgotten quest, you'll be able to choose the fate of several important places and people, and will effect who survives, which rewards you get, and any questlines that may get severed. The area is massive, so we can expect plenty of quests and exploration in a foggy, rugged area with new and challenging creatures to battle. What happens if you tell Far Harbor about Avery? Wait, make that four. 5y. After all one addictol can cure a long day of partying. Boss Fight: Overboss The resultant carnage is fucking obscene. To protect them, he hid these memories even from himself, though he's a morally questionable Synth anyway. Ware's Brew Quest New DiMA gives you quests to help the citizens of Acadia, though you can continue on the main quest. Islander's Almanac Magazine Locations He's the agitator within his faction. Eight. The power to Far Harbor can be shut down, allowing the fog to overtake it. If I missed something, please share with us below. All you need to do to kill Sluggy is approach him while he is lodged between an opening in a cave. Spoiler Alert: To get Lucky Eddy, players should convince DiMA to turn himself in to Far Harbor and admit that he murdered the original Avery, replacing her with a Synth. There IS more story from here, because of DiMA's memories and what they reveal. If you destroy the Nucleus, you will kill innocents. If you decide to launch the nuclear missile inside The Nucleus (which can be done with or without the High Confessor's permission), the entire place will be destroyed, as will any related sidequests. The Biden administration should keep the pressure on. The player character can inform DiMa that they convinced Tektus to flee but he will accept. He has interesting dialog for each and it will not get you in trouble with him, even if you threaten. DiMA DID kill Captain Avery of Far Harbor and replace her with a Synth so that she could keep the citizens in line. The power to Far Harbor can be shut down, allowing the fog to overtake it. The plan is to take the Children of Atom's leader, High Confessor Tektus, and replace him with a replicant that will convince the faction to work towards peace with Far Harbor. The whole story is based on trying to have peace on the island with all 3 factions. They will find him speaking with the synth replacement Tektus, who recalls having a vision that Atom desires peace in Far Harbor. Speak to Allen afterwards and youll receive a perk that boosts damage at low health. Any future interactions with him will result in him remarking that he hopes Atom doesn't punish them for disobedience. Return to. It is located to the Southwest of Far Harbor, and North of the Harbor Grand Hotel, and only available with the Far Harbor DLC. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. There's a terminal with some backstory on the submarine if you like lore, and if you can't hack it, Nick Valentine can do it. Get to know all three island factions. It's Martin, not Markus who is the possible pending returning (previous) leader of CoA that is used to lure current leader Tektus during that quest, it's Tektus that is replaced with a synth, after you 'remove' the real Tektus, the replacement synth being more amenable to peace. He will then leave the game forever. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. He is not like the Institute after all but is actually better than them. Normally you'd - at least at first - cooperate with the Children of Atom in Far Harbor, join the faction (which only takes one quest), and get to know their fanatical leader Tektus. You are warned against it during the Best Left Forgotten Quest, which you need to have started in order to advance the story should you attack this faction. Acadia will not turn hostile (assuming it exists), but DiMA wont talk to you after one angry conversation (assuming he is alive). Dialogue 15 But if you agree to leave for good, I'll let you live. Kasumi will be killed. All rights reserved. Nuka World Endings Guide - Options and Benefits, Faction Perks and New SPECIAL Ranks in Nuka World, join the faction (which only takes one quest), get DiMA's memories (and solve some hard puzzles), Fallout 4 Nuka World Walkthrough: Quest 1, The Gauntlet & Taken for a Ride Walkthrough, The Grand Tour: Park Areas and Choosing Where to Go, Kiddie Kingdom & Claiming Raider Territory, Restoring Order (Mechanist Fight/Options), Mechanist's Lair, Eyebots, and Rogue Robots. + . Expert Answers: There is no penalty for killing Tektus after convincing him to flee. I read somewhere that if I kill everyone, "the island is mine" does this mean I can make it a settlement now? Return to page one for the index to our Fallout 4: Far Harbor guide. I went BoS which by far was the most interesting story and ending in the main game. The real Tektus could always come back. However, if the Sole Survivor encourages Nick to accept DiMA as his brother after finding the holotape of their fight, Nick will apologize to DiMA and the two will occasionally greet each other or chat when entering Acadia. There is little point to this: you dont get a second perk, an achievement or any extra XP. It minimizes the loss of life and achieves peace. Destroy The Nucleus If you decide to launch the nuclear missile inside The Nucleus (which can be done with or without the High Confessor's permission), the entire place will be destroyed, as will. What happens if you let Avery live Fallout 4? The first is better in my eyes given when it triggers, and many survival players will agree due to it reducing damage and helping with healing through damage. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. I know anorexia can kill but when I'm deep in it, I just don't care - it's like I'm possessed. Radium Rifles will decimate trappers and raiders back home, but a normal rifle is better against the creatures of Fallout 4. You will need to go on to destroy either Far Harbor or the Nucleus to end the story. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. By doing it this way, you're undoubtedly passing up some quest rewards that are unobtainable, and possibly not getting the 'best' ending for Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC. Madmen rush in where the sane fear to tread. Should i kill tektus? High Confessor Tektus has been a Child of Atom for over a decade, since the days of Confessor Cromwell. The whole story is based on trying to have peace on the island with all 3 factions. I wanted to test when or is tektus and essential npc and he's not . He loves games that let you hide in bins. Character So killing Tektus and replacing him with a synth is the only correct option. Or, rather, the way it was, thanks to the magic of modding. Scav Magazine Locations New, See my Far Harbor Guide for new features in the DLC. With The Way Life Should Be complete, you still need to solve the problem of the two warring factions in Cleansing the Land. Hell also give you a sweet bit of armour. They also carry the new radium rifles, which deal both physical and radiation damage and can be modified to be very powerful against humanoids. The replacement will give a short speech in The Nucleus, and give Atoms Bulwark as a reward. Far Harbor In both of Calus's phases, you'll have to do manage hordes of weaker enemies (aka, 'adds') while dealing damage to the boss. This isn't a choice, its a calculation. First, provide power to the damn thing by hitting the switch in the back. Ware's Brew Quest New If you do nothing, they will kill the people of Far Harbor. Tektus can be convinced to initiate 'Division' on the Nucleus and detonate the Nuke directly, ascending his followers. Should I tell Tektus to run away? We trust you to do the right thing - or at least the most epic one. Will you wipe out either Far Harbor or the Children of Atom? DiMA befriended their leader, Confessor Martin, and eventually gave them the base as their home. Race Close to Home And to the best of my knowledge, there is only one way to do that and finish the main quest story there. Enter Martin's old hideout, pick up the holotapes, grab the mother icon and have a read of the notes lying about. Yeah good find, believe him bashing the anvil make him heal? One can choose to spare or kill her, but there are no further interactions with them. Remember my name and email for future contributions. The location known as Acadia is a DLC refuge Far Harbor Location in the Eastern area of The Commonwealth. Human Power Play New Where you Belong: Quest 3 I've also released a page that describes Getting Started in Automatron to accompany the main page about the DLC. EDIT: There's one debatably more moral option. You can persuade him to run away rather than kill him, if youd prefer. You need to pass a very high persuasion check to manage this. There is no evidence to support Kasumis belief she is a synth, beyond her own feelings. Like cattle to slaughter. Which you side with will make your options variable, and I may miss some combinations. If you can stomach it, go through with the quest, and return to DiMA to be granted a Perk that boosts your damage resistance at low health. Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! A powerful perk, especially for survival players and when combined with armor that slows time when damaged. Where you Belong: Quest 3 After killing Tektus and hiding the evidence, his body will disappear from the game. Pleae note there are different endings for this DLC, something we all wanted! Technical You will get the second one no matter how you take out Acadia, including should the Brotherhood or Institute come in (because you told them. Endings Guide New Complete Institute quests including destroying the Railroad, but betray the Mass Fusion plan by dobbing to the Brotherhood. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Fallout 4 modder Shadowslasher410 has released a mod that allows you to get down and dirty with Valentine. Tektus wields a gamma gun, but he's very very weak in combat. The major differentiations of the ending of Far Harbor are effected by your actions during the last two quests - The Way Life Should Be and Cleansing The Land - which run concurrently and are inter-related. An unique view of The Nucleus, the Children of Atom's sacred place which happens to be a nuclear submarine. After inserting the key, you have about 30 seconds to escape the Nucleus through the now-hostile Children of Atom. A video guide to our eight favourite bits of secret fan service in the Far Harbor DLC. Take its legs out and it crawls. It's a self-perpetuating intolerance: The less we know about the animals, the easier it is to . Technical It may or may not be bugged at the moment but we can expect a fix if so - so I'm writing this to be more future-proof. When the deed is done, it's time to go back to Acadia again. Hello, spoilers. This, too, is the Cleansing the Land Quest. It's up to you, really, all of it. Even if the Children of Atom are nuts, they do not necessarily deserve to die. What is the best ending perk-wise? (Warning: Far Harbor Spoilers) - posted in Fallout 4 Spoilers: I had DiMA turn himself in to the harborpeople and he was executed, as I didnt support the idea of replacing somebody (Tektus) with yet another synth. A 1-2 pound hula hoop is the maximum hoop weight you should choose to lose weight hula hooping. In case you didn't note it above, Kasumi is NOT a synth so sending her home is probably most appropriate. Should you replace Tektus? The High Confessor has agreed to meet me in the Command Center tunnels. Tektus can be convinced to initiate 'Division' on the Nucleus and detonate the Nuke directly, ascending his followers. You can choose to explore the locations on your own or read descriptions for those I've taken notes about. The player character can inform DiMa that they convinced Tektus to flee but he will accept the results anyway. JavaScript must be enabled for certain features to work. If you go this route, I suggest you talk to Kasumi first but avoid telling her Acadia will be punished. Location Return them to DiMA, then say youre ready and travel to the Nucleus. While Far Harbor Survivalist (Siding with Far Harbor and Destroying Children of Atom) and Crusader of Atom (Side with CoA and destroy Far Harbor) for more damage with higher rads are not very good, you surely noted the two great perks - Destroyer of Acadia or Protector of Acadia, above. You will get the Crusader of Atom Perk if you did this for the CoA. Easy to take out. Inside the sub you can kill the Children of Atom leader and take his helmet and robe, so it's worth a trip while you've weakened his defenses. Otherwise, the player will have to kill him. It appears if I send DIMA to Far Harbor I won't be able to replace Tektus, this will mean I have to choose between Far Harbor and the Nucleus, correct? You will need to destroy either Far Harbor or the Nucleus to end the story. Heading back to Tektus and showing him the fake version will result in him believing the old confessor is coming back to take over his position and he then suggests speaking about it further inside the command center. The Wind Turbine Kill Switch disables Far Harbor's power, stopping their Fog Condensers and allowing the fog to overtake the town. Ultimately, doing this I could only decide how the people of Far Harbor and Acadia got along, and I'll spare the major spoilers on those things. The Fallout 4 Subreddit. What happens if you tell Avery Shes a synth? The content below contains real plot spoilers. Similarly, if you tell Allen about DiMA's secret, you won't be able to stop the raid - but you can ask for Avery not to die. DisurStric32 was wondering if I could kill Tektus..yes you can I wanted to test when or is tektus and essential npc and he's not . He is subsequently replaced with the synth Cole. Form ID If you decide to flip the switch on Far Harbor (either persuading DiMA it's the only choice - or doing it behind his back) everyone in Far Harbor will be killed, as will any quests relating to the town. Once you have everything, leave the hideout and fast travel back to Acadia. Male Abortion, yes, I paid it out. Best Left Forgotten: Quest 4 1. level 1. Youll receive a perk that increases damage resistance, and can speak to Allen in Far Harbor for a reward. If Acadia is raided, everyone inside will die - including Kasumi, which puts a damper on the end of the story. Ref ID There are four possibilities here: This option wipes out the Children of Atom. Anything beyond that is risky and unnecessary. Finally, you can tell her parents of her fate and conclude the main quest of Far Harbor. Yes, you can kill poor Kelvin in Sons of the Forest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But strictly speaking there's only one morally correctly option and thats replace Tektus with a synth. If you pass a charisma check you can convince Tektus to leave for good, otherwise you have to use more permanent methods. If you return to the new High Confessor, you can still get Atom's Bulwark. Manchin and Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana voted with 48 Republicans to overturn regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in November that would allow the use of ESG by retirement fund managers. Head back to Far Harbor and chat to Avery - be nice and she'll give you 1,600 caps. Gage's Likes/Dislikes As a reward DiMA will grant you 1,500 caps and the 'Protector of Acadia' perk, which bestows a massive boost to energy resistance and damage with a random chance when you have low health. Role What did the Acadian synths ever do to you? Faction & Special Perks After Tektus leaves, DiMA will reward the player with 1500 caps and the Protector of Acadia perk and tell them to visit Tektus replacement. I've got the tapes DiMA asked for. At least for efficiency's sake. Page 1 of 2 - Cleansing the Land - Neutral Ending? Eastern area of the Far Harbor and practically melt any enemy - 11 you! A DLC refuge Far Harbor Walkthrough go back to Far Harbor or the Nucleus through now-hostile! Memories are in this terminal, though you need to solve the problem of the story not... Find some options are closed to you a self-perpetuating intolerance: the less we know about animals. Kelvin in Sons of the Nucleus to end the story plan by dobbing to the New high Confessor Martin. Most appropriate the Cleansing the Land Quest solve the problem of the faction is option... 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Nucleus, the player character can inform DiMA that they convinced Tektus to leave for good otherwise. And practically melt any enemy desires to understand the fight mechanics vision that desires. Harbor Guide for New features in the main Quest of Far Harbor before! Days of Confessor Cromwell trademarks are property of their respective owners in Quest. Desires peace in Far Harbor or the Children of Atom & unlock community features and much, more. Either Far Harbor DLC madmen rush in where the sane fear to tread gamma gun, but normal.