Mr. X is married to BP sister which makes him Libbys uncle not blood relatedheard it somewhere on the Net it would be easy for you RL to check that out . Mr. X not only discovered the bodies, but he ran away in terror afterwards. They dont say where they collected it from, but thats an important question. What would be Mr X reason for leaving them there? However, there are some good posters, especially on r/LibbyandAbby. There is endless silly speculation in the comments about BG I think BG was a teenagerWhat if BG escaped on a hand glider?What if BG is dead?What if BG escaped to a deserted island where he now renamed himself Lord Jim and is now king of the savages?What if BG is really a woman in drag?What if BG is Mafia hitman?Bla bla bla bla.. The motive is apparently lust murder motivated by sexual sadism combined with psychopathy, the classic formulation almost all serial killers have. There may never be an arrest in this case. If they were killed right away, its no problem, but if they were not killed until 12 hours later, its one more thing that makes no sense. Theres just journalists. So Skip Jansen and DGo are different people that just happen to share the same "suspect" and theories? Fascinating episodes - Ive listened twice and got back through the old Delphi episodes too! Unverified but Likely. They deleted it because he was insisting people in the replies come to delphi so people can fight them irl. Four people are involved at least peripherally, BG and three others. Did he not see BG? Incidentally, we now have a retired homicide detective working as part of our team. He could offend today in say, Ohio and offend in Illinois and be in his journey back home to commit more offenses. And he has an accomplice, a much younger man. These seem to have been packing plant workers in the Delphi area who get transferred over to the Evansdale area for periods of time to work on sister plants over there. Thats because they havent been told shit. So every time a kid gets killed in a sexual murder, LE goes looking for photos and videos of the murder because obviously everyone who kills a kid takes pics of it and videotapes it. For information on these documents, see the special section below where their nature and provenance is explained. To do this, he uses the knives the deer kit that BG has around his waist. She has been featured in Psychic Investigators, Paranormal Witness, and interviewed by Nancy Grace! LE would also be interested in anyone who may have helped Mr. X after the crime, perhaps burning evidence or whatever. Or just working in cahoots? On the photo of BG on the bridge, does anyone else see handcuffs instead of camera/knife bag? Just three episodes of speculation and nothing really newsworthy. Most of these podcasts are silly speculation or talk about POIs who are all ruled out. LE has already looked into him quite a bit, and I assume hes cleared. They also think you get that way from your upbringing, especially with your father. and that you think he already knew that they would be there.. Jesus, his pio needs a restraining order. Remember that they came out with a pair of boots? There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. Until then, the enemies will keep attacking. The point is that that Mr. Holder had nothing to do with this crime. If I were on the jury, the only thing I would care about was whether the state had proved that Mr. X committed this crime. These people are from all over the country and have expertise in all sorts of different areas. Forget it. I dont know if Mr. X is part of the groups promoting the trail system, but for some reason, I doubt it. No, POI'S will be discussed tonight. Delphi Murders /// Under the Bridge /// Part 1 /// 509. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use) , scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Both my gut instinct and logic are screaming, Verify the statements of FSG!! I want you to know that your comment is no longer there. Is that also speculation? TCG with Skip Jansen made a compelling argument as to why & how this person could be responsible. I find your blog very interesting. They are most likely related to one another, but your description of Mr. X confuses the two. Try harder. But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. Hello Jacqui. Number 5 was told to JM, an excellent local sleuth, and then to us by an Indiana detective who works in Narcotics based on crime scene photos he had seen. I have no idea if Skip, Jersey, and New Cricket are the same person, and I honestly don't care. Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a way, I just hope she shared with law enforcement. I found your article very interesting and thought provoking. You said parent, so that gives me a clue. April 5, 2021 The reward for information in the Delphi murders grows to $325,000. Why would they NOT want to look for those types of things in a child murder with likely sa involved? Robert, I believe Mr. X has an ex-wife. We will discuss Ethics in reporting and other significant issues surrounding the case!Join Me Behind The Crime Door.\"Where Nothing Is Ever As It Seems!\" Super Thanks option is now available for those who appreciate the replays and want to support. At the very least he could have made misleading statements. Ive seen some FB exchanges from BP where like you say, she appears to be defending Mr X or at least in denial that he could be a suspect. Is there any way on Earth that BG could look like the young man in that sketch or even an 18-40 year old? Allen, a 50-year-old Delphi man, was arrested last month and charged with two counts of murder for the Feb. 2017 killings. However, we presently lack evidence that Mr. X worked at Indiana Packers. Lilly CEO outlines insulin price cap plan, Boone County Sheriffs Office preparing for upcoming changes, Jalen Carter, Georgia star lineman,faces charges in fatal crash, Why your favorite blockbuster probably wont win best picture at the Oscars. People are saying that we have a copy of the gag order that was issued on the towing of the truck at the CPS building. So far, Indiana State Police has not publicly connected Kline with the girls deaths, but investigators have talked about the Delphi case in both of their news releases about Kline and the social media account. Jerseyperson111 = Skip Jansen = Ok Cricket (new)? Were the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Net for years now. I read your recent blogs about the Delphi murders, and you have a ton of info. Thanks for all the info much appreciated. Why dont you do a show on our theories. Thanks, Mike! $20/lifetime membership. Delphi Murders - Live - Discussion with Skip Jansen and Fig. Do not release information that can be used to do the same or join in attacks conducted by others. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: Yes I thought the suspect had been recorded walking on the raailroad tracks on one of the girls phones. Thats good enough for us to be probative. Why would they deliberately contradict their own beliefs? Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. As you said in episode 3 that the killer must not be in the database prior to the murder,but Indiana had changed law to require DNA added to the database upon arrest?/conviction? Featured Americans eat long list of food banned in other countries Save hundreds by using this free tax prep service Pat Sullivan: Late winter landscape do's and don'ts If he is wearing Indiana Packers workboots, this solves one more question. See below for which rumors we believe are proven and which are unverified. He even brought his phone in and took it apart to reveal the GPS device in it so they could look at it. The rejoinders also say that either he never lost his keys or he did and he called the wife to bring a spare, and she did, evidence being the police scanner. @Skip He has a prosthetic foot due to diabetes, and no way could he high-tail it across that bridge. Person of Interest is a much higher standard than unnamed suspect, and he hasnt even risen to that level yet. This person is externalizing their pain into rage and projecting it outwards at the world. Im so sorry. Long, 22 pages. I saw the local Delphi News footage from the week of the murders where they interview Ron Logan while they are actually searching his property. Some insist that this is merely a coincidence, but apparently LE do not think it is coincidental. The crime scene photos have been widely trashed as paraedolia. One of his many interesting hobbies was abducting and raping young women. Thats technically true but in all my years of playing the part of a PIO and putting out press releases, Ive never intentionally told a lie. LE caught Mr. X in the lies about losing his keys, calling his wife to bring him a spare, and a spare even existing in the first place. Got it? No one has. Delphi Girls Murdered Bail hearing set for suspect in Delphi murders Richard Allen's bail hearing has been set for Thursday, June 15 at 8:30 a.m. in Carroll County. I'm not asking about if someone inadvertently gave an alibi, I'm asking if you believe more than one person had knowledge during and after the murders were carried out. Mr. X needed the lost his keys excuse to explain how he stayed in that spot for 18 hours. Its very rare for killers to take photos or videos of their crimes. I tune in to their broadcasts and most of it is these narcissists collecting narcissistic supply, which is being doled out by their worshipful audience. A podcast called The Murder Sheet talked to another woman who said her interactions with Kline started when she was only 12 years old. Are you speculating? Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. I'll be happy to represent Nic and the Captain if it happens. I sorta did wonder where he was from 12 to 430ish. Also, if I look at a map showing where the girls were dropped off, seems there is a pretty long trail from that spot onto the railroad bridge. Kelsi German has been cleared. I live in Pennsylvania and have been interested in this case since the time it happened. I am creating a special article about this to link to in order to deal with the constant hate comments in this regard so I dont have to keep going over this stuff in every update. Turned out he was just some troll who wanted people to think he committed these murders instead of being the person who actually did them. The gun is a rare collectors item, possibly a .40mm. Leave this poor man alone, for Gods sake. And I appear quite harmless, too. He is one of the first and only witnesses in this case!!. They have most recently stated that they want to avoid double jeopardy. Robert, I am wondering why no reply to my question? who put himself at the crime scene at 3pm. Also to True Crime Garage. I just got banned from Twitter again for no real good reason, so Im not feeling that great. Richard Matthew Allen was arrested for the 2017 double murder of Liberty German and Abigail Williams in October 2022. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. This what first aroused LE suspicions of Mr. X. And at the end, Carter says, He may even be in this room right now, (he was in fact) and then looks in the complete opposite direction of Mr. X. Then they have the nerve to beg for witnesses to come forward with information. Instead, people attacked /u/SkipJanson about going to Delphi when so many others like BitterBeatPoet were glorified for doing so and posted all over without issue. I must say, its obvious that Skip is about four levels higher than Grey Hughes. . She described his eyes as dark and evil. She was emphatic about that. No one else reacted that way. R/LibbyandAbby does allow rumors and speculations, so at least they get some good posts and posters, while the overall mood is still a downer. How many times has he been cleared? The doc is his property. Chemicals used in an attempt to hide fingerprints. To be fair, two other men were also searching Rons land that night and they didnt find anything either, so it looks like those girls were pretty hard to miss. Im not stupid. Instead they were penetrated with inanimate objects, which, last time I checked, do not cause pregnancy. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. Hes also thoroughly lawyered up, and hes not saying a word. The fact that I believe LE has been busy trying to cover up the mistakes they made early on leads me to believe that they inadvertently helped BG get away with this horrendous crime and continue to do so by withholding almost every piece of information possible from the public, while at the same time begging for that one tip they need to make an arrest. As far as my theories, I made a video (see here: that outlines the visions held a couple of days upon learning of this crime. You had mentioned in one of your blogs not being sure what he did for a living. Good job though, because you confirm much of what Ive seen. I never got to see that info. I tend to think that it goes deeper than only Mr. X being involved though. It was February 13, 2017 when 13-year-old Abby Williams and her best friend, 14-year-old Libby German, went on a walk on Delphi's historic trails. I dont know about you, but when I go to a nearby town, I dont generally take my cellphone and throw it in a bunch of weeds for the five hours that I was gone, coming back to my home hours later to retrieve it from the weeds. A handgun, in order to do ballistics tests on it. So many armchair-detective, keyboard warriors who want to insert themselves into something they know nothing about; if they had any sense, they would realize that he is traveling to Delphi to answer questions, sort fact from fiction and definitively disprove the countless false claims and bad information that has spread about this case. Too much points to them to be coincidence. Lmao what am I reading here? Truth is an absolute defense. He was 18 in 1984, so we figured he graduated that year, but maybe he graduated in 1986 when he was 20. There was an early raid on the Indiana Packers plant in Delphi that was done by LE. This is not Mayberry but a potential Petri dish for psychopaths. I think cycles finally straighten out at age 15. Eventually the evidence I uncovered kept coming back to DP being the POI rather than him covering for someone. Ditto..woke up to this, what a palaver.. 100% this has to be written by an alt account of hisNo other explanation. But after continuing to receive these pings and after it being 5 years, I went back and decided to post as these images have since plagued me. So that means he killed these girls because theyre chicks too! Doesnt sound like a logical progression of thought to me. So Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime than anyone else, including the victims grandmother who was hurt more than anyone. In the case of the search of the Maxwell home, a gun was taken from the home in order to do ballistics tests on it. Tell her I said HAVE A NICE DAY! Have you been in contact with her at all? 5) He parked near the cemetery, but not at the cemetery. It is an educational conversation about the current facts and opinion theories discussed in this investigation. It makes sense LE's statements in the 2019 press conference to the killer and also that when they asked what he thinks people will think when they find out and that he's hiding in plain sight. What do they mean hes just a decoy? One seems to be PNB and the other is RRB. And Mr X was involved in a Christian teen club! I see on Reddit that they mention you in a negative way, but dont listen to those people! Case in point - he said last time that his suspect was currently in jail. See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. Same spelling as well. Etc. This is all so immature of everyone. Which begs the question, if Mr. X is BG, how did he come to acquire a pair of Indiana Packers boots, which is what he appears to be wearing during his crime? 2/13, 2:13, 2-13. Hes afraid hes going to be framed with these murders, a reasonable fear. An Indiana man accused of killing two teenage girls in the infamous Delphi murder case was linked to the crime through an unspent bullet found at the scene, newly revealed documents show. and our We believe he just told LE she was coming, it went out over the scanner, and she never showed up. not sure I agree . For one, its a gross violation of journalistic ethics, and I was trained to be a journalist I have a BA in Journalism and worked as an editor of a large magazine, among other things. Mr. X was a senior in high school at the time. It is certainly an interesting question, is it not? LE still has access to the conviction. They are within the video. A sheet with a smiley face on it at the crime scene, possibly hung from a tree. Also, you develop better sources. If this roommate is correct, it looks like Mr. X worked in 2011-2012 at as packing plant in the Delphi area, and he was moved to near Evansdale, Iowa for a period during these two years to work on a sister plant near Evansdale. This may extend to age 15. Hes connected to a local sex offender in the area (a friend, or family membercousin?). Tonight I will welcome my special guest Skip Jansen as we discuss current events going on in the Delphi case. Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. I have not been able to determine that from all of these postings. I have joined the group on face book #Delphi Murders. Can you believe that I said that on Facebook, and some retarded ass computer flagged it and banned me for a while for insulting another user? Solves 1 waiting Scheduled for Apr 28, 2022 0 Dislike Share Kristin Behind The Crime Door 868 subscribers We will discuss things. He does not work there at the moment. Admitting his culpability only after lying to law enforcement, whom he first told that the girl shot herself while cleaning her weapon. Pretty soon these fucking machines that are dumber than rocks are going to be making all sorts of unappealable decisions about our lives because the capitalists are too greedy to hire a real human to do the job, so they buy a machine instead. Can anyone remember what he would comment on or say? I noticed your nice comment on my YouTube page, thank you so much for your reply! I don't think it was directly addressed in the episodes, but are you able to speculate on what degree of premeditation (if any) would your theory would have required on the part of your suspect? Also theres only one way for LE to know that BG filmed his crime if the rumors about sending video of the crime to the girls phones afterwards is true. Its at his home on a shelf! I in no way want to spread false information. This is not Mayberry but a potential Petri dish for psychopaths. Mr. X was employed by Indiana Packers around 2011 or 2012. They all go off and do their own work. Forgive me if Ive missed this, but whats keeping police from arresting this guy? He's done that on this post too, wonder if he'll be banned from here as well. Hi folks! Thank you!TIP HOTLINE:
[email protected] or (765) 822-353Close SourcesFBI RESOURCESVideos, timeline, maps, interviews etc. #AbbyandLibby #TheDelphimurders #bridgeguy #Truecrime #murder #missing #Indiana #unsolved #justiceforabbyandlibbyFair Use: LET ME BE VERY CLEAR This content on my channel may contain copyrighted content not authorized for use by the owner. The Reddit sites are pretty useless too, mostly because most posters regard the best sources on this crime as false. CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. I realize unsolved would be a magnet for that but wow. If this main POI isnt the bridge guy, he is definitely, without a doubt in my mind, involved in the murders of Abby and Libby in some form or fashion. This has been misrepresented by doubters as the scanner saying to let Mrs. X into the sealed off area because shes bringing Mr. X his keys. Hes bored and has nothing to do, so we recruited him to sleuth for us. He cant even drive a car! Hobbies: Raising goats, riding and fixing up Harley-Davidson motorcycles, very avid deer hunter, handicrafting wooden signs. DELPHI, Ind. How do I do this? Why is this current POI receiving more support for his privacy than any others mentioned in 4 years? Yes. However, some people are stupid enough to sue even when they are guilty. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. THE sister of a girl slain in the Delphi 'Snapchat murders' says news of a potential breakthrough in the case reopened "old wounds" last week but has also given her hope that police are finally . There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. Read free previews and reviews from booklovers. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. I believe you could be spot on with your main POI. I do not want to see this man or his family harassed in any way. What that has to do with anything is not known. Thats all you can do is refine the theories you have and check stuff off your list with the little info we have been given. May have worked at Tyson Foods slaughterhouse in Logansport, Indiana and sister facility in Waterloo, Iowa in 2011-2012. Theyre not that common. Your critiques are not even making sense. That most likely wouldn't happen without resources like this constantly keeping attention on cases. Yes. Your email address will not be published. Every podcast is all about them! So, DP could be deposed. This week we continue our coverage of this very high profile case. That piece of information being leaked and generally accepted by the public doesnt do a damn thing to preserve the integrity of the investigation.. Apparently he planned this abduction to occur at precisely this time, which is shocking. Why would we do that? Skip- in one of the episodes you dropped DP brothers name Q A quick search shows that he was arrested and faces charges of child moderation charges (at least someone named QP from Delphi). Another document we have is another search warrant, this time for the Maxwell property. They call the guy DP and he is a person who was at the bridge/trails at the time and has been considered an eye witness. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. How do you know that LE has someone they believe is BG? ago. at the car and heads back across the bridge to the car by himself while his cheating girl waits for him on the trails. Hes been on my radar for a long time now. If so, where and when? 2023 CIRCLE CITY BROADCASTING I, LLC. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. Would you please email me? Great job guys presenting this case so well. One person wins and everyone else loses. Thanks again and have a great day. No, he didnt kill his own granddaughter. We have an LE source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just that. Drunkard perhaps. He went away for a bit and came back a while later with proof from LE that some of the things we have been reporting as rumors here are absolute fact. I tend to think its a doll. Theyre Delphi related videos comparing his appearance to BG. Via LE Source A, we have learned that in both crimes: The following are unverified rumors with at least some probability of being true: Indiana LE did not validate the rumors about some aspects of the crime scene such as: This is probably one of the flat-out weirdest aspects of the case of all. Still, we do not support witch hunts here. Thats probably your answer. Give it a rest, dammit! DELPHI, Ind. Hi Robert, can you tell me if FSG and/or his brother were part of the search parties on either day? Makes no sense at all. They have thought they had the right guy several times in the Zodiac case, but all of the suspects fell through. However, smudged prints are of very dubious value. Im just curious what the facts for each side are. I am sure he was asked. The documents state that the wound to one of the girls was so brutal that the blood splatter would have been dramatic, drenching the killers clothes in blood. We now have search party members who saw the crime scene; official case documents; the testimony of Leigh Kerr, a man who claims to have seen official case documents; accurate crime scene photos; and the best LE sources we have ever had. FSG is at the trails every day. Still in Delphi, or on the border of Delphi. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. The accusation is that she knows something or knows way too much and is covering for someone, presumably the killer. @Amber- So the stellar members of LE have RL arrested and sent to jail all the while knowing he couldnt have committed this crime but doing NOTHING to stop the entire community from believing, first, that RL was a main suspect in the case,, and second, believing that he was in jail because he was a suspect! After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. Guilty until proven innocent! And he never meets anyone for any reason. On the other hand, a sample with only nine markers is absolutely not usable in court. Several LE officials have said that Abby had a phone, whether with her or not is not known. I also believe 1) that all of the dolls found there were not put there after the crime but that this was an area that the perpetrator visited often to perform some kind of sadistic acts using the dolls, 2) that he was at that site when he perhaps saw and/or used binoculars to spot the girls on the bridge, 3)went to the bridge and then took the girls to his sadistic-acts place to perform those acts on live persons. Relationship with younger daughter: Excellent, she is very fond of him. *The cops refer to cases of scumbag on scumbag shootings as No humans involved or public service killings. Not say that innocent people are killed and hurt in these cases and in some cases the target themselves is completely innocent. This is at a time when he and his alibi place him out of town in a nearby city. No longer in state. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. I just was curious if DP was posting stuff on social media regarding the killing at one time, what the nature of his posts were. News 8 is not using the names of the three women who openly shared their information. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. We doubt if she did contact his wife. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. I must have the wrong name for your POI? I guess Im not sure when he graduated. Do you feel that the KAK (Anthony_shots) announcement is a red herring or that its linked to the Delphi murders? I think that the killer was very familiar with someone in the family somewhere. His alibi place him out of town in a nearby city that is! Through the old Delphi episodes too with two counts of murder for the 2017 double murder of German... His appearance to BG im just curious what the facts for each are. Le Source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just.! Lack evidence that Mr. Holder had nothing to do this, he uses the knives deer... 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