Creature is being prepared for the next part of the assignment. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to protect a shipment of Butterbeer from thirsty thieves at The Three Broomsticks. The employees of Gringotts are preparing to send Creature home and thank you for their invaluable work. Aurors are finishing up their work and will soon hand Creature off to the Department of Magical Transportation for its return journey. Matthew Jenkins is requesting a Sneaky creature to test the security of their holding cell in Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Addresser is requesting a Flying creature to help inform the Ministry's classification system at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Creature seems content with Addresser and their work on behalf of Gringotts. Addresser is requesting a Harmless creature to entertain a visiting dignitary at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Addresser is requesting a Sneaky creature to help a Curse-Breaker retrieve valuable goods from a cursed tomb at Gringotts. Creature seems content right now. The Magical Creature Reserve is a new area which is separated into 6 unique zones: Grasslands, Forest, Dark Forest, Lake, Rocky Mountains, and Volcanic Pasture. The Ministry is excited to witness Creature perform the final task. Addresser is preparing to send Creature home and thinks it will be a big hit with their readers. Tap the owl and discover which side quest is available. Creature is continuing onto the next task. It wouldn't be surprising if they came up as a core part of a Care for Magical Creatures class and served as some means of fast travel besides things like broomsticks. Creature is finished with its assignment at Potage's Cauldron Shop and will return home soon. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to protect a shipment of Butterbeer from thieves at The Leaky Cauldron. : 408. Creature seems to have taken to The Swedish Dragon Reservation and has made friends with several Dragonologists. Creature is being prepared for next part of the assignment. The Dragonologists report that Creature's measurements are impressive for its type! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Addresser is requesting a Venomous creature to study the effects of venomous creature bites at St Mungo's Dai Llewellyn Ward: Serious Bites. Addresser is requesting a Pest for the 'before' picture of a pest-removal advertisement at The Daily Prophet. However, the name somewhat ironically hints at their weakness: they have an aversion to fire. The Ministry is thankful for Creature's contribution to magical education and is preparing to send it home. Creature is finished with its assignment at Three Broomsticks and will return home soon. Red Notebooks are used to adopt new magical creatures. Addresser thanks you for sending the creature and for aiding the cause of journalism. Year 7. For this quest, you need to adopt a Glow Bug. If Harry Potter's own encounter with them is anything to go off of, they're not to be trifled with. This is a creature-related side quest that will help you improve your friendship with Hagrid. Addresser is requesting a Small creature to take part in a photoshoot of adorable magical creatures at Witch Weekly. Creature Expedition tab in the Q&A spreadsheet shows how much each creature is suited for each possible category. Should they feed it? Magical Menagerie is hosting a special event and would like your permission to feature Creature in promotional material. Check back at your red postbox in the Creature Reserve for any updates. Addresser has arrived at Wands by Gregorovitch. Expend as much energy as possible before leveling up to maximize rewards. Addresser says that they feel lucky to have Creature's help at Three Broomsticks. Addresser is requesting an Avian creature to measure its height and weight for the Ministry's records at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Beyond their attempts at intimidation, they might not be much of a threat in the game, since they seem easy to leave contained in closets. Creature is continuing onto the next task. Addresser says Creature was a natural and will soon be returning home. It's a little hard to know what to expect from the dragons inHogwarts Legacy,since the setting's lore is rich with a wide range of dragon species that Avalanche Software could incorporate. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Madam Puddifoot says that Creature helped love bloom at the Creature Cafe event! Creature's flames were a critical part of the study of magical creature flames! Creature struck a dashing figure trying on creature hats at Gladrags Wizardwear! If Harry Potter's own encounter with them is anything to go off of,. Addresser thanks you for sending Creature and for aiding the cause of journalism. Rewards: 75 Courage, 8 Gems, 1.000 XP, 1 Necklace. Find the Creature Activity in the Side Quest section of the menu. (Explanations are provided by Shawn Etter! Addresser reports being thankful for the help. Creature is hard at work in The Wizarding Wireless Network. Addresser is requesting a Flying creature to study the effects of its bite at St Mungo's Dai Llewellyn Ward: Serious Bites. Interestingly, the game takes place well before Aragog arrived and populated thegrounds of Hogwartswith his kind. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature to protect a shipment of Butterbeer from thirsty thieves at The Three Broomsticks. Addresser reports that Creature has become Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop's unofficial mascot. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to help carry supplies for a group of Dragonologists at The Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Should Addresser start on the next task right away or give Creature a snack break first? The creature used short, usually rude, statements and phrases in an almost constant stream. Guides. Addresser reports being relieved to have Creature's help at Flourish and Blotts. Lvl 2. Addresser is requesting an Equine creature to delight children in and around the hospital at St Mungo's. Addresser has asked if it's all right to pet Creature to thank it for the help. Which magical creature can speak? Addresser is wondering whether Creature should take a nap before its next task. It clearly belongs made with H.R. Takes place during Chapter 10, consisting of 6 stages: Rewards: 50 Empathy, 6 Gems, 1.600 XP. Addresser is requesting a Small creature to entertain children in the visitor's tea room at St Mungo's. This is something of a darker creature that's liable to serve as a significant threat. Addresser is requesting a Small/Harmless creature to entertain customers as part of a 'Creature Cafe' special event at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Creature is hard at work in The Daily Prophet. Rewards: 50 Empathy, 1 Gem, 150 XP. Creature will get a starring radio documentary, 'Our magical Feathered Friends'! Addresser has reported that their work is nearing completion, and they will be sending Creature on its way home shortly. Addresser is requesting a Fiery creature to dispose of unsold copies of The Quibbler at The Quibbler. A Gringotts Curse-breaker is asking for the assistance of Creature in breaking a powerful and mysterious curse. Should Addresser start on the next task right now or give Creature a snack break first? Find the answer to tricky encounter questions like What's in Doxycide, Forgetfulness Potion . Addresser reports that Creature has arrived safely in Knockturn Alley. Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Just Glow With It Side Quest of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Addresser is requesting a Venomous creature to study the effects of venomous creature bites at St Mungo's Dai Llewellyn Ward: Serious Bites. Should appear after completing Part 3/4 of the Story of Chapter 8, consisting only 1 stage: Rewards: 50 Empathy, 2 Gems, 450 XP. Notes taken in Care for Magical Creatures might be lifesavers in this game. RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: 10 Other Movie Universes That Deserve An Open-World Game. Addresser is wondering whether Creature should take a nap before its next task. This article is about the side quests with unlimited time in, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Addresser is requesting a Land creature for a documentary on terrestrial magical creatures at The Wizarding Wireless Network. Ominis twists to face you fully, and grabs the hand lingering between you two for a tender kiss on your knuckles. educational event at The Department of Magical Education. As a Gryffindor, their house talk about beating Slytherin in the upcoming Quidditch game. Zones will become unlocked as new creatures are discovered within them. Addresser is requesting a Fiery creature to melt ice that formed as a result of a out-of-control Freezing Spell at The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to protect a shipment of Butterbeer from thirsty thieves at The Three Broomsticks. Unfortunately for arachnophobes, trolls aren't the only classic fantasy monster that will show up in this game. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature to record its call for the special, 'Honks, Squeals and Roars: The Sounds of Nature' at The Wizarding Wireless Network. Creature has The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Should they feed it? Addresser is requesting a Sneaky creature to test the security of their vaults at Gringotts. Addresser thanks you for sending Creature and for aiding the cause of journalism. Creature's protection of the Butterbeer made it a hero at the Three Broomsticks! Check out our job ad today! Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Themdid more than just launch Newt Scamander into the forefront ofHarry Pottermedia. Ministry officials are preparing Creature for the next part of the assignment. Rewards: 50 Empathy, 8 Gems, 2.000 XP. Habitats The reserve is divided into seven different habitats: Grasslands Forest Dark forest Takes place from Chapter 1 onward, consisting of 6 stages: Rubeus Hagrid asks if the player wants to visit him. Creature is hard at work in Gringotts. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature to guard a dangerous prisoner at The Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Addresser has asked if it's all right to pet Creature to thank it for the help. Creature is nearly finished with its assignment. Creature seems to have taken to The Chinese Dragon Sanctuary and has made friends with several Dragonologists. Considering the Forbidden Forest's reputation, it wouldn't be surprising if there were always wolf-sized spiders lurking out there. The plot details of creature activity in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Creature is hard at work in The Swedish Dragon Reservation. Should they feed it? Addresser is requesting a Small creature to keep unpurchased creatures company as they await new customers at Magical Menagerie. Creature was so adorable that it was the star of the photoshoot for Witch Weekly! For all the tricks that Hogwarts is sure to teach players over the course of the game, trolls are likely to be a regular nemesis to players, soaking up damage while dishing it out. The player will try to convince her otherwise and to put it behind her, but she will force it upon the player anyway. Should Matthew introduce the Minister to Creature? Creature was brilliant at moving cauldrons at Potage's Cauldron Shop! The creature is so well behaved that multiple sources at Witch Weekly have come forward to report being quite impressed. Creature has arrived at the Ministry of Magic and is currently being screened by security guards. The Department of Magical Creature Regulation is finishing up their work with Creature and are preparing to send it home. They tell Ben to find them in the Courtyard later. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. These titans have a gait and posture sort of like a rhinoceros, but they have a vast crown of horns and a mass of tentacles that cover their mouths. Addresser is requesting a Draconic creature for a study on Dragon Pox at St Mungo's. Creature seems content in its work on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. Addresser is requesting a Flying creature to aid in the delivery of the latest issue at The Daily Prophet. Addresser thinks Creature is looking a little hungry. Creature is preparing for the next task at Gringotts. Creature seems content with Addresser and working for Gladrags Wizardwear. Though these slow, hulking creatures might not be the quickest or cleverest enemies inHogwarts Legacy,they are famously durable and usually come equipped with oversized clubs. Addresser wants to see if the creature can perform a simple trick. Addresser is requesting an Aquatic creature to deliver the latest issue to a Merperson in the Black Lake at The Daily Prophet. Addresser is requesting a Draconic creature to temporarily guard an important vault at Gringotts. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. Addresser is requesting a Small creature to provide companionship to recovering patients at St Mungo's Janus Thickey Ward. Creature seems content right now. Addresser is requesting a Large creature to help clear rubble after an unfortunate explosion that, thankfully didn't cause any injuries at The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Creature seems content in its work for The Daily Prophet and is becoming a favourite among the staff. Hello everyone, welcome to Part 3 of our Walkthrough for Magical Creatures Everywhere Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. They seem pretty docile, but considering there's a short of a Hogwarts student feeding a group of mooncalves, players should expect to come across them in the classroom, and perhaps elsewhere too. Addresser is requesting a Fiery creature to help inform the Ministry's classification system at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Creature seems content in its work for The Wizarding Wireless Network and is becoming a favourite among the staff. Based on the trailer, players will have to contest with graphorns at some points, but they can also be tamed or calmed down. Addresser has reported that their work is nearing completion, and they will be sending Creature on its way home shortly. Creature is hard at work at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Creature Activity Guide Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery ! A one-stop shop for all things video games. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to help inform the Ministry's classification system at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Addresser would like permission to feature Creature in exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Addresser is happy to report that Creature has arrived in Diagon Alley and will soon begin the assignment. Last time, you helped retrieve some of the missing creatures, including Puffskeins, Fire Crab, Crups, and Bowtruckles. Addresser is requesting a Strong creature to help transport a printing press to a new facility at The Daily Prophet. Addresser reports being relieved to have Creature's help at Magical Menagerie. Ben finds newfound confidence in flying and thanks the player for their help. Each of these zones is home to unique magical creatures. This unlock a new zone, many new magical creatures to adopt, pet food that can be rewarded after each class, and a new Red Notebook currency. Creature seems content right now. As one would expect, the player is dwarfed by dragons, and they look like they'll serve up some very dramatic battles, perhaps towards the end of the game. For instance, Porlocks live in the Grasslands while Fairies live in the Forest. Hogsmeade is sorry to see Creature leave but thanks you for its help in the assignment. Addresser reports that Creature has become The Three Broomsticks unofficial mascot. Addresser is wondering whether Creature should take a nap before its next task. Addresser is requesting a Venomous creature for a study the effects of venomous creature bites at St Mungo's Dai Llewellyn Ward: Serious Bites. Addresser is requesting a Small creature to see it can become friends with an ornery Hungarian Horntail at The Swedish Dragon Reservation. Creature is continuing onto the next task. Creature is continuing onto the next task. Addresser is requesting a Large creature to test the strength of their latest vault door design at Gringotts. Creature is continuing onto the next task. Addresser is requesting a Sneaky creature to confiscate a cursed Muggle item from a store in London at The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Centaurs are half-human and half-horse highly intelligent creatures talented in healing magic, divination, and astronomy. Creature has arrived at The Three Broomsticks. The Dragonologists could not have completed their expedition without Creature's help! Addresser has reported that their work is nearing completion, and they will be sending the creature on its way home shortly. Addresser is requesting a harmless creature to raise the spirits of Ministry employees at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Addresser is requesting a Sneaky creature to study the magical properties of different wand cores at Ollivanders. Creature seems content right now. Addresser has greeted Creature at the Ministry of Magic. Creature is hard at work in Witch Weekly. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature for a photoshoot to help boost sale figures at Witch Weekly. For more Hogwarts Legacy content, be sure to explore the relevant links below, including our guide on how to launch an enemy into an object, Image Source: Avalanche Software via Twinfinite, How to Flip a Dugbog While Its Waiting to Use Its Sneak Attack in Hogwarts Legacy, All Shiny Beasts & Their Colors in Hogwarts Legacy, How to Get Phoenix Feather in Hogwarts Legacy, How to Fix Take the Biscuit Bug in Hogwarts Legacy, How to Open the Main Gate in Hogwarts Legacy. As for which creature is suitable please check the spreadsheet in the sidebar in 'Creature Expeditions'. Creature is nearly finished with its assignment. Thankfully,Hogwarts Legacylooks like it'll teach players to deal with these creatures as a part of Defense Against The Dark Arts classes. Addresser sends word that Creature has become an unofficial mascot of Diagon Alley shops. Addresser from Witch Weekly reports that Creature is exactly the sort of talent they were hoping for. Takes place in Year 5,[3] consisting of 7 stages: Takes place if "Become an Animagus" achievement is completed, consisting of 7 stages: Snape needs ingredients for Memory Potions and only an Animagus can get them discreetly for him. Addresser would like to take a picture with Creature for posterity. Creature identified several gaps in the security of the vaults at Gringotts! Creature seems content with Addresser and working for Flourish and Blotts. Once there you will be given a selection of different expeditions to choose from. Addresser has given Creature at Flourish and Blotts. Rewards: 200 Courage, 200 Coin, 400 XP. Hogwarts Legacyreleases in 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. Your character will also receive Magizoology experience each time a pet is fed. Addresser is requesting a Harmless creature to participate in 'Creature Hour: Storytime with Magical Creatures' at Flourish and Blotts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione famously had to battle a troll during their very first year at Hogwarts. Creature is preparing for the next task at Gringotts. Addresser has submitted the necessary paperwork to declare Creature's arrival at the Ministry. It is the first game to be released under Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment's Portkey Games label. A goblin sends word that a motion to make Creature an unofficial Gringotts mascot was nearly passed and failed on the narrowest of margins. Each of these zones is home to unique magical creatures. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature to protect a shipment of Butterbeer from thirsty thieves at The Three Broomsticks. Creature seems content right now. Creature is now lifelong friends with the Hungarian Horntail! These mysterious shapeshifters are liable to keep players on their toes. . The player agrees and then they gather at the Training Grounds to duel the Prefect. The Porlock was a magical beast that tended to guard horses, native to England and southern Ireland. The first-years were amazed by Creature's fearsome presence! Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Cheats: Hidden Source Of Energy Locations. Energy Location 1.) Ben agrees to continue helping the player because it will improve his duelling too. Creature won the dragon race! This quest introduces you to special pets, such as Crups and Kneazles. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Addresser would like to take a picture with Creature for posterity. Addresser is requesting a Dangerous creature to help inform the Ministry's classification system at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Addresser has asked if it's all right to pet Creature to thank it for the help. . Addresser is requesting a Flying creature to gather samples of droppings for research purposes at The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Rewards: 20 Courage, 5 Gems, 500 XP. Addresser would like to take a picture with Creature for posterity. Addresser is requesting a Land creature to help guide an expedition gathering magical herbs from a forest at St Mungo's. Creature has gained in popularity among St Mungo's patients and healers alike. The player then thanks Rowan. Currently, I know six ways to obtain free energy points, mentioned below in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery cheats part. You have entered an incorrect email address! In this game, the player creates their own character and takes on the role of a Hogwarts student. For more information, please see our Creature has arrived at The Swedish Dragon Reservation. Those are all the side quests available right now for the Creature Activity Guide! Start the creature activities side quest to start the guide =)Your creature reserve has gained some a. " All-mother, " he whispers. Addresser is requesting a Pest to help pester one of their employees, Griphook, until he finally takes a vacation at Gringotts. The alternative method of getting Creature Food is to simply complete normal classes. Addresser is requesting an Avian/a Strong creature to try on a new line of hats designed for magical creatures at Gladrags Wizardwear. Addresser is requesting a Large creature to help transport a printing press to a new facility at The Daily Prophet. A goblin sends word that a motion to make Creature an official Gringotts mascot was nearly passed and failed only on the narrowest of margins. Addresser is requesting a Small creature to help retrieve a treasure that fell into a narrow crevice at Gringotts. Adresser reports being thankful for the help. The second creature activity asked for a strong animal to model hats. Addresser is wondering whether Creature should take a nap before its next task. 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